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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Hmm cops have a 'cougar' effect on their own. Maybe you should just try the 'Lace' over the cops? TT responds horribly to most of my blends, but I get good results from Lace with him.
  2. Hmm I've tried mixing PP & Cougar, which wasn't a good combo for me. Do you get good results from them seperately? I would say in that case, if it aint broke....
  3. OMG this thread has provided me with @ least 5 days worth of laughter!! @Tyvvey & Luna: I'll admit it, I've used the pheros to score free drinks @ the bar. I am only human & I do like having extra money in the wallet, bwahaha! Should I be wearing 'Sinful Indulgences' the days after I go out..LOL?
  4. Exactly, we've all seen the friendships that center around the other friend 'basking in the glow'. If you want to be nasty you could put it as the lower ranking pups in the pack scarfing the scraps that the alpha refused...
  5. I've seen this on the Discovery Channel, the male often becomes enraged & lashes out when the mating ritual is interrupted.........
  6. Desperate women will believe the various tales that horny men tell......
  7. Hmm well it might not have been as much she was stealing your hits. You see this in nonphero situations also. Guys will come talk to a group of ladies even if they only find one attractive. When the one they were intially attracted to isn't interested, they don't stop feeling 'amorous'. So they go for the fish that's biting their lines. So basically they were first interested in you, but when you didn't bite. They went for the 'sure thing'.
  8. So happy for you!! I'm glad it's almost over for you PM Do you want to participate in the group blessing I'm organizing for tomorrow night?
  9. I lurves Cougar, but I have a ton of it. I noticed a 'happy juice' effect with my C/E sample. So I'm predicting an amplification of this effect when I pair it with the grapefruit.
  10. 'Adrienne imagined a lovely combination: the sparkle of pink and ruby red grapefruit made shimmering with pink sugar and sugar cane meets sensuous creamy ylang ylang EO upon a smooth powdery base of white amber and musk dusted with powdered sugar and layered with subtle hints of dark amber.' Are the musks & ambers what bring it to a more full bodied version? Gah I can't wait to try this incarnation!
  11. Beccah

    Top Five

    As of right now with school: 1.Road Opener 2.Jinx No More 3.Sweet Revenge+OW 4.La Vie De Boheme 5.LP O+OW
  12. Alright here we go ladies, I thought about it & LAM is a perfect match for Tangy Ylang. After all what says 'youthful femininity' like grapefruit, alpha androstanol, & cops ? So here's my order:1.Spell Potion: Jinx No More, 2.Effervescence, 3.Money Honey, 4.Monthly TRIAL SIZE Collection, 5.Active Forum Member Monthly Freebie Choices, Beccah1, Dad for Men, Unisexy, 6.Add Pheromones to any Love PotionĀ® Fragrance,Add Pheromones only, Phero Blend:Magnet formula (Unscented AlphaNol+Cops - 4 women), Please split this between my Tangy Ylang beta & roll on, Tangy Ylang, 7.BETA TEST: LP Perfume Spray - 1 fl.oz., Tangy Ylang So excited
  13. Hmm thanks for the input Tyvey ....going from the cue of 'Cop A Pear', & that this version of Tangy Yang is more full bodied, I'm going to give the LAM boost a shot. It'll be @ half strength (splitting it between the rollon & beta), & I'm really hoping that I get the same 'happy juice' effect as with C/E.
  14. Aww I almost forget...Prayers & good wishes sent your way Mara
  15. Adorable...hmm, heard that evil also wears the face of innocence......
  16. Couldn't find it, but I got your response. Many thanks to you dearest Alright I see no one has any thoughts..now the FaceBooking begins, lol.
  17. Hmm, I'm really struggling on deciding which one to amp my Tangy Ylang beta & rollon that I plan on ordering. I like Cougar, but I do have quite a bit of it. Lost my full bottle of LAM, & I'm thinking that splitting my boost between the rollon & spray will have a sexy & happy effect similiar to C/E. I do get the best self effects from the lesser concentrated spray form of LAM. Anyone else's thought's ?
  18. Hmm...I've heard it said that the face of evil is beautiful, lol.
  19. Aww you see this isn't quite a new release month for us. It's more like a reunion with a long lost favorite you never thought you'd see again month....A very special month for those of us that hoard shamelessly.
  20. My name is Beccah & I'm an LP junkee, it's nice to see you here JOC...Bwahaha!
  21. Gonna be a good girl & wait till I can order everything
  22. Hmm thinking Tangy Ylang beta & oil bottle with a Cougar boost split between them. Or LAM....or O/W.... & a bottle of Money honey ( to replace my much bemoaned loss)
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