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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah

    A newb here!

    Welcome & enjoy your vacay I'm jumping back into school after 12 yrs. on the summer session .... Just felt compelled to, lol. Next year I'll get to take the summer off I actually dropped out of school @ 16, got my G.E.D & enrolled in college @ 17. I just never went, because being a new mom(@17) was way too overwhelming for me.
  2. I have to agree, I have the best results with the enhanced scents.
  3. Congrats Tyvey lovely Hmm Synch came back sans pheros, but Mara's Rocket Fuel denotes that it's turbo charged. Methinks it's coming back boosted with the 'Sex Bomb' mix.....but IDK if that was delegated to Dianne ..?? So if that's the case then sex bomb can't be it, unless Dianne, Mara, & Ail collaberated. Ahhh, but Sex Bomb seems the easiest conclusion to which I could jump, lol. Good night, dear lady Ail.
  4. Ok I know it's the PMS blend, because it was stated somewherez that the blend had been pushed back till 2010 (last year) due to supplier being swamped issues. So it's not being called Happy Sauce For The Dragon, huh ? Happy Sauce For The Hormonally Homicidal then??? I still like the ring of 'Dragon Slayer' blend *pouts slightly* , but then that would image us poor pms victims as the dragons,lol. ETA: Nice diversion from the topic @ hand, but my daddy always said I have a onetrack mind. So do you input on the perfume blends Ail? Or more for the phero blends because I'm going to guess that maybe the MRF blend is coming back with a pretty good replacement for SS4W. Not that I expect answers, that would spoil the surprise LOL.
  5. Beccah

    Black Candy

    That's pretty cool to get a review from the XY set on a 'female' scent ..although I don't think most of these here should be termed 'strictly' for one gender. The only reason I couldn't like this is because of the anise...I can sense anise in most things. Can't drink Jager either,lol.
  6. OMG Ail what've got in store ????? P.S. I'm glad you're feeling well enough to taunt us
  7. I live in the 5th growing zone (midMO), so I like to have both the oil & the spray form. Although in the summer I don't much need the spray, lol. It's nice to have the quick shot option for odorific situations (most activities here involve bars). Nice avi Lynne
  8. Eek, cross your fingers I get government job after graduation ladies. Imagine, decent pay & the ability to relocate w/out ever having to take a pay cut It would nice if there were a whole continent between the MIL & I..... Ok back to reality, I'm thinking an OW boosted bottle of TOH in addition to the Animism boosted bottle of Elementary. ETA: That sucks (Shelly) Honey B ! I'll think I'll hold off untill I see what your releasing, in the spirit of helping a fellow sister out of course..lol.
  9. Just a word of advice, if there's a phero blend on a sales thread. It's not going to be there next month (in all likelihood). Well it may be, if your lucky.........
  10. Finally got to dab this on TT & he smelled wonderful. If he's a good boy, he may get a beta spray amped with animism....
  11. C'mon over, which would you prefer Cab. or a dirty martini...
  12. Thanks TG, can't decide what to get. Isaiah's advice : "Just get everything Mom." Best advice ever!
  13. I actualy came to relay what shows are on the chopping block, but I'm going to reward myself for ignoring MIL's negativity.....
  14. Ahh yes sadly TT's chemistry massacred this one
  15. Beccah


    The more I wear this, the more the honey in it has a 'dirty' quality. Like dirty skin musk....or something else
  16. Some sweet notes can be cloying, I find mango to be without a citrus buffer.
  17. Tht's not necessarily true....my husband was a bodybuilder (before we got married), he went thru a strict phase (no sugar, no alcohol) for about the first 6 months of our marriage. When he was fitness model material, he always told me he prefered 'soft women'. As in the Marylin body type
  18. Aren't cops offensive to gay men?
  19. Yes well I have as long as I have buckets to put my trial vials in, & dresser drawers for my bottles then I will not admit to having a problem. I'm really excited about getting an OW boosted bottle of Sweet Revenge, got the TT a bottle of Woodland Man & the monthly sampler. I do have to say Office has helped me organize my collection. Now I just need to get a samples list made up, so I can keep track of the full bottles to place orders for.....
  20. Well as I said...no more buying holy water for M&D. I will gladly send you some free of charge,lol.
  21. No the church doesn't sell it...but it's not hard to get. People will just give it to you if you ask, or it can be gotten online. The church will also give it to you, if you ask.
  22. Yup....& palm ash. Maybe I'll just dab my forehead with this, next ash Wednesday!
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