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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. CARNATION ~ Power, energy, protection. Fascination, admiration. DAMIANA ~ Strong ingredient for lust spells. Love, psychic visions. KATRIFAY ~ Fortifying, for aiding and restoring of physical strength. YLANG YLANG ~ (also known as Cananga) Strongly sensual, attraction, attention, irresistibly, soothes marital problems. Aphrodisiac, mood balancing, relaxation. CISTUS aka LABDANUM ~ One of the oldest known perfume ingredients. Considered holy, used in tribute, and as a sense-memory tool to stimulate the subconscious. Said to revive long forgotten memories and feelings. BASIL ~ Creates empathy between couples; love, fidelity. Invigorates, protection. Mends quarrels. JAMAROSA ROOT ~ Stress and fatigue reducer. MUHUHU ~ Aphrodisiac, grounding and relaxing.
  2. FENNEL ~ Healing, protection, purification, ecstasy. MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. OAKMOSS ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
  3. ROSE ~ Self confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  4. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.
  5. Well it is the colder season, so a spray might work better for you. If I want to slow down diffusion of my 100% alcohol sprays I just layer an oil over them. I'm thinking about trying this on my SO again.
  6. The essential oil sprays are going to be excellent to use a spritz of after you wash your face, but before you moisturize. I've actually been making a spritz akin to those for a few months for this specific purpose. I'm sure M's are going to be WAY better though for two reasons; a. the EO blends I have are more for therapeutic purposes, they don't smell so great & b. I don't use that much of the EO blends for cost reasons, lol.
  7. Bwahaha.....well he is Cocked & Loaded for you already I really can't wait to read Luna's descriptions....am I going to have to stockpile some batteries first, Mz. Luna? ETA My sweety has lost about 60-70 lbs & now he looks a bit like our hunk on the Passionate Whispers label. I need to go attack him now......
  8. I'm finding that this one seems to attract bisexual men to me, like they think I'm freaking hot. Weird, I guess it's because I give off that vibe when I'm wearing this one? Idk.
  9. Heck no, now he just thinks we're both crazy....
  10. Actually, mine is too. I wonder if that's an old busybody thing? My SO finally wised up to her meddling this week, though
  11. I think she brews all the ritual scents, i.e. Love Potions, on solstices, equinoxes, etc.. Excepting the LP Winter Variant, of course. Hmm, I wonder if something *extra* special was brewed on 12/21????
  12. I bet Green would be lovely with that one, but SE '09 is more delicate to my nose. Maybe apply them on separate points of the body?
  13. Oh My Goodness! I didn't like this one when it first came out & traded off my bottle. I swiped my sample vial earlier out of curiosity & this is heavenly now! A common mistake, let your bottles age before you decide & get rid of them. I really need to get another bottle of this.
  14. If you switched a-nol for b-nol out, it would definitely change the scent. B-nol is a much stinkier molecule than a-nol. I couldn't get into BAM for that reason, lol. Sorry I can't be of more help with the other part of your question.
  15. Lol, haven't figured out the emoticons on the iPad yet, but funny never the less
  16. I'm trying to remember exactly, but off the top of my head it is not a pregnancy hormone. It's supposed to be a soothing social. Ack, I'm not 100% on my recollection of that, but I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with pregnancy.
  17. See, I can't stand those loud ass colognes. Like earlier at Walmart this kid kept walking past me (probably 12 or 13 at the oldest). The fragrance aisle was the next one over. Anyway, I smell a really strong burst of cologne, enough to make me switch aisles. & the kid comes walking past me, again, grinning like a cheshire cat! I really need to watch slathering something like OW when I have an OCCO ligering on me Anyway, when my SO wears LPs I just want to be close to him. I can tell when things aren't going well between us, he douses himself in the Cool Water he got for Christmas last year, ha.
  18. Yes, I noticed that although there is nice genre of fragrances aimed toward the sector of women addicted to the smell of their boyfriend's cologne on their skin, there is a telling absence of any fragrances meant to duplicate the smell of a man's lady's scent on him.
  19. I don't get ANY reaction from Audacious, using a Topper enhanced scent was an attempt to force it. So this may be a lesson on trying to "force the magic to happen." Topper is designed to complement other blends & I see no issue in adding to something you already like & use regularly. I do get great results from Topper & other blends I have had proven results with. Now, SWS has safely been in use by the LP community for, what, about 5 years now? That is actually one of the blends that I haven't really read any negative reports about. I do like Lumina, I just haven't found myself reaching for it much because the scent I have it in goes funky on my skin. As to whether or not there is an ingredient list posted; with this company I feel confidant using the products anyway because LP has 4 years of great customer service history with me. I think if one were concerned about an ingredient & were to inquire of the LP crew via telephone or email whether a blend contains it, LP would be kind enough to oblige. The reason that a company would withhold an ingredient list isn't necessarily nefarious, it's more because there is fierce competition in the pheromone retail sector & it lacks legal formula protections, in the same way the perfume industry does. Now, I would question a company that even refused to allay your concerns via a private conversation.
  20. My thinking was that women are more likely to hunt down something they want to review, while men are more likely to go about their business to something else. I think a unisex subforum is an ideal compromise , because men are much less likely to use something they see in the women's section. This is just an opinion I have formed from my experiences between here & our brother site PheroTruth.
  21. I'm in agreement with Halo & Calii, or to quote PM (loosely); "don't salt the dish before you taste it, baby!" What I meant by my statement that I see no issues with layering different phero enhanced scents. I say that because I know when you're new, you're going to do what you want regardless. I think you're much better off experimenting with phero enhanced scents as they are at a lower concentration & you have the scent as an indicator of how much you're applying. Still, it is always best to get a firm grasp how each pheromone & pheromone blend work for you before just go layering willy-nilly. I consider that I have a firm grasp of the blends & molecules here & recently had a bad experience layering Far, Far Away(audacious) & Strange Attractors (topper) together. They smelled fine, but does anyone else enjoy the feeling of sheer terror? No, neither did I. Even as a vet I would never have predicted THAT reaction & as a newbie, I probably wouldn't have been ale to ascertain what went wrong with the combo because I wouldn;t have had enough experience with either blend on its own.
  22. Hey fellow LPers, just a quick note on the review threads for unisex blends. I decided they would be better placed in the men's reviews section. My reasoning is that there are less review threads for them to get buried under in the men's section. If this is inconvenient for you, please let me know & I will post them in the women's reviews section in the future
  23. Lots of us layer different pheromone enhanced scents together all the time, but I don't see that as being a very good scent combo :/
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