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Everything posted by halo0073

  1. I am afraid I would get rather mean if my partner did that. Joe and I don't play well together but it's because we are both good and kind of bad ass with a lot of bravado so if he gives me crap about calling something or going alone it's like I am playing against him instead of on the same team. Man, we haven't played in years. Having kids killed my social life
  2. Hi Libertine and Welcome welcome welcome!
  3. I'd be spittin fire if my partner went alone and got set. The horror!
  4. I am trying to be good and wait for new releases before I order Garland and Lace, but the stress is getting to me. LOL.
  5. Hi Sharky and Welcome to the forum!
  6. Brown sugar toffee on me. So overpoweringly sweet. Smells a little nutty, but mostly sugary almost like pecan pie...gooey and sweet
  7. Garland and Lace is my new favorite. It's happy time every time I wear it.
  8. call the 800 number and tell them you want to complain to the Postmaster, that's what gets their attention
  9. sounds like you had a great mixture there! Glad you had fun and glad those pheros worked for you! I can't wait to go to a grownup party bathed in pheros someday
  10. tried rubbing on my temples yesterday, just a wee little bit mind you, I then proceeded to rub in right into my eyeballs. Oopsie. Despite the name, it's not so great in the eyes I do love the fragrance and huffed the heck out of it on my wrists.
  11. there are lots on etsy too
  12. Of course Luna it is expected, but it's also appreciated
  13. I am wearing this one today. I really like it. Cinnamon is nommy but not overwhelming in the slightest. Thia might be nice on the boyfriend, if I decide to share.
  14. halo0073

    Buns of Cinn

    oh no, we need a gluten free pastry scent!
  15. Sorry Isa! That just sucks. Call and complain
  16. I have been noticing a lot of friendly chatty compliments from older than me women when I wear PheroGirl. Not so much men, but that's fine by me.
  17. great review Luna! I wish the brown sugar didn't hate me so!
  18. Welcome back Mara! Sounds like you had a most excellent time!
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