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Everything posted by Eastwood22

  1. Just recieved this one, and my man put it on right away. I love it! You know how Luna describes something as an "I am a real grown up lady," scent, or something like that? This is like that, for me, except it's a real grown up man kind of scent. I definately get Mara's 80's reference, it's the kind of scent a man would wear when real dressed up for a special occasion. Like maybe smuggling a couple kilo's of cocaine on one's speed boat on an episode of Miami Vice. The kind of scent a guy I'd have a crazy crush on in high school would wear. I had it boosted with Charisma, which is perfect, as it's a very charismatic man smell. Not a boy smell. I'm terrible at picking out notes and describing them, all I can say it's that it's decadent sexy, clean sexy, green sexy, polished sexy, and "good guy" sexy, all at the same time. Like he's a drug smuggler, sure, but he gives half of his money to the local orphanage and he only has one wife and they've been together forever and he's never cheated, just flirts. He flirts a lot. Even with little old ladies, he loves to make them giggle like schoolgirls.The guy wearing this has NEVER been a shrinking flower, and the girls are on him like bees checking out a half-melted cherry popsicle. The bees know it's not really a flower, that it's not the right fit for them, but they keep hovering around anyway.
  2. My plane just landed. Looks like I'll be up to no good soon enough
  3. Okay, I will! I have L'eau de Orchide, it's lovely. I know I need Sugared Honeycomb, I've gotten impression from reviews that the Honey Fairycake is much lighter in vibe. I didn't know I'd be a Fairycake lover, I think I may have given a bunch of sniffles to my daughter, but I will investigate her stash. Thanks Stacy! I just put some on in the back of the car. First my man said "ummm, you smell good," then his friend said "yum, it smells like yogurt. I like it." Boys are funny.
  4. I know Fracas is Tuberose based, and I know it's one of the very last commercial perfumes I've bought, and I know exactly where it lives in my bathroom cabinet, but I'm pretty sure I only still have it because it has a decadent vibe: I know it's over 15 years old, and I honestly haven't a clue what it smells like: But now that I've been enjoying this Tuberose Fairycake all day, I'll investigate it for sure. I'm pretty sure I don't have a Fracas life, not without the cake chaser. Now, I've really been enjoying this LP Tuberose today. I didn't find it too sheer at all, it suited me really well. From rainy jungle to the lava rocks by the ocean, it kept a good pace all day. I was as rich and decadent as a cakecake that you'd want to eat in the shade, the perfect amount without being too rich or making you feel like a glutinous pig. It held up and morphed over about 13 hours. I now want to try more Fairycakes! Lucky me, I have some on the way, but more foodie ones. Gonna keep an eye out for more flower cupcakes for sure.
  5. Wow, Ivysaur, what a lovely review! I bet someone out there has your bottle. A love affair like that doesn't need to end so soon.
  6. I know this thread is for what we're thinking about ordering, but I try not to place orders while waiting on prior orders. There was a delay on my last one because I requested an invoice but never saw it in my PayPal until I went to PayPal for some trades. I'm excited to get my last LPMP order when I get home- 2 bottles Wicked (thanks Mara!) Love Potion: Summer 2016 Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat 1/6 oz Oatmeal Fairy Cake 1/6 oz Gingerbread Fairy Cake Mike's Havana on Earth BOOSTED WITH CHARISMA I'm sure I'll get the 21 new samples, but also waiting to hear a few reviews, maybe I'll go FB on a thing or two, but I've learned I don't really know what I want until I've smelled it on me. Except the new release that's lavender and milk/cream and yumminess, whichever one that was. I don't know how I feel about cherry yet, but I'm intrigued by a men's cherry. I know I'll at least get my man all the men's samples. I love all the labels. I know there were postcards for the Ivory Cats labels, I wish that we had them for these. Not that I send postcards! There will be a bottle of Teddy Man 2 in my next order, since I made my man give his to my friends husband to calm her down! Or maybe he'll be so stoked on Mike's Havana that he won't care. And it's not like he needs it since I'm not even a teeny tiny bit nuts....
  7. I might try Sparkle and Shine w/Cougar tonight. I'm trying, once more, to see if Cougar makes my man moody or it's just been a coincidence. He's working a show here in Maui tonight, I can always shower it off later if need be. I'll report back. Edit- Cougar effects still TBD. People seemed pretty much the same around me, no noticable pro or con with my man. But I want to say, if anyone's on fence about sampling this, I don't get the dill. I like dill seed, smells different than dill spice, I hate dill the spice. This smells happy and pretty, or rather Sparkly and Shiny.
  8. Wild Side and Risky Business both remind me of the french impressionist painter Henri Rousseau. Those two are my favorites, plus I love the freckles on Juicy Lucy. They're all really beautiful. I really like the vibrant oranges and blues running through them, and the Girl Nip chick is hot! I know exactly how she feels when she smells the nip. For some reason, my mom had hung a poster of this Rousseau painting when I was little, strange for a kid's room, but I really loved it. https://www.wikiart.org/en/henri-rousseau/negro-attacked-by-a-jaguar-1910
  9. I also thank you for this! I have a little flashlight and reading glasses in each of my three perfume boxes.
  10. I'm noticing it's 10 for the men (including unisex), and 11 for the ladies. This makes me happy. I love hoarding on my man's behalf! He has a whole box now! I just asked what he's taking to Hawaii tomorrow, it was so easy for him. Him: Winner, and Totem: Tiger. Me: That's it? Him: You want me to take Dark Desires? Me: Yes. What about Girl Nip? Him: Sure, okay. (Just trying to watch Warriors game and be polite to me simultaneously.) Me: You should take Teddy Man, too. Him: You want me to? Me: Yes. What about the Sand Box? Him: Okay .... Do you need me to bring my whole box? Me: No, don't be silly. I love that he's claimed Totem: Tiger as his own. It really does suit him.
  11. Oh wow, these are beautiful! I need samples of ALL of these!!! I'll be in Hawaii but I bet I won't be too distracted on Monday. ❤️
  12. Eastwood22

    Lala Gulaba

    Beccah, thanks for adding notes. I'm going on a trip and have a million things to do, so in the interest of procrastinating, I'm trying to recreate what Luna has on today. For no real logical reason, other than I hate doing laundry and talking to houssitters and packing and paying bills and blah blah blah. Luna, as far as recreating this goes, Im thinking of Irish Rose, OCCO Black, LP Black, Wicked, Desp & Djinn, Feed the Flowers, Blessing Oil 2015, and/or Ashes to Dust? You don't really need to reply, i just like picking your brain, and it helps me put off packing a little longer. I also need to pick a swimsuit and that will NOT be fun.
  13. I've been told that Halo's Angelique is something I need....
  14. Odalisque is like a gateway drug. There's no turning back for you now.
  15. I don't doubt it. I'm unclear on difference between Teddy BB and Balm Bomb, but scented Balm Bomb and Howl both help me settle myself and the kids, and Teddy Man 2 is good around my house. I should try it on myself sometime. Chamomile just rubs me the wrong way, blue chamomile can make me queasy. I even tried Pillow Stuffing because it gets good reviews but it's just not my cup of chamomile tea. But straight lavender EO has saved lives around me for sure.
  16. I love sprays, but also like option to have bottle of oil and make a little into a spray. I have PCMP in a spray, I think it's best that way since it's such a nice happy fruity perfume. I also like to spray/fog myself in the ones that could potentially calm others down too, like Balm Bomb and Howl, I imagine the Big Easy would be similar. I have the BAM buttercream Peach, love it. I like Stacy's Bang suggestion, I've had really good luck with Bang. Side Note: my PCMP is 1/2 full, my buttercream Peach to label, and camomile just rubs me the wrong way, so my opinions are just opinions, not customer requests, my next order (in my mind) is all heavy desserts and spice.
  17. So, in the interest of my imaginary theme, "What Luna Is Wearing," day 1, how might one imitate this? Leaving TMI out of the equation, which current vanillas and honeys and musks and resins would you choose? OCCO white or Ebilish? Wicked, spontaneous combustion, Sugared amber? Out of this World Musk? Double O? That Kind of Girl? I know it's not possible to actually recreate it but I want to play knock-off science this am.
  18. And another one! I must have this thing!
  19. I'm so glad to hear. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but my man has been working a lot more lately, he's certainly been more busy. Just keep putting it on him, just ask him to humor you. It's not like they're not doing all kinds of shit to humor us everyday, what's one more. Plus I think it makes them feel cared for and loved.
  20. Bisou, I just realized, are you new around these parts? What other phero's have you played with?
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