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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I'm in love with everyone. Everyone is unique and gorgeous. The face in Bonfire is intriguing. I'm not asking who it is I am just saying!! The eyes! Smashing. And the dancing girl in the red dress for Currants! Nice. Halo is so perfect for Pure Sugar with that fairy tale braid!!
  2. YEEEKS!!!! So frigging cute all of them!!! Me and Abby on Dogwood!!!
  3. Yes I was going to say go for Sexpionage and since I just read that you love vanilla scents in your other thread I think you will like Compromising Positions! Get a sample first though just in case. Also Occo White is straight up vanilla cops!
  4. Welcome!! Yes big sale coming!! There I no way to help get orders down! Lol!!!! Just sample like CRAZY and enjoy the stress of it all. It's healthy stress...choosing, sampling, making lists, deleting them and making new lists... Have fun and tell us what you order!!!
  5. I get so stressed out when I leave my purse in my car in this heat! I am always worried for the LP's and pheros in there. Why do I feel like I haven't got an LP delivery in years?! Didn't I just get something?! Obviously it wasn't enough...
  6. Hey Silkilocks, if you like florals I think you should get a sample of Vampire Bait from this months collection! Betrothal didn't really work for me either. Vamp Bait is gorgeous though.
  7. Those are nice hits though Silkilocks! Just wear an LP cover, or throw a sample LP in your bottle! A little stink is worth "the glow"!!!!!
  8. Lately... Rainbow Falls Occo Ambrosia Crescendo Tyveys Pleasure Island LP Rouge honorable mention... LP Blue
  9. I doubt I am going too sale crazy this year. I pretty much bought everything I wanted over the last couple of years so I don't have much of a wish list anymore. I need a few new things though (Crescendo!) so if anything on the list appeals to my mother or sister I will get what I want and use sale credits for them.
  10. I'm not really sure about the CB spray. I only have it in scents. I would just try a spray and see how long it seems to take to meld in with your skin. I only wait about ten minutes for my spray BI to settle down. I am not sure which one is stinkier though? I think CB has more cops though...
  11. Welcome Silkilocks! The sprays don't need to be applied to torso so much as If you had gotten OILS because oils need the body heat to disperse. Your Perfect Match can be sprayed anywhere...neck, chest even clothese as it has no cops. I don't have this one unscented so I don't know how it smells but generally I am not bothered by any phero unless it possibly has a lot of cops... The Cuddle Bunny on the other hand is heavy cops! KEEP IT AWAY FEOM YOUR HAIR AND CLOTHESE!! Spray that one on naked and let it die down and then get dressed. (Unless you are not planning on getting dressed at all...tee hee. This is one of my favorites for that sort of thing.) but I wear it out too. I have it scented in oil so I don't have to worry too much about it getting on things. Did you er some scents to go with the pheros?
  12. I DO get a little something like that on dry down. I couldn't really figure it out myself but plasticky I guess is close enough. Something that is keeping this from being a COMPLETE love. I didn't notice it too much the first time but it seems to be amplifying. Time to let it sit and see what happens when it ages a little.
  13. Abby is Michaels terrier...lol!! The love of his life really. He suffers from quite a bit of depression and when little Abby got dumped into his life four years ago as a newborn he was reborn!!! Abby really has saved him at least from insanity or who knows what else? Anyway..that is why I was so happy to see her on the label!! He loves her so, he will just be over the moon about it.
  14. I AM DYING. I cannot breath over the excitement that Abby made it onto the sugared label. (Along with me of course) MICHAEL IS GOING TO CRY. SERIOUSLY. I cannot wait to break this news to him. THANK YOU MARA!!!!!! (I would do a happy crying emoticon but I am on my phone,) It means the world.
  15. IF YOU GUYS HAVE ANY DAMN SENSE IN YOUR LP HEADS YOU WILL LAYER THIS OVER OCCO AMBROSIA.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost my ever livin' mind over it.
  16. She has moved in with me so go ahead and send it to my address... KIDDING! KIDDING!! I'M SORRY I COULDNT RESIST I AM HIGH ON CRESCENDO!!!
  17. Wow! Yay! Love at first spritz!!!! Am I crazy or is this reminiscent of GIRLY TWIRLY?!?! Well that is what I am getting even though as I recall the notes are not the same. Maybe that is the currant that the both share. Anyway...anyone who remembers the GREAT GIRLY TWIRLY LOSS will understand how excited I am about this one. And I LOVE ME SOME TOPPER!!!!! Bright fruity and glorious. I have spritzed 5 from the sample and I already feel upbeat and ready to play!
  18. This is one that I already have the original of but I felt the same way when I got that one. I never would have tried it knowing the notes. Luckily it came in an order as a sniffee so I was able to be tricked into loving it! It is one that I get compliments on frequently. A little goes a long way with me too so I don't need another bottle but I am happy to get the sample of the new one. It's a good all purpose scent to keep in your purse for emergencies. It's work friendly SEXAY!!
  19. So if you want a completely unobtrusive scent for Blatant Invitation you must try this. I was never able to get much smell out of it! It's not bad...just not enough oomph for me. A little dusty patch thing going on.
  20. Lol! Too late! I've got so much on it I would have to take a whole shower...don't have time. But it doesn't really matter because I can't smell it anyway so it won't irritate me. A little bit of patch is all I get.
  21. I am so pissed off!! I keep getting Heatwave and this mixed up! I so badly wanted the peppermint rhubarb pie thing to go to the park in. But I grabbed this and slathered. And slathered and slathered because I was trying to get that crisp refreshment I got last night. Only to find out it was the wrong LP. I am also slathered in BI now...and this was supposed to be a phero free day!!! Well I don't know what is up...but I can hardly smell this! I got absolutely no berries at all. That's why I kept coating myself with it...I couldn't smell anything! I would just cover it up with Heatwave but I feel I need to ride this out now so I can give a better review if anything comes of it when I get outside in the heat. See if I can smell something....
  22. I can't wait to try this again because I couldn't figure out if it was the musk or the sandalwood that made this sooooooo amazing either. Now I wish I would have tried that Fram...whatever one but there was some berry I was afraid of in that one. This berry sugar in here does not come off like it generally does for me. Doesn't hurt my teeth.
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