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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Yeah, it was a good combo, but I should have left out the cops. I was giving mixed signals, he was giving mixed signals (i.e. just let me bang you, but I promise I'm not going hit & quit). I thought about it, & we made out a little with some over the jeans action, but he seemed kind of big & I don't want to stretch out my vag for someone I probably won't see again. No biggie, I'm getting practice on what to do & what not to do, so the evening was a win/win for me. Practice & I got free shrimp & to see the new Will Smith movie. Lol.
  2. WOO, mother-flipping, HOO! I like the direction your dirty mind is taking this date, LOL! Maybe I should grab one of my fancy condoms, just in case, haha. Ok, so I wanted to test out One True Love, & Sneaky Clean doesn't seem congruent with the fruit, so I'm doing a spray of Levitation potion. I also added a smidge of cops.
  3. Hmm, I would totally advise somebody else to go with PM, but I like this suggestion. He's actually a reservist that lives MD, who only came up to Ft. Wood for training. Yes, we're entirely feeling each other out at this point. I'm actually really glad that he lives far, far away because I'm viewing this as practice, lol. Plus, I'm open to moving if anything serious comes of it
  4. I need help, it's been like 11 years since I've been on an actual date. I'm doing a practice run with an out of towner & I'm really not sure what pheromone signature I want to put out there....he's 4 years younger (I seem to be attracting men in the 29-30 range). So Idk, I don't really want to hit him w/ Cougar. Maybe SS4W?
  5. Haha, Bang that LP Red I haven't gotten animalistic knee jerk responses out of men from wearing Bang, they've just been like super, super, super nice to me. Plus you already know that's a winning combo. Either way, good luck!
  6. See above edit, but yeah pretty much what Halo said. Personally I find with cops, they tend to linger on the skin & if I have a day where I have to skip a shower & I've worn them, I'll be getting hits the next day & be like ''the hell?' until I remember I didn't wash them off, lol. Just something to keep in mind. ETA: Hmm, keep making errors on the iPad, time to switch to my laptop, lol.
  7. You can definitely ghost with cops. I was decanting a bottle of LP Red a few years back, & I didn't want to waste that last little bits in the bottle / pipette, which turned out to be a WHOLE lot when I applied it to my skin, then I went to Walmart... People were either staring at me uncomprehendingly or acting like I didn't exist. It was a surreal experience that I would not care to repeat. Have you tried Sugared Vanilla or Cream, maybe those will give you the scent you're looking for? ETA: Sorry! It was OCCO Red, doh!
  8. Aww shucks! Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty more paperwork..... so now you know for in the future
  9. Just to add my experience, in dealing with bureaucracy at places like women's shelters & etc., I'll also rub my applications with whatever scent I'm using to gain an advantage. I feel like it helps
  10. The original pheromones designed for same sex attraction were Boy/Boy & Girl/Girl. The pheromone designer that Mara originally worked with dissolved that business, so LP found a different designer for the formulas that were lost with the company(but this time kept the recipes); this is how we ended up with G2 & B2. Teddy BB was also a remix of Boy/Boy. It's awesome that Mara has gotten to be a pheromone expert in her own right AND has given us the Mad Scientist option, so we'll never have to mourn the loss of a favorite blend again, lol. But, yes, you're correct B2.2 is geared for male to male romance.
  11. @HappyGoSkillfully I wasn't making judgements on someone that I don't know. I was just trying to help a sistah out. I know what it's like to deal with superficial, judgemental, people because at 5 ft tall I somehow attract giants (well to me, anyway) & have received a lot of "short woman stealing the tall guy" hate, lol. Or judgement from the men that only date model, i.e. tall women, types. But yes, I guess it's easy to misinterpret & not understand where people are coming from over the internet, when you can't hear people's voices or actually know them, to know where the advice comes from.
  12. I just saw this, how funny! Welcome to the forum
  13. Aww, shucks, well that's no good! Yeah, I don't think there's an in between with Aja, it either REALLY works for you, or it doesn't. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure there's plenty of other things that will trip your trigger. Did you try Honey Whip from the July 2014 collection?
  14. That's actually genius. I also think it was Halo that had said something about washing off the pheromones if you OD on them. Maybe this would be a great way to test out a blend before putting it on your skin, also.
  15. I suggested Pop because models are like "unattainable" hot, to me Pop is like hands off hot, & I think a man that strictly dates models will only be impressed with someone that he views as inaccessible to himself. LFM or SS4W might have the same vibe, I think Cougar is more of a sparkly, in your face, kind of hot. Or better yet. Just go with what normally works for you, if it aint broke....
  16. I have to second Halo. Maybe offer up a suggestion for Popularity Potion, because it sounds like you need to be hot in a hands off way with Plonk. Try some Star Power, baby!
  17. Got the samplers today, & yes the green bags are just beautiful. I love the parchment wrapped with the green rose, I didn't want to ruin the prettiness of it, but I had to open it up & take a look! I have to say I'm fairly impressed with our resident label artist's skills. The labels almost have a Steam Punk- Alchemy look to them, very cool!
  18. Lol, I was going to say that LFN is more mysterious, while Leather is more blatantly "take charge."
  19. DPG is the carrier for the dropper bottles. I can't see that being the cause if you're ok with the non-phero LPs (in the same base).
  20. I use about 5 drops on the small dropper bottles, & I'm usually judicious about pheromone usage. Yes, everyone is different. My only thoughts on the alcohol blends is that maybe too much carrier is irritating your throat, but you've got the same problem in the oil blends.
  21. Yeah, I was going to say, it seems like you're using a lot. Like, I usually use 1-2 sprays max of the unscented sprays & I've been using LP pheromones since '09.
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