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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I haven't really discussed it before, but Tranquility has that effect on me as well. First the horny, then the sleepy, lolz. Turns me into a man?? Lmfao!

    LOOOOOL!!!! Tranquility def. doesn't do that to me...


    Hmmm... Cougar makes me ultra horny... :) Is there some sort of horny effect in every pheros :OUE9E4~111::hotjump::D oh and i also get the sleepy effect too! :Hug_emoticon: Funny how we react differently to pheros? :D

    Intriguing: so it's not so much that any given phero (or Ingredient X) guarantees horniness (although I think EoW does that for most women?) ... it's more than varying pheros' EFFECTS get interpreted and EXPERIENCED that way by the wearer. So..bumbob..the confidence that Cougar gives you, does it for you... Beccah, the relaxation (?) of Tranquility does it for you... and that bonding/love-in-tummy does it for me.

    /sounding like Dorothy talking to the others when leaving Oz /threadjack

  2. :D I've noticed in later trials that I get a LOT of the donut now! zomg nomg nomg. Berry often gets plasticky/flat on me, but in this, it comes off very 'legit perfumey', in a good way. I wish I could explain better how you CAN pick out the rich creamy coffee and the donut and the berry all separately, AND YET they do mix amazingly - closest I can come to explaining it is like those swirl candies that have several different colors that you CAN see all separately but they're all swirled together. I am going to put some on right now!
  3. yummy in my tummy. Reminds me more of Christine's Tropical Musk than anything else, especially up front - just a lighter, brighter version. JG amping this with Magnet is pretty brilliant ... must be wonderful combo. It's probably too sweet and fruity for most guys' tastes, but as a public service announcement, I would maul any who wore this.

  4. I made up a spray of this, because I too got the crazy cinnamon stripes of doom, and ration it very very sparingly, only into my hair or on my clothes. It throws like a mofo and my favorite thing about it is its complexity.... spicy cakey pumpkiny buttery rich... very 3-dimensional-feeling.

  5. I was kinda worried about the cherry notes.... coz im not a big fan of cherries....


    I don't like cherries either, and this is absolutely fantastic. I really think you would flip over this one.

  6. Hm, sorry doll but in my experience, no amount of shyness, fatigue or busy-ness stops a guy who feels a connection, from pushing/pursuing things, let alone would they fail to take you up on a *direct* question/offer (in your case, about next Saturday).


    I'm with Calii that if it's going to proceed, it's his turn to indicate an equal level of interest - at the LEAST. You mentioned at least five separate things that were initiated by you -- (hug, kiss, texting yesterday when he didn't call, suggesting getting together again Saturday, telling him you like him) -- and four things that indicated some discomfort or unwillingess on his part ('nervous' about the hug, 'on edge/nervous' during conversation, NOT calling you Sunday even though he said he would, talking about how much he has to do on Saturdays [always a HUGE red flag IMO]). I have to say, his asking you about next Saturday, and saying he'd call you Sunday, given those four things, sound like expressions of politeness more than interest.


    Sounds to me as though someone with his personality would be more comfortable with someone less forthright :/ in which case you'll move on to someone who wants and appreciates that quality in you... I may be 1000% wrong but JMTC...

  7. Today's list (with a bit of help from seeing what I couldn't bear to pare down to a hoard of only 1 bottle max):

    - Christine's Tropical Musk

    - Rosebud Cupcake

    - G&L v2

    - LP Red

    - Snowbound

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