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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Oh good! Idk, he was just being weird. He & my SO are like Bromantic partners, seriously they totally have straight guy crushes on each other. In keeping with our thread: Let's give them something to stalk about
  2. I do find cops relaxing. My first thought was the combo though, seems reminiscent of how I felt frequently when I was preggars.
  3. Help! I need some cultural translation. I am acquaintances with my husband;s friend's wife. The husband is 1/2 Bulgarian & Mexican, his wife is Mexicana. Anyway the guy stopped in to say hi to to my husband during dinner, so I told him to tell his wife that I miss her face. He was like, "uhh, no". Did I make a cultural faux pas? Or is he just weird because he is half Southwestern European/Mexican?
  4. Imo, Balm Bomb is better for PMS situations. Heart & Soul makes me super-emotional during PMS, I'm more more likely to tear up & what not.
  5. Hehe, you said tang.. Hmm, this may be the answer to the question of a grapefruit scent that can take an OCCO load of cops. You're a mad pheromone genius, Dolly
  6. If he asks me what's going on in a movie that we're both watching at the same time again, I just might! Oh I just can't wait anymore! I need to know what's in that LP SS:2012, my collector sense is all tingly.
  7. Wore my Heart & Soul boosted Fairest today. I forgot this stuff is powerful. I had a young waitress & she was extra smiley & hovering around our table. Maybe it was a DIHL reaction, because she accidentally gave us $10 too much back when she got our change. She also got me the wrong beer, lol.
  8. Eh, I kind of like it. I'm still keeping it for my evil plot to trick SO into thinking I've cooked, only to find the oven cold & empty He hasn't made me mad enough to do that, though.
  9. I'll just give a thought on using Open Windows. In situations where I'm dealing with people that have a superiority complex, I find that the upbeat friendly socials tend to backfire in a BIG way, probably because they feel even MORE comfortable acting like tools. If I use est. heavy blends with patronizing men it makes them even more insufferable. The B2/TeddyBB bends are excellent around men, for me. They garner adoration, but take away the sexual factor. I find I get treated like their favorite sports hero, for lack of a better example.
  10. Wow! Yeah, she can use something to make it easier, but there's an underlying misogyny in law enforcement/military culture that she may not be able to touch with pheromones. My suggestions would be: 1. SWS 2. B2 3. Dominance 4. Leather & maybe Mother's Little Helper.
  11. JOC to the rescue, she sent me a sample of this & whoa! There is ZERO cps smell. It smells like sweet candy, but not innocent girly candy. My husband sniffed & commented that it is "sweet", but said nothing negative. He asked what it was for, but did not detect the "ass" smell
  12. Oh my! That is good info to have, I guess the cramping was worth it. Eek, I'm a bit put off of wanting any more babies with this knowledge, also, lol. Rosebud, why can't you be an OB/Gyn here in the States? Specifically, my state
  13. You can find a lot of good information here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showforum=79 & here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showforum=2
  14. Ack, wtf is up with the medical community sometimes? I generally had a good experience having my second child, but there are still 2 things I wasn't happy with. 1. I have a hereditary arrhythmia & had to fight with the nurse to simply roll me on my side, in lieu of giving me a shot of ephedrine when my blood pressure bottomed out. Seriously, I argued with her while she was standing there with the needle uncapped & ready to inject into my I.V., until the Dr. came in & sided with me. He looked so exasperated when he told her to just roll me on my side, lol. I'm still irked about her obstinacy, even after I explained about the fainting spells I experienced from having a very large baby laying on my main artery (that's what the problem was, my 8&1/2 lb baby was on my main artery). 2. The second thing (& bringing us back on topic) is that I prefer to immediately nurse my babies following delivery to stimulate my natural oxytocin production & they still went ahead & gave me pitocin, in direct opposition of what I asked them not to do. When I complained about the excessive cramping I was experiencing, I was told it was because my uterus was larger from having a second child & it was just going to hurt more when it shrank. Anyway, I digress. Nor caffeine...
  15. Damn being poor! I will find the monies for LP SS 2012! As gawd as my witness, I will never miss out on an LP variant again.....
  16. We produce oxytocin when we orgasm, we produce it during labor, we produce it during breastfeeding. Wearing it around anybody isn't dangerous, because (a. it needs to be refrigerated to remain stable, & (b. the molecules are to heavy to actually effect anyone around the wearer. So unless pregnant women & children are licking the oxytocin off of your arm (which is possible with my 5 yr.old, he licks anything that doesn't get out of the way 1st), then you have little chance of harming them, let alone netting any pheromonal effects.
  17. I am also glad I found it. I feel like people look at me like I'm nuts when I say that I actually enjoyed breastfeeding! Duh, people, it's supposed to be an enjoyable experience. Nature has to trick women into sitting still long enough for the species to survive, people
  18. This may answer your question: http://www.attachmentparenting.org/support/articles/artchemistry.php
  19. Oxytocin does serve the function of bonding, but it is necessary to shrink the uterus, in addition to letting down milk, after birth. I'm sure a small bit gets to the baby after birth if the hormone has to circulate enough in the blood to reach the uterus. I can't see it being stable enough to use topically, though, as they have to store it in refrigeration in hospitals. Also, it is a very heavy molecule (to chime in with Xev). ETA: Ok, that joke was funnier in my head; but I'll share anyway. Sorry guys, no shortcut in a bottle. You still have to give us the Big O to make us your adoring, love slaves
  20. Oh yes, well that is what repels the bugs though. I think in the normal Western diet there usually aren't too many really strong spices & herbs too, ahem, pump up the volume on the garlic. I was eating raw sliced garlic on my eggs to do a candida cleanse & my husband would smell it as soon as he walked in the house, lol.
  21. Interesting idea, I wonder if any of the PUAs are going to start cheating at these? Lol.
  22. Learn to love garlic, bugs don't seem to care for people that eat a lot of it.
  23. I never gave my sniffee a second thought until this year, but wowza! I'm not normally into this type of foodie, but the guys seem to adore me when I wear it. Seriously, this scent needs no help from pheromones. Anyway, I have been meaning to get a full bottle of this.
  24. Yup, adding cops gives PM a nice kick, without the variable of cancelling out a component in either one of the blends. Learned that the hard way when I combined a Cougar & PP boost in Belladonna Brew, untested prior to that.
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