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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Me too, on both of these statements.... Which is kind of weird seeing as I am a girly girl.
  2. I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! I have a full bottle coming because I could tell with one quick sniff I wanted to smell like this when it got warm but today I wore a full slather and this is my new favorite summer scent (move over Dolly's Hot and Sticky!). The tang of the champagne note is heavenly with that sweet peach. GORGEOUS I SAY!!! This is going to be perfect for an everyday scent or for summer cocktails outside...and layered with coconut scents too!!!! I can't wait for summer... I know what this means!!! I need a spray boosted with Topper of this sassy summer elixir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Lol! Cherry D panic...I have no idea..usually there is a list if they are all reserved, I'm thinking she put more in the cart than was reserved .., I took my chances and bought one and Mara can let me know if I stoled someone's Cherry!!!
  4. I just bought one from the cart but I wrote in a note that I know some were reserved
  5. Oh you will love it, one if my first LP loves! And covers cops beautifully!
  6. Crap. Just saw this! Are they all spoken for?! Oh well I do have a bottle coming...must not panic. It's so good and so much better than Special D...it actually reminds me more of cherry ice cream than candy. It's so creamy and dreamy!
  7. Welcome!!!! Looking forward to your reviews on all your samples! You are going to be so happily overwhelmed by your little box when you get it!!
  8. lol! That's funny. I would join in the non enjoyment but it's too late for me!
  9. Well this is the one I almost went FB unsniffed on and I am glad I didn't. I ended up loving Cherry Divinity so much better. Not that this isn't good...I will use up my sample for sure but...it is just a bit too strawberry sweet for me. Who knows though? may settle down throughout the day....
  10. It's hard but I have skipped some months before just to take a breather and catch up. Now I am not endorsing this sort of detox but I will tell you that when you skip it, the following month is even more breathtaking than ever before and you really appreciate them more. It's hard though, I know that.
  11. Holy Schmollies!! Dodged a bullet there!!
  12. GRR! I love this! Cherry D was not even in my mind as a FB when the scents came out. I knew I would like it but not love it. I have almost a half of a bottle of Special D and I hardly wear that one anymore (but when a scent gets past the halfway mark I often quite wearing it so much out of fear). I had my eyes on Strawberry Cake and the Bumblebee powder one. But... OH MER GERD!!! I wore this to work and it was amazing. To me it is way better than Special D. It is mellower...not so sweet...it's just perfect. I think it smells classy, sexy and comforting at the same time. It is light but LP's always get stronger with aging to me, and I like that it is not overpowering. Sometimes Special D got a little much...I think the cherry is a lot stronger in that one. This is my first WHITE chocolate scent and I love it. I saw that there was only three bottles left and I made a panic order from my phone at work...WHEW! So glad I tried this one today and didn't put it off!
  13. Surprisingly ended up with FB of Cherry D and Peach Sparkle! Cart says only 2 Cherry D's left.
  14. Wow!! How exciting for you! Congrats!!!!!!!!
  15. FINALLY. Mine left Portland today!! I ordered later than usual. Can't do that again. ! Drives me crazy reading reviews and not smellin'.
  16. Nutrix: I wish I would have thought to try the BI and Lace for the party on Tues! I only have about one of two days worth of Lace left in my bottle so I will definitely save it for this combo. Vladmyra: I used to be afraid of Sexpionage too but I love the scent of CP so much I had to figure out a way for it not to scare me. So now I take the edginess off with SS4W. I also would like to try it with Lace because I like to add something with EST to most blends if they don't have it. So I think adding Alpha Nol and Est would be good for me. I wear cops almost all the time so I don't think Sexpionage should scare me.
  17. Well my very first pheros were Cuddle Bunny and Lace if that gives you an idea of what kind of gal I am...I still love those and get the best hits from men with CB but now I wear a lot of Leather and BI (and yes BI for a social!) I have never gotten a bad reaction from these dominant pheros in fact I get better reactions from women with these! I think that is strange but...whatever works, right? I get an instant feel good buzz from BI especially. And awesome social confidence from Leather.
  18. Well that was my first experience with such magical stories. I swear I read them over and over an over so know that your frustration really made an impression on me!! Of course I have enjoyed all of them since but there is just something about the first time! I remember just being completely enchanted. I am glad that was the month I found LP.
  19. I love the label. She has such a bewitching look. Hope Michael likes it though he is pretty stuck on Fang. Maybe I will start getting his thoughts on the men's scents and posting them.
  20. Oh I am so excited the SOMEONE is getting their NR's!!! Reviews will hold me over until I get mine!!
  21. My first order was August 2010...I'll never forget those Campfire Tales!! And staying up all night reading the whole forum on my friggin blackberry because I had just moved into my studio and had no net! Sheesh. That was exciting.
  22. This is the only one that ever interested me in the first place and I thought it was just a phase but this has been going on for quite awhile, I can't believe it... I normally have a very short attention span.
  23. Red just seems like it would be great boosted with anything. I have an unboosted oil and a spray boosted with SS4W. Now I am still unsure if SS does anything for me, but I figured that if the phero didn't work for me at least I would have one of my top 3 LP's in a spray form which I like for going out. I agree that one of the comfy pheros like Heart and Soul would be nice for Red. I will probably get one with Gotcha one of these days...
  24. I love H&S too but I have never had any bad reaction with Gotcha either so...who knows?
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