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Everything posted by FAWN

  1. Like in touching your legs???? or just subtle gesters from males? I love talking to everyone and I am naturally chatty....but it seems as if men are almost less talkative when I wear pheros...
  2. Yikes I hope Im not that MILF.......I try to dress age appropriate, yet still be stylish....I guess when I am in a mixed social setting, I always say hello to the women 1st in a couples situation...I just know that I myself, feel more at ease if I dont think the sharks are circling...and I guess I send off taken vibes..lol
  3. I got a bottle of LAM orginial in trade....I was scared of this as I have already traded LAM sandalwood..... I really like this. Its only smelled EOWewwwwwwww for under 10 min...then just very soft honey, musky, vanilla, close to skin. I went lightly cause I read it is loaded up with pheros. At the supermarket everyone was saying hello....But just as with the OCCO's, I find women have a stronger reaction then men...???? Every isle I was in, women were stopping me and chatting it up...to the point of following me around parts of the store to talk to me.... The men in the store all slowed down and looked, a few smiled, but not a word from the men folk...??? Don't get me wrong..I love talking and sharing knowledge with my fellow sisters, Im just very surprised. I thought I was over doing it with application, so I did just 3- 2" swipes-cleavage, back of neck, crook of knee..(still hot enough for shorts here). Is it that women are just more vocal and upfront in general? I got that almost invisible feeling from men.... while the women were knocking each other out of the way to be near me.... It's really quite funny, flattering & my hubby thinks it's great and it turns him on when women hit on me....(he has been having a 3-way fantasy for 24 years now!!) But, I like men...... I am very confused as to why I am attracting more women than men. I am in my late 40's so I dont think my body is producing that many pheros on it's own anymore. Hello peri menopuase... Any thoughts or advice?
  4. Girl you are gonna smoke them w/ your new look, head to toes..... (DSW junkie too) I can'w wait for the report on the whole week.......
  5. FAWN

    Top Five

    Top Five till the new ones come out!!! Constant Craving Potion 31 Autumn 08 taxed occo white
  6. Im going crazy too!!!! tring to guess what kind of fall releases are coming our way...
  7. FAWN

    Constant Craving

    Great idea Dolly, I'll have to try this combo....
  8. OMG mystree, this is the theme song of my life.... It goes thru my mind as I rush from one thing to the next in my crazy life... the partyin banana would be one of my kids...lol
  9. Feel better soon SG...We do appreicate you working from your sick bed... Ohhh I hope you are right pony.... I just got a sample of this one in trade....I have been wearing it for 3 days straight....It's my new FAV...
  10. I saw this in sexology thread (I edited Ail's response for the new release thread)....I'm super excited now....Will the new release fairy come this weekend...
  11. FAWN


    I hear that Luna....treat people with RESPECT, be HONEST, do the RIGHT thing....Heaven knows Im trying...(so far, so good).... And getting back to the main topic...I think I need to try Thane for the hubby's 1st LP...(he is a red headed swedish viking after all...)
  12. I just ordered this one....I can't wait till this & the few other "goodies" from JALN come.....(uh no pun intended)
  13. FAWN


    Now I'm scared...My 1st hormone crazies with a boy...My oldest is a girl...so I could relate somewhat. I don't want to be the go ask your father type of mom...but "yikes"
  14. Thanks for the heads up Geena...I don't need something that makes me trippy-er or hungry-er....
  15. FAWN


    OMG TG...my Ice tea just came outta my nose..... Becca & Luna, my son is the same age & going thru the same "stage"...I also try to instill the values of truth and honesty in him...I think they are one of the most important ingredients in any relationship. I don't see anything wrong w/ wearing a scent if they are into it at this age....I'm having a hard time w/ the importance of hygene. I have to keep after him, to go get a shower!!!
  16. I just love my MWO shower gel & lotion......topped w/ MWO potion...I was getting sooo many complements at work...Great One djac, M & D.
  17. Great reviews Gina...I would be interested in knowing what that in-between phero combo is also...
  18. Hey Mystree, My last order I got the stamps notice and my package came 2 days later....hang in there
  19. Ohhh mine is on the way....I can't wait....thanks for the reveiw RB...
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