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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. You know y'all could probably have a rebrew PE done. When the last few bottles are slathered out of existance
  2. I agree the LAM blends are a must have for the arsenal I noticed my self effects are phenom in the C/E form. Leading me to believe that these are a red alert must have in the beta sprays!
  3. Alright I'm considering boosting a bottle of LP Silver with this. TT responds horribly to Est. (accept the Lace blend, which gives me a headache). I'm thinking TH is the answer, anyone else?
  4. Yep even TT said 'You smell like candy.' Which is noteworthy, as he normally says " I've smelled that before", or even says "That's the same one as _, they just put it in a different bottle." I'd like to rake thru his cologne drawer one of these days, put each one under his nose & say "Can you tell me the difference between these? When clothing designer's copy each other, or use the same manufacturer & slap their individual labels on it.That's called commercial, i.e. generic. When a single perfumer favors notes, that's called a s-i-g-n-a-t-u-r-e!"
  5. I do have paypal. I have the nice bottles like M&D use, it'll come to $35 for a 1/2 oz. Why don't I place the order & email you the receipt? I'll probably place it tonight or tomorrow. My email's on my profile.
  6. Well apparently male cops like G2 also. I was late for my facial (my 3 yr.old wouldn't let me out the door), so I was speeding. Got pulled over ( I was also covered in my G2 boosted Pink), anyway I got off with a warning. & ended up having to reschedule the apptmnt., of course I did fib & say I was late for a Dr. apptmnt,lol. There is a plastic surgeon on staff, so it was a white lie, right?
  7. K, I haven't done a bottle splits before..but I do have a new 1/2 oz bottle sitting around. So do you want me to order it, split it & send it your way? Don't worry about the postage if we do it that way, I wanted to offer a bottle split on a beta spray to give someone a chance to try out a boosted beta spray
  8. A perfume beta spray is 33% perfume oil, or 2/3rds alcohol if you will.
  9. Well I have plenty of Heart & Soul ( I do love that one).....I think I want to get a beta spray of LP Original boosted with OW. Anyone want to do a bottle split?
  10. Trying to decide which one to order as a boosted LP Original beta spray. So I trolled thru the phero reviews for info on Open Windows, but I couldn't find any. Please vote & help a sistah out Well I see my attempt @ created poll flat lined, lol.
  11. Got a story for y'all. K so my three yr.old had remarked one day while I was putting on clothes after a shower( he likes to barge in our room). That he could see my 'penis', LOL. He couldn't see anything of course. So I explained that mommy & other girls have vaginas & that daddy , him, & other boys have penises. Anyway, I was getting ready after a shower & I slathered on some of my dangerous games sample. My 11 yr.old catches wind of me & says "mom you smell good, like raspberries." Then my 3 yr.old chimes in "Yeah mommy your pajina mells like raspberries". Of course he has no idea what a pajina actually is, or how funny that sounds, bwahaha....Anyway, I guess this one is mom tested, kid approved!
  12. Haha yes they were very generous, sweety. Cuz this is one you'd have to pry from my cold......kidding Maybe Dianne can come up with a replacement for pop. for us & we can get a rebrew?
  13. I hope it gets there for you too. That C/E is pure happy juice,lol.
  14. So I tried this one today, had it n my snffees & I really liked it. It reminds me of Love's Baby Soft, I think the white musk goes to powder on me, but I like it & so does TT
  15. Second that Dr.Kill-joy sentiment, or as I prefer to call mine Prof.Fun Hater. TT says that about all my perfumes,lol. I wasn't going to try this one yet. Considering I dropped my glass vial on my stone tile bathroom floor, I didn't have much choice today. I usually equate cocoa notes with Tootsie Pop, after about ten minutes the fragrance went to Red Hot goodness. My whole bathroom will smell like this until I get the vial used up, as I broke the lid off. Which is good because I really like this one
  16. Beccah

    Mellonia's Secret

    Hmm..this one amped with LAM, or shall I wait on that Sex Bomb mix?
  17. Love my Red, it'll have to be pried from my cold......well you get the picture,lol.
  18. It does have a nice smell in the vial,& I can detect the cops. I'm leary of trying this one on, as more of an androstenal type
  19. First of all, yay!! Y'all got your own spot now. I felt so bad for the XY's when I was trying to find an Elementary thread, that I thought it must be heck trying to find some of the threads for the guys. Well anyway, I recieved the rebrew in my monthly sampler. I haven't slathered TT yet, but in the vial..Me likey I love the leather & tobacco notes & this has a classic sophistication to it. I can't wait to ambush my beloved with the vial, hehe.
  20. Yay, but now I'm still stuck on my earlier idea
  21. Is GGG now? Hmmm....how about Magnet boosted LP Original beta spray. Or would that be mercilessly unfair to the males that cross your path?
  22. Seconding premixed blends first. Most blends will feature one phero a little more & if you like it & know which one it is. Then you can try it on it's own.....Some men react poorly to Est., so I'd wait on hitting him with that one, untill after you try an Est. heavy blend.
  23. Hmm, I didn't get that much cake. I would have to say it's a semi-dry floral on me. I bet dandelion wine would smell this way, not that I get any dandelion. I just think they'd have a similiar feel.
  24. Beccah

    Plum Exotique

    I do feel like this one is the 'star of the show' this month I don't think I've ever smelled plum done like this before! The plum really stands out, without going 'christmas-y' or getting steered toward 'oriental'. I'm impressed!
  25. Beccah

    3 of Pears

    Well this one is nice...personally being a pear ho. I didn't feel it delivered on all the pear goodness I was expecting, but if I ignore the name & just take the scent for what it is...It's still very beautifully crafted & smells wonderfull.
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