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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Omg. I would forgo pheros and stay home curled into the fetal position. The stress of such a situation would be overwhelming for me. (if I was forced to answer this at risk of losing my entire LP collection though I would have gone with LFM or H&S)
  2. So now we are stalking LP smuggling desperados on unicorns...harumph.
  3. god, this thread is moving so fast, what is this about desperado?
  4. omg I just had to skim through all of this so fast because I am in a hurry but did someone say one new LP will be released every single day starting in Jan?
  5. As you should!!! M & A is pure happiness in a bottle!! And La La is just pure happiness in a different bottle!! I tell you, the incense took a pew in the back and brown sugar stepped up to the alter!!!!
  6. So I completely expected Michael to hate La La G but I had to wear it anyway. I was so surprised when he jumped in the truck and said "Mmmm!" in a positive manner. He has a habit of proclaiming most Lp's either "incense" or "soap". Unless they are very fruity or vanilla-ey. So I thought he would gag on the incense factor. Nope! He said he definitely liked it and when I asked what he thought it smelled like he said "A pocket full of Posies!" Whatever that means...he meant well!
  7. How do I always forget this?! I guess because I am always in such a rush to buy the ones I love at first sniff. I need a whole new system of putting away samples to try next year. But last year you could not have convinced me I would love this this much. Oh and Beccah is right on with the pheromonal qualities of this! Today is a blah, no plans, don't want to do anything day but since I put this on I am in such a sparkly mood! I streamed a fun Christmas romance movie this morning, and made fun plans to take Michael ,Abby and Stacks to the fancy dog park! And I picked out a soup recipe to make for the weekend. What has become of me? I HAVE BEEN LALA GULABA'ED!!!!!!!
  8. WHAT. HAS. HAPPENED?! I was digging through some of last years winter type scents because all of a sudden it has turned winter here. I only tried this once when it came out because I hated it...it was all incense and there was too many others I liked, never went back to it. I've always loved the label and name though so (feeling quite exotic yesterday) I threw it on before I could talk myself out of it. It is totally different than I remember. As I was enjoying it I couldn't figure out why it smelled so foody on me (I didn't remember any foody vibe last year, just incense). The brown sugar is amping big time on me now. It is just the right balance of the the exotic resins, just a TOUCH of rose on me (which I normally don't go for...it is not annoyingly powdery) and the yummy brown sugar. I couldn't stop smelling myself last night and I put some on this morning too just to make sure I remembered correctly. I love this scent now. If you haven't tried this since last year, and you didn't think you liked it then...try it again!!
  9. I can't believe I haven't tried this one, the notes look fabulous! 2010 is one of my top top top autumn scents of all time though.
  10. Mine is so like clockwork...notice 7 days after placing order...order arrives 2 days after that. No guess work here. But I always have an irrational hope it will fly here the day after I order...
  11. I went ahead and ordered the little size of this. Very interested to see what I think of it. I do like the VIntage one a lot!! I seem to like Egyptian Musk.
  12. Oh my!! Can't even order from your phone?! What the Hell! I would be livid!!!!!!!
  13. When I sprayed my little sample of it from last year, I thought it pretty stinky!!! But that was also the first UN phero I had ever smelled straight up like that. Shocked me a little. I was driving too so it was disconcerting.
  14. Hm. I'm already regretting not getting the LF Noire. What the hell was I thinking? Hm.
  15. ha ha..when I read on the other thread that you bought 4 bottles unsniffed I RACED over here to find out which ones they were!! I think this thread of finding out what other people are getting is my favorite...I'm so nosey when it comes to others LP stashes.
  16. Don't be sad DD. Sometimes it's just somebody else's night. You'll have plenty more of yours...
  17. I don't know why I can't see this fabulous new avi everyone is raving about!!!!! It's still the October one for me. (Which is fabulous...I'm just sayin', I'm getting the idea something has indeed changed.)
  18. I had no idea why I was driven to order a sample of this Un...but now I know. To be able to get a Sniff Buzz! Pure Genius!
  19. I bought more unsniffed bottles this time around than I ever have. Last year during Pheromas I bought Velvet K and Darling C unsniffed and didn't regret it...here's hoping I did good this year. As soon as I get the others in samples though I know I have to work fast if I decide I need the bottles. I just thought Fuzzy Wuzzy, Because the Night and Unisexy would be the most popular so I sprung on those. Who knows? It's a dangerous game we're playing here...
  20. Oh me too. I have practiced it for days before the final performance. Written it down, committed it to memory, etched it into my arm with a safety pin. There are no mistakes when ordering goes live. With something this important, no chances can be taken.
  21. I know I just ordered last night but I WANT MY STUFF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be a vurrrrrrry long week.
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