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Everything posted by Eastwood22

  1. I bet that sweet Moccochino + Mega Watt would be good for all kitchen duties. (My brain quotes lines from Nacho Libre again "You are always saying you need more priestly duties. Well. Here is your big duty.")
  2. Perfect Match is a big hit around here. I wanted my man to wear something with Hunter Trapper tonight, but he reached for Mark's Girl Nip instead. He's a guy who definately craves connection, so it makes sense. I also got him Year One, mostly because it smells amazing, but also for the PM. I think of it as "his phero," but I'm going to see what happens if I wear Allumette tomorrow, if we get same results whichever one of us is wearing it.
  3. Wow. Now, I know I've intended to phero my man, but today and tonight he phero'd me, that rat bastard. I gave him a trial of Seer ages ago, but we were away that weekend with a friend who already talks too much. He said, "Well I'm definitely not wearing this," and I never saw it again. Until he busted it out today, told me it was to make me talk to him, and kept playfully waving it in front of my nose. Honesty, I didn't think much of it, just that he needed some extra attention today. But he reapplied a few times, and then showered and replaced it with Mark's Girl Nip w/ Perfect Match. I've had TMI and True Confessions both give me an almost drunk/giddy kind of feeling, and then the later in the evening PM chaser made me feel as if I was drunk on love. I'd say that True Confessions has a long residual effect. I can't imagine using this "on" someone else without effecting me as well. It really is a type of truth serum, even Steven Segal couldn't fight this one off.
  4. Eastwood22


    OMG. Meant to smell like coffee for my morning class, I smell like booze! Hooray! The yoga teacher is drunk at 8am! With my personality, it's plausible. This will be fun. I'm just gonna go with the boozey-vibe. Not surprisingly, I heavily doused myself, and my skin just drank this up. Equal ratios of coffee and booze, but just hints left 3 hrs later, which is fast for my skin. SO smells wood and coffee liquor. Makes me want to put on my favorite boozey scent, Desperation and Djinn.
  5. Whoa, I've never spilled or leaked a sample before, but last night I decided I was wearing this today. I did notice that it magically smelled like dark coffee in the vial last night, which I was surprised how that could be done with other creamy notes involved. Well, as it leaked into the little ceramic "new samples" dish on my dresser all night, it melded into something beautiful with the other vials and paper labels! I woke up in a good mood and headed straight for my new coffee pot, where thankfully there's a timer and coffee was all ready for me. I think I'll move onto Gloria as my second coffee of choice this am! But I must say, this would be a great wax melt if it wasn't already.
  6. Wet, I get the honeydew first. And then the essense of "blue,' with a bit of cool, watery cucumber. The name makes me think of night, but this is more like seeing the moon rise while you're still on the beach after a long hot day. The air is in the process of cooling down, but not enough to make you want to leave the beach. In the longer drydown, I get powdery softness, it is a comfortable scent, I liked Cheeseburger's "denim" suggestion. Like a big cotton sweatshirt that's been loved for a long time, the size women actually want to wear, although we never buy them for ourselves that big. If you got this on a guy's sweatshirt, he'd never wash it again, because he'd always want to remember how you borrowed his sweatshirt that night at the beach. And how hot you looked in it. He's had a crush on you for years, so loaning you a sweatshirt was kind of a big deal for him. This is a "crush from afar" scent, the woman wearing this is unattainable. More elegant than sexy, I think that's the cucumber talking, it makes it seem "cleaner" than any kind of sex on the beach scent.
  7. Eastwood22


    Okay, I believe you. I'm currently making a list of sorts. But I'm currently not touching the EoW bottle, I'm not sure I can be trusted, "portion control" has never been my thing. I did manage to put some drops in a bottle of Wicked and a few others, but my eyes got big and I love playing scientist and envisioned myself ruining a few bottles, so I'm on a temporary self-imposed ban.
  8. I put a bit of this on this morning, travel shock be damned. I was so impressed, my man said "lavender french toast!" I can't believe he got the lavender so quick. I'm loving this one too. Stacy spoiled me with so much good stuff, not sure what/where to sniff first.
  9. Clearly I've lost my mind as I'm reading thorugh PE's from years ago that are long devoured and/or spilled on sheets that later caught on fire. But I want this one. Sounds perfect in every way.
  10. Just the name of this PE lets me know it was amazing. I'm going to Hawaii in a week and cannot wait for the coconut extravaganza.
  11. Hmmm. Travel shock? Just got this today. I just smell dirt! Resisting urge to wash off, lemme see how it settles and how the LFM works. Four hours later, I am continually huffing my hand. It's interesting but more of a novelty I believe, I can't picture myself reaching for it unless i was in a play or something. Or maybe if two giant demons named Gardeniamantis and the Jasminepus decided they were taking me hostage forever and ever, and they were going to slime me everyday with copious amounts of jasmine and gardenia, maybe I'd be like, "Oh, okay, I'll just grab this Totem: Bat right here."
  12. I have Bosom Bows and ​Themyscira w/ Girl Girl, I think I get some calming/happy selfies from it. I remember driving around with my daughter in the car, huffing my Themyscira wrist, especially since I was not enjoying my other wrist. It put me in a good mood, which put my daughter in a good mood. You reminded me that I wanted to make some of the oil into a spray, maybe i'll wear it to work tonight, too!
  13. Eastwood22


    Yum. I love getting the self-whiffs of yumminess! I just grabbed a random sweater running out the door this am, I have no idea what's on it, since it's on cotton and not me, I really don't know. Kinda cuddly sweet, and Peach, and a little smoky spice. I'd say Honey'd LP but more incense-y. I will keep and eye out for that Empress you mentioned.
  14. Eastwood22


    I looked at this thread because Luna's wearing it today. I can't imagine that I ever would've thout oatmeal would be sexy, and I've seen Oats as a note in some newer scents, I'll keep my eyes opened.
  15. OMGoodness, that's a lot on one plate. I'm sorry that you're going through so much right now.
  16. I'm so happy! I acquired a bottle of LP Rouge in a trade, and we were both concerned that it might not work for me as I am not a fan of LP Red. (Yes, I'm that one person.) I think maybe LP Red shares a note with Blud? But whatever it is, it's not in LP Rouge and I am in heaven! I even forgot that it had LFM in it. It would've been spectacular even without a phero, this might be my new date night perfume.
  17. I now have one with cops and one without, both in oil. I'm considering making the one without cops into a spray, I think it's so lovely that I need to share it, let them smell it without having to sniff me so closely. Edit- wore this morning and night tonight, I love it so much. Spontaneous Combustion literally blooms over time.I forgot the notes, but the cocoa came out a little bit more while I was nonchalantly huffing myself in class. This cocoa bean note really works for me, some chocolate can go wrong, but this with the sandalwood and everything else is just heaven.
  18. I'm excited to see how this goes. My man is also a factual kind of guy, and i know he does all kinds of things to humor me, but he hasn't gone to work without some kind of SWS on for a month now.
  19. I would like to reserve a Mike's Havana boosted with Charisma if no one else is claiming that other bottle.
  20. I think I remember the men/boys that wore the big 80's scents than the scents themselves. I remember one boy in particular who always had a bottle of Brut in his locker, I would've had Opium or Ralph Lauren in mine. Or one other YSL that was maybe in a round shaped bottle? Paris? Yup, that one. There was that yellow one, Georgio?, that all the girls liked, I stuck to my two YSL's, winter and summer. Good times.
  21. Wow. I don't even know what the notes in this one are, but it smelled amazing. Or, rather, my man did during the 2 minutes I got to huff him. Now I'm waiting around for him to come home so I can smell it again. I saw Luna said green fig, I guess the fig I've been avoiding wasn't this one! Or it smells terrible on me and fantastic on him. I want to play in the Sand Box, very nice in there.
  22. Sounds lovely. If I didn't have so much to play with right now, this would be the one I'd covet.
  23. I'm intrigued, yet afraid. Most very-green stuff is a bad time for me. But, of course, I loved Paco Rabanne in the 80's, is this anything like that? It was heavy green, but sexy.
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