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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Bahaha, I originally posted on SO's wall. It says "God's work is done" underneath Cleavage
  2. Haha, I knew you wanted this Ah, yes, you're already enough of a challenge to my heterosexuality. Yeah, I would totally drink your bathwater chica. Lol.
  3. I saw the descripts, you did an excellent job. I think you deserve to....ok that's too dirty, even for me! Bahahaha!
  4. Yup, right here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html
  5. http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/BroBrimstone/ I love Brother Brimstone on SO, you might check it out.
  6. Yeah, SO is completely deferential to me when I wear LFM. I need to test the 1X strength out on him, but he responds well to this strength.
  7. You should try it with LP O, that is a lethal combo
  8. Beccah

    Grow A Pear

    Ha! One question though, won't the pear lose it's identity in with the chocolate cherry?
  9. Usually I do, but I've decided to start going along with him to do things like this because she needs to realize that I'm his wife, not her.
  10. Slathered some of this on, on the way out the door today. SO immediately commented on how good I smelled (this rarely happens), but hmm. My MIL was having a hard time with her son accepting my opinions over hers while we were out shopping today. It was seriously comical. Like she was getting mad because he bought the phone case that I suggested & didn't like me talking him out of buying the rip off phone insurance from Best Buy, which all I was really trying to say is that maybe he should shop around if he were to buy phone insurance from a provider. Idk, it was like she was threatened by the influence I was exerting over her son.
  11. Um, get some Super 2, yo! K, I'm just sayin', I said Super 2, lol.
  12. You know, being that Florida Water cologne is actually unisex, I would bet money that this would smell great on a man.
  13. You did it with this one, fo'sho'. SO barely ever comments that he likes a scent out of the vial, this one, LP AE:2011, & Redemption are in the chosen few.
  14. Well, the good news (to allay any fears you have) is that LPs morph specifically to your skin. So even if he was associating a scent with your sexiness, he will *never* smell that specific scent on any other woman, but it is fun to have a sneak attack in the arsenal. I also need to get a full bottle, SO is into really perfumey scents (his mom was 34 when she had him, maybe that's why?) & this is one we both agree on.
  15. Beccah

    Grow A Pear

    I think I'm going to try layering my sample with some EoW to see how this does with cops. I bet it will be yummy.
  16. Hmm, I'm thinking about boosting my sample vial with some cops. If an OCCO load is about 3 drops per mL, then I bet my vial can easily take 4 drops. ETA: I bet this will be yummy layered with scented Cougar spray.
  17. Welcome, glad you decided to give us a chance. It's true, we're very friendly & we don't bite (unless you want us to ). If you get the chance try Super 2, I call it nose crack & I swear if a man were wearing that....well. My husband opts for Cool Water over the samples & bottles I've given him & I don't really need to get next to him, because I can smell him across the room. You're a wise man to switch to fragrances that women have to get a bit closer to you to smell
  18. Beccah

    Grow A Pear

    K, Docs are still alright, but if you're still wearing JNCO jeans we need to talk missy
  19. Beccah

    Grow A Pear

    No worries, it is as if Pear Glace grew up & stopped wearing too much makeup, got rid of the skater jeans & Dr. Martin's. Much like us
  20. I think you mean Shelly B's "Mega Cougar"? She boosts her Cougar Potion with a 1x unCougar add-in. I've actually been meaning to try this one for a long time.
  21. Delicious! I can't wait to try with cops, but this a yummy citrus fruit salad. I can smell honey in there, but it's bright, not cloying. Can't wait to try some over cops. If I cave & buy a bottle this one may be it.
  22. Beccah


    Hmm, testing today. It's a nice scent, dries down to incense on me. I'm going to enjoy my sample, but I don't feel the need for a full bottle.
  23. Beccah

    Mango Tango

    This is a lovely, refreshing potion. My nose is interpreting this fruit/floral combo as a light, refreshing fruit tea. I can smell the mango, but it's not cloying (as it can tend to be), it is light & delicious, like a mango iced tea. Well done, Le Wiz.
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