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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Oh I got mah order today...but I was too busy licking myself silly too review!!
  2. Just tried my sample yesterday & WAAA I missed the boat! I actually got a free scone @ Panara, lol. Anyway the scent is just very clean & classic on me. It has the same fragrance vibe as the perfumes my mom used to wear ( doesn't smell perfumey, but you know how perfumes just used to be 'classy'..) Maybe there's a bottle hidden in someone's stash they'd be willing to part with? All I know is this works wonders on TT & I'm test running it on the MIL tonight.
  3. Got my notice already DYAM, y'all are fast these days!
  4. I have P&D boosted with Leather +Cops. It's hard for me to own the Leather, because the combo I have makes me feel like I'm walking around in public naked, lol. Definitely a bom-chik-i-wawa combo for me! Maybe if I tried it in something else ? IDK ?
  5. I love my Magnet boosted Tangy Ylang. The scent + the pheros is just pure happy for me! I loved my sandalwood & resins LAM & I loved the CE sample I got, but adding grapefruit to the blend just takes it to another level altogether
  6. Oh the patience will come...after you have a drawer full of LPs! Bahahaha!
  7. That sounds lovely! Hmm you can get ingredients @ www.snowdriftfarm.com I do love the blends Mara makes here so much though! Mainly I just used to get the Artisans alcohol from there, because I get like 'Veruca Salt' wanting my perfume sprays, lol.
  8. Welcome...hmm maybe you should get the OCCO sampler pack to get a feel for which scents best disguise cops. In the meantime, I find fruit, & resins work well. I'm not a big honey fan ( unless it's a teensy bit in a sweet blend ), so I can't say. I got my Tangy Ylang boosted with Like A Magnet ( @ 1/2 strength granted ), but the grapefruit has really taken the cops well!
  9. Sending my blessings to you dear Mara before your trip!
  10. C'mon everyone let's all slather ourselves in MR & the computers too...Well in a perfect world that would be the solution!
  11. I'm just glad you made it, & you're the creative genius so I'm sure whatever notes used make it another masterpiece
  12. You made my Sarasvati LP, yay! I can't wait to see the notes
  13. Well I received my order on Friday & there were 2 very generous & thoughtful gifts in there! Oh my! Isaiah was very excited about his wand & he has stashed it quite carefully to prevent any confiscation, lol. I instructed him to keep it just for himself, because he probably didn't want a bunch of other people's vibes mucking up his wand. Just bless you Mara! The fluorite wand you selected for me is very pretty & I started & completed my research paper within a few hours after handling this wand. I felt very centered & sifted thru the info I needed fairly easily. The amethyst wand is beautiful & well crafted also. I'm @ the point where I've decided that I deserve space in the house to connect with my spirituality ( at least as much space as his gym habit gets!). So I told him about my decision to follow my own path again. I'm not hiding any of my trappings anymore either. I was really excited about these wands so I showed them to him & he liked them! He was especially drawn to the amethyst one & was putting the handle across his third eye chakra ( he's clueless about any of it, so I was impressed). My first instinct was that I didn't want him mucking up my wand with negative energy, but then I thought he must be drawn to the positive energy you have poured into these hand making them, so I let him be about it. After he was done, he told me he felt 'better' & he's been nicer. I just want to add that I didn't tell him to use the handle, he did that instinctively. I really recommend that anyone who's ever perused thru the wands, should click the order button because they are beautiful & well made. So thank you again ~Be blessed, Beccah~
  14. Yep I've been told of the a$$ & cheese smells by TT, but he likes them ( he likes Jouir De ).
  15. Hehe.... @ Luna Naughty corner for you my deary...
  16. Got my notice yesterday, you guys are cooking with gasoline these days, lol!
  17. Beccah

    Shen Tao

    Hmm maybe I'll get brave& do a tiny swipe....
  18. Time to have that conversation with TT.....but I need him to make with the pretty's also, lol. You have great insights Luna!
  19. I'll take Halo's order...is too yummy too pass up! Is there any way we could just 'gift' the money to LP via paypal to save you getting dinged on fees?
  20. IDK, but I was able to entice my 3 yr.old ( who was adamantly against taking a bath @ that moment ) into getting in shower. He saw how messy I was from the scrub & decided he would like to be messy too! He also said it smelled like 'yummy chocolate' in there, either way he ended up all clean in the end.
  21. Sorry, I misunderstood & thought she redesigned it. I like them both, but I think Down,Girl! is better for work. I always have a great time when I wear G2, but it makes me a tad more relaxed than I'd like to be @ work + the last thing I want is my boss hanging around me anymore than necessary bwahaha!
  22. Dianne designed this one, I personally prefer her Down,Girl! for her formula now that I've tried both as I've noticed that I also tend to 'spill the beans' with G2 also. I like to wear G2 around my best friend or maybe out to the bar with my GFs.
  23. @ Pony & PGL I always get 'Ive smelled that before' I hardly ever get told how great I smell
  24. Yep I was very squicked out when I got a hit from the 14 yr.old @ the back to school fair!( Tournesol ). Lock up your mones PGL, after all I remember being 17, LOL....
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