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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Mine still smells like golden honeyed peaches! That is what I have always gotten from it. i did wear it a lot more in the cooler weather too Calii, under Hungry Heart...and i feel fine....Autumn '09....so many of those rich beautiful scents!!!
  2. Geez Raq!!! I was wondering where the hell you were!!!! Beautiful label!!!
  3. Yep LFM! The "cool confident phero" for sure. I woulnt consider anything else for this sitch. Good luck BG!!! Keep us posted!!!!
  4. I dont really know where to start! Probably with Oakmoss and Egyptian Musk. Those two intrigue me the most right now. Cherry too though. I like to add cherry to a lot of things. Cherry and Birthday cake together sounds cute. I have no idea what Dogwood Blossoms are but obviously Abby and I will be wearing that together quite a bit.
  5. Stacey I think Mara still wants pics! There are some unclaimed Sugared labels.
  6. Michael is such a great photographer. He takes pics all the time and captures moments like this that you don't even remember having!
  7. I was wondering where you were in all this Nutrix!!!!!!! Such a mysterious picture of you!!!!! Wonderful!!!
  8. Yes you really have to take them for a spin yourself to see what happens. For example... Blatant Invitation. Makes WOMEN nicer to me. Swear. I wear it out and about and women seek me out to chat and on an alarming number of occasions compliment my bag. It's a handbag magnet. But seriously...they go out of their way to befriend me everytime I wear it. HOWEVER. Most everyone else says women get catty and you wouldn't want to get stuck with a full bottle of catserum. So put in a HUGE order of samples and go to town!!! Take it on like school with reading and experimenting yourself and you will find your way down the rabbit hole of PHEROS!!!!
  9. I don't have enough experience with LFN to say for sure but...with all the ingredients in it I don't think the 'none could be TOO terribly heavy. Not like Leather and Dom anyway... It's an interesting situation and I would like to hear what you choose and how it turns out too.
  10. And this one of yours is my favorite you've ever had because when I am glancing down all the posts that joyful crimson smile of yours just POPS out and makes me want to dance a jig.
  11. Omg!! I was dying to know who that lovely sprite was!!! Thank you for revealing!!
  12. HOLY...WUT!? Ravening....I didn't realize you were so young! How adorable is that?! I thought That label was somebody's daughter on here. Very pretty.
  13. Oh my goodness Michael was so happy! He got choked up too seeing his two favorite girls on something he knows I love. Of course he requested a bottle to put on display on his bookshelf. He says he will never open it and that it is priceless! I bought my sister Sveet Tooth because I knew she loved foodies but also because of the label...she loves bats. I was trying to get her going on a little collection...but she continues to reorder just the one when she runs out! Silliest thing I've ever heard! Oh well...to each her own I suppose...
  14. Yeah this is not going to be much help because we all have such different answers! Topper...for going out, socializing, popularity...awesome uplifting self effects Cuddle Bunny...to make men swoon... And layer under Topper too LAM...just because I wear Occos out all the time but you will get different opinions on that subject too. Be sure to read all the posts in the phero questions section. Have fun and gather lots of samples like Amalthea said!!
  15. And Miss Lily...you look so much like my sister! That dazzling smile!!!! I would buy her this so she could pretend to be on a label but she would object to the lilies. She wears only one LP. Every day. Sveet Tooth. That is all!
  16. Thank you Rose. I can't believe Abby was ever so small! That was only a few years ago...I'm trying to figure out if she is wet in that picture or what! She looks like a waif. I did think that was you on pumpkin Molls!! Too damn cute!!!
  17. So cute! You look so very MISCHEVIOUS in your picture Fluer!! Wicked little smile...
  18. You are another one I can't wait to get my hands on...OAK MOSS!!!! MY LOVE!!! Will prob be the first one I get. Doesn't hurt that it's a gorge label!!
  19. Oh I just knew that you was you!!!!!!!!! That is one I am SOOOO excited to try!!
  20. omg. That is a great story. And the sugared bananas just makes it better!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Oh no Tyvey!!' That is a damn shame! This phero works magic on me! It is liquid charm on me!!
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