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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. This report will be written continuously, "live stream" style:


    3pm: 1 big spray split between wrists w/Christine's Yin Ylang. In case it matters, Aunt Flo is visiting and causing me some mild lower back pain (which she occasionally does), but none of the self-pity and wiped-out exhaustion I more often get.


    Possibly not an ideal testing moment, as right after I put it on, my dog started screaming, so I'm taking him to the vet-- I think his back is hurting -- he's had this happen before, but I am little freaked out.


    Initially, slightly woozy. 5min in: feel a bit hyper-aware of senses: people seem louder, colors seem brighter, seems like my eyesight has sharpened. (?!)


    I feel like everyone's looking at me... possibly because I'm looking around for reactions and they're like "why are you darting your eyes around like that like a cornered cat", lol.


    Ok, I'm definitely not imagining it- people are looking at me. It feels like in Inception in the Paris level where everyone suddenly is staring at Leo and Ellen. Not hostile, not Cougar-worshipful, not CB luv, not even curiosity -- just looking, sort of objectively, like I'm a lab rat & they are watching to see what I do next. Both men and women, though slightly more men I think.


    It occurs to me that it's possible people are looking at me a normal amount and my "raised alertness"-feeling is just making me notice it more...I can't be sure which it is, obviously.


    Having a hard time judging the self-effect due to my anxiety about the dog.


    After I've had it on for an hour, meeting up with mom. I feel a bit more willing than usual to say nice things to her / appease her (I am semi-/sub-consciously mad at her about a lot o things which makes me shamefully impatient and brusque with her) -- not sure that has anything to do with the phero? I am waving it under her nose now to see what happens.


    We are now both yapping uncontrollably. We are both generally anxious people but we seem to be taking the dog problem very well in stride relative to our normal tendencies.


    VERY NOTICEABLE EFFECT: often my mom is sort of visibly not paying attention to what I'm saying, and interrupts me a lot. SHE IS LETTING ME FINISH MY SENTENCES *AND* LISTENING TO THE CONTENTS OF WHAT IM SAYING!!


    I *think* it may be making me feel more charitable/tolerant/less snap-judgment-y about people.


    Now going on 3 hours in, feeling sort of cooperative and Focus-y, cleaning house efficiently and without as much angst as usual (I reaaaaaaaaally hate cleaning). That may just be giddiness over the other effects.

  2. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, sv.


    Fascinating result! I *love* hearing about the variations in people's experience with blends...like, pop potion in WTL made me and someone else feel very *haughty* (which PP had never done for me before) -- what scent did you wear your leather with? I wonder if that affected your effect... I have some flavored, will have to experiment w/mine and see if I can produce your same result...



    thickly spicy and heady and creamy. phenomenal.


    I knew I should have loved it based on what everyone here said about it, but the first time I tried it, it did not smell good on me at all, and smelled 'thin' and faded quickly, and did NOT feel like LP Red at all. I had got it in swap and now can't help suspecting something sketchy happened to it somewhere in its lifespan. Will need bottle straight from LPMP immediately or sooner.

  4. ROFL!! I'll play too!


    Do the special situations involve being bored and disrespected at work? I'm in!


    Do they involve wanting to foolishly go rebound from a heartbreak willy-nilly? I'm in!


    Do they involve wanting to lose weight instantly with no effort or side effects? I'm in!


    [Of course please do not feel obligated to respond to such silliness Mara. Just entertaining maself]

  5. I've got to stop trying GGGs - fall in love, can't have tons more :) This reminded me a lot of Dolly's Dark Side: boldly, overtly, aggressively, IN YOUR FACE SEXY. The cherry and incense are so seamlessly blended. It doesn't even come off that obviously "cherry" to me except for a few seconds wet. Can't take my nose out of the cro of my elbow where I applied. Snoooooorf

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