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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Yeah, I usually advise against mixing blends willy nilly to the new phero initiates, but that doesn't mean it's a rule set in stone. At this point, if I wanted to lighten the intent of a blend (Leather is Dom with a dash of Est to soften), I would add some Topper before I added anything more complex.
  2. Beccah

    Autumn Wishes

    I was going to ask if this smelled anything like Wishcraft, either way I will own a bottle of you, Autumn Wishes
  3. Yeah, I think they are both great socials. The difference for me is that Open Windows makes you the breath of fresh air in the room, or makes it like you're bringing the sunshine. For Heart & Soul, it's exactly that, Hearts, you're everyone's sweetheart Now, I've found that the best one I can use on my MIL is G2, but especially Bosom Bows.
  4. Yeah, it really all just depends on your personal chemistry. You know what works for you
  5. I don't get much of an odor from LFM, but Est & B-nol do have have their own distinctive smells. I like the smell of Est, but I find the smell of B-nol offensive, so I stay away from BAM & Sexology (b-nol heavy blends). Interestingly enough, b-nol doesn't bother me in Heart & Soul either.
  6. Beccah


    You know after re-reading this, I did have a celeb ask me to send him a pic via Twitter.... Coincidence or Celebutante I shake my bottle cuz I like to see the pretty glitter swirl around, lol.
  7. I forgot to review my Orchid Rose bottle. My next purchase of LAM is also going to be Orchid Rose, you wouldn't think it, but it comes off as more versatile than the Pink Amber to my nose. Like you could layer it with more stuff.
  8. No, it's not good to delay the inevitable, but a couple days to test what works with him & make yourself an outline of talking points to keep the conversation on point can't hurt anything. Good luck!
  9. I think you should do a trial run to see what he responds best to, before having the talk.
  10. I haven't really been wearing my Red much, for a while now actually. Hmm, I wonder if layering Sugared Roses over OCCO White would equal a La Fleur Cremeuse type scent?
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't suggest Cougar, even with cops. I don't find it to work that well around women, definitely not as a sexual attractant. There is a thread on here (somewhere) with people raving about the LAM/BAM combo, or BLAM I've actually had my only over the top hit with SS4W from a woman at the grocery store.
  12. Depends on the base, alcohol definitely has the fastest diffusion & fastest hits, imo. Also depends on the blend, some blends are more serious, so it may take longer to see results, but that doesn't mean they work any slower. Also, this is also going to depend largely on the person wearing them. Pheromones only work as well as the person wearing them, can work them.
  13. Why don't you try some SS4W, Heart & Soul. LFM, Pop Potion, Perfect Match. or LAM? I would add cops to all but LAM, & Topper to all but LAM/PM. ETA: If you have Cheap Girls, I would give that one a whirl to
  14. Thinking about ordering some of that cop enhanced body cream.
  15. Haha, right! My social life has been very low key lately, so that must be why I haven't even thought about it. What the hell, though? I've been reaching for Red, just because, might as well reach for this one. Except, Red is permanent & I only got one bottle of this :'(
  16. Good idea! I got my bottle boosted with PP (think I forgot to mention that when I reviewed) & I find that I haven't even cracked it! Silly me, lol. I think it's because I have SO many LPs that I just plain forget about some of them (even if I love them). I'm getting better, though, I stopped myself from adding Humidity to the collection (I don't think it would get any love) just to *have* it. I need to wear this one & I love your idea of trying it with Topper
  17. Surely, you jest woman, lol. I did find this made me leave rather than participate in the bat shit crazy that was happening at MIL's Sunday dinner. It would be nice to know wtf would make them happy with my 13 yr.old for once, he can never make them happy. I wouldn't put it on him (I don't believe in applying any pheros to the under 18 crowd), but I'm willing to wear Empathy Potion around him & them at the same time.
  18. Beccah

    Hungry Heart

    Giggle snort. Seriously, that does look like Rosebud & Axl, now I'm jealous! I want to be making out with late 80s Axl (not really, I can't take a punch). This description is making me hungry, I want to trash my diet all to hell right now
  19. Lol, no problem. I wasn't sure with Dolly's Hot & Sticky being in the PE section, thank you
  20. Yeah, me too!!!! I'm eagerly awaiting the opportunity to try this one. I do have my tester of un-Empathy Potion left, but I haven't trusted myself to retry it since I went bananas during testing, lol. Time to bust it out & cover it with some Peaceful Home, methinks
  21. BAY RUM ~ Uplifting, protection, purification, healing, memory, aphrodisiac. LAVENDER EO ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting. ROSEMARY EO ~ Intellectual stimulation, purification, love, sensuality, wards against dark forces, invigorating. SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection, wishes granted. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. PINE ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. MISTLETOE ~ Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism. SPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.
  22. Luna's Miss Autumn Embody all which is the unforgettable essence of Autumn: dry leaves and woodsmoke with woody accents of acorn, black oak and teak, the deep earthiness of patchouli and a sweet dollop of maple syrup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant. OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.
  23. Jewels of Avalon A gift from the Isle of Apples...This is a completely natural apple scent: like that first bite into shiny red skin and tart-sweet flesh as you lie upon the leaf-strewn grass beneath bright blue sky and gentle sunshine. A bounty of fresh apple accords are blended with the earthy evocation of freshly-picked herbs – clary sage and tarragon – upon a base of warm white amber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells. CLARY SAGE ~ Enhances visions. TARRAGON ~ Relieves womanly discomforts, improves mental alertness and clarity, dispells negative influences. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
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