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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. I keep checking every time I take a break at work or go pee. 🤭 which makes no sense because I can't afford to buy anything until later in the month anyway 🤣
  2. Artemis


    Nearly 10 years later this still smells amazing. I can't believe it still is so strong! I got this from Kayla. Thanks girl I love it!!!
  3. Yay!!! I've been stalking the forums waiting for these 😊
  4. Yeah I don't think he knows knows, and honestly I don't think he would mind if he did. It just would be kind of embarrassing. I started off using pheros to grab his attention, but now I keep using them for the selfies. If you Google pheromones you get all sorts of science and news websites that say the effects we get are impossible. I feel like it's a secret they work. 😁 So the fact he was so dead on just startled me. And further proves that their effect isn't in my head.
  5. Wore this yesterday to work with some extra cops. This blend energized me! I may have ventured into OD land because I was so hot at work for the first half of my day. Everyone got along well and it turned me into Mrs bossy pants. Which is perfect since I am the boss. 😎 When I got home from work 12 hours later my man was all over me!
  6. So I have been phero bombing my man for well over a year now. He doesn't know I use pheros. Yesterday I wore unscented Audacious for the first time. The only other time I wore this was is crystal currents and he didn't like the smell. This time I layered it with some cops and his favorite LP on me. We were sitting on the couch and he was being very grabby with me and making sexual comments. This went on for a while and we were flirting back and forth. Finally I asked him, "What is going on with you!!" And he thought about it for a few seconds and blurted out one word. He said, "Pheromones!" Inside I was dying. Omg did he find out my secret??? I tried to be casual about it. I laughed and asked him why he said that. He was kind of sheepish and said, "I don't know. You must be making pheromones right now that are making me horny." WHAT!!!!!! Omg lol Over the last year he must have been wondering why sometimes he gets so horny around me. Finally he has revealed his most logical explanation. I cannot believe that he figured it out. Any of you guys get busted before? 😳
  7. Artemis


    So my man is not a huge fan of perfumes. It probably doesn't help that I'm always shoving something in his face asking him what he thinks. 😂 I had a sample of this I never sniffed. Not sure how that happened lol but it did. So when I smelled it he was sitting right next to me. I was in heaven! I shoved it under he nose and he looked at me with wide eyes. "What is that?!?" I told him I wasn't sure, I just found it. He said, "If you smelled like that I would eat you!" So obviously I had to get a full bottle. 😁 It's bright fresh juicy peach. When I'm wearing it I can feel peach juice running down my chin. This is such an upbeat happy perfume. I adore it. ❤️
  8. Artemis

    Blanco Crema

    When I first tried this it was all cream with a whisper of floral. It was more foody then anything. The scent didn't last very long either. I liked it enough I wore it twice more and it was about the same. I just slathered myself before bed with this along with some unscented Savage Beast. To my great surprise I literally started choking on the most lovely THICK cloud of creamy floral bliss. Magnolia dominates this now, but the cream lifts it up. It is so unique. Now, would I have slathered had I known? No way. The potency has increased 10 fold. But that is a good thing! I like when I only need a little dab. This is already lasting longer than before. I can't bear to waste it by washing some off. I'm laying in bed with, my comforter pulled up to my chin, literally trying to cover it up. I cannot get over how intense it became. It makes me want to try my entire stash again to see what's changed. I bought a whole bottle before I knew what it had become. I've been kind of on the fence about it. This really pushed me over the edge and now I feel so happy that I'll have an entire bottle. @RosesArePink I wonder what it'd be like for you now? Just curious 😊
  9. In the description for leather it says it's safe to apply anywhere on your body hair or clothes. ❤️ As far as you coming off too bossy... That just depends on your man. Different people react differently to all pheros I've found. Oh shoot I just realized panache doesn't just have leather it has cops. I would stay away from the hair.
  10. Me four!!! Lol I was so excited because it wasn't even supposed to be here until Monday. I was waiting by the door when the poor postman came by my house. No way I was going to let him deliver to the wrong house!!! 🤣
  11. I can't compare it to heart and soul. To me it's different than BAM. It's not super sexual (on me). It's more like perfect match. It really gets people to open up to you and they look at you with shiny eyes. Like you're really special. And they talk about their feelings in depth, even if they normally aren't so open. And yeah that can't definitely lead to some amazing sex but it doesn't always have to. Also oil last longer and works great for me but if you're in a cold climate I would get the spray for sure.
  12. Oops I forgot to review in my post and it won't let me edit because of the sale. I love this scent so much. It's just so down to earth. The pear and hay go so well together and it's a very refreshing scent. It makes me think about me as a kid sipping hot cider on a hay ride in the fall.
  13. That's interesting about your guys' partners. My man starts calling me mom (not in a weird way, more playful) and acting like a sheepish little boy when I wear MLH and he is normally very alpha. I find it so funny when he calls me mom because it's so spot on for the phero I'm wearing.
  14. I wore Raspberry Chiffon today with a spritz of topper over it. Man, I hadn't realized just how yummy this is until I wore it-wore it today. Delicious raspberry (very subtly citrus) cupcakes dripping with gooey frosting. And yet, it still felt very grown up. I suppose the amber gives it a more sophisticated feel.
  15. Hmmm.... If I wanted to use hazelnut this would be my recipe. Vanilla Sandalwood Hazelnut Cream Pachouli Honey
  16. I am sooo freaking excited!!! Yay!!!! My invoice is paid and my treasures will be here soon 🥰 Since this is our last chance to buy stuff before the prices go up I was so bad and stocked up on so many unscented pheros. Now I have full bottles of most of the unscented pheros. I got full bottles of mother's little helper, charisma for women, mega Watt, gotcha and sheer Essence. I got pherotines of TMI and savage Beast. And then a ton of scented samples and full bottles of some freebies I love! Mommy's Little Monster is so good. The pear and hay is amazing and I've been wanting to buy a bottle forever. ❤️ Beflower is amazing too. I'm just so excited. Happy sale everyone!!!
  17. My man says this smells like head shop and honeysuckle. I smell the honeysuckle. A lot of these reviews talk about how intense this scent is. I know it's not just me being nose blind because my man said this unprompted. It's very subtle. Maybe this is just because it has had a chance to age. I used one generous swipe in the crooks of my elbows and one generous swipe down my chest. I brought a sample of this before I knew about the sale. It's good enough it was first on my list.
  18. I'm debating too. The almond and black raspberry makes it really interesting. For me it almost smells a little boozy in a good way. I have Odalisque 2021 and everyone loves it. It's getting a little low. I think I actually like this one more so I'm not sure what the debate is! There are just so many wonderful scents I want and never enough money!
  19. I love this scent so much. And the name is perfect! I think the apple is the star but isn't forward at all.I don't wear dominance usually. I go for sws or lfn and even bi for work. This scent is so wonderful that I started wearing it to work. It works.for most but be warned. People with very soft personalities WILL CRY if you get on them about their performance while wearing this. There is this guy who works on my shift that is constantly making mistakes. Whenever I am wearing this and get on him about his mistakes he shuts down and goes to the bathroom to cry. He even called off the other day because I sent him an email (who I cc'd to our boss) that was just stating his mistakes and why he cannot be making them. Then another one of my guys got really upset because I threw my hands up and said, "are you kidding me?!" When he told me guy number one was somewhere trying to make repairs to something he damaged. Bottom line. Dominance can and will make some boys cry. 🙄
  20. Next time this happens you could try LFN. Whenever I feel this way it always helps so much. It makes me less emotional and gives me tons of energy.
  21. Hey Eve, there's an unscented pherotine of savage beast for sale right now. It's on my wishlist. 😊 https://lovepotionperfume.com/products/pherotine-savage-beast-for-everyone-pheromone-blend?_pos=1&_sid=c2187b03b&_ss=r
  22. This is wonderful! It smells like the ingredient list. I can smell them all individually and they blend really well. The wintergreen is very natural. When this first came out I wanted to buy a sample but didn't get around to it until now. Based off the two above reviews I decided to just go full bottle. I'm so glad I did! I got it in a spray because I planned to spray my whole body right out of the shower. The scent is light after dry down but pretty potent at first. It lasted the whole day with just 2 sprays. I would say this scent leans toward the masculine just a tad. If you like tomboy or nature scents I would recommend. Megawatt is a phero blend I enjoy using and yet I don't reach for it very often. I get a better energy boost with other blends but I still enjoy it. I was happy woodland forest is boosted with it. It fits this scent well since the wintergreen and mint make it invigorating on it's own.
  23. Ok so I work with almost all men. I'm wondering if I were around more woman I would have had different results. I've been testing this out and so far no selfies, no hits. I get results with la femme noire and swimming with sharks. The guys seem to love BI but I recently got promoted so I've been wearing a lot less of that. I think so far it's been a giant miss with QB. I'll probably test it out more in a few weeks and see if maybe it's a cycle thing.. I'll report back.
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