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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. That's what I was going to suggest because it sure helps Eggers with her tips. But last time I did a fair type selling thing (booth at grape stomp last year) I wore All Hallows Eve (with Lumina) and it was AWESOME!!!!! I was sparkly, customers were sparkly and I sold out. I will be repeating this again this year. That's why I am saving the end of my sample. Unless I end up talking myself into a bottle by then.
  2. Unfortunately I still find that wearing a man on my arm is the only way I trust what I am hearing car shopping. But let us know what happens if you wear this instead!!!
  3. Oh Yeah! You could wear your PP boosted one topped with Topper...oh My! Now there is a bottle o' party!!!
  4. I finally got my FB of this in the sale. I don't know why in the hell I waited so long, the sample was one of my faves. I think it resembles LP Red on me, but Michael doesn't really favor LP Red and he loves this one so I guess it doesn't really. I love it so. He chose it out of all my samples two years ago to wear for New Years in Newport Beach so it already has a nice scent memory attached. I am waiting for it to be a little cooler before I start slathering, I got mine boosted with cops to up the sexay factor even more!! Of course, all the LP variants wear as popularity potions so it will be a party scent probably with Topper for me!
  5. missdarlyncherie


    I'm only worried about the burnt brown sugar because MRF smelled burnt on me...didn't really work. But we'll see!!
  6. missdarlyncherie


    Oh my Lord you must smell like my mothers ex-husband.
  7. Good question because I missed that one and regretted it.
  8. Well I am really looking forward to this one now. I have never figured out if the effect H&S has is actually ON HER or ON ME. It is possible it makes me more patient with her which smoothes us out because I get very testy with her normally. Oh geez...I just picked up four new boxes of contacts yesterday. Would have saved my money had I known about the eyesight thing with this. Ha.
  9. missdarlyncherie


    Civet is bad news for me too, but then...guess what? It turned up in one of my all time favorites Trianon-esque! You just never know with these blends. I actually think this Flambe sounds like something you would wear Raq! I'd give it a shot.
  10. I just don't have the clothes for England is the problem. I live in the desert so I haven't invested much in protection from the elements. Coats and all that. Haven't got 'em. Well if we need to focus Mel on one man I guess I've got time. Forgot all about that part until Mara brought it up.
  11. Hmmm. I couldn't believe Raspberry Chiffon didn't really work on me. So is this more like Darling Clementine/Catalina but with raspberry instead of Clementines? Like that kind of cake-y? Cuz that is what I am always after more of...
  12. Aaah! To wear around MY MOTHER!!!! When I want something other than my Heart and Soul scents!!! Now that is good advice. It will be the perfect testing ground.
  13. That is an awesome order! I love H&S and that should indeed be a perfect carrrier for it!!
  14. LOL Invi!!!! Well ,Fall is indeed your season after all... I haven't got anything yet, just came by to spy on everyone else. Of course I am getting the sampler...
  15. Oh I thought she was in Canada!!! I was kinda hoping for Elizabeths place because I am in driving distance too, but I guess England it is with the blimp and all... eta: I never thought of Mel as in England as I do not detect an English accent in her posts at all!
  16. ME TOO. Haven't been able to get this song or scene outta my head since these went up.
  17. missdarlyncherie


    Oh Jeeeeez...I hope this works on me for the story alone!!! I don't know about that burnt brown sugar though...I hope, I hope!!
  18. In Canada? Or are we having it at Elizabeths?
  19. I've always been wary of this phero. Never exactly sure about when to wear it. Looking forward to experimenting and hearing more reviews about it.
  20. Ok. Awesome work everyone!! Mara, Luna, AC!!!! Now I need to go read everything at normal speed and formulate my plan...
  21. missdarlyncherie


    Unless the honey goes KOOKY on me I think I will indeed love this!
  22. Even if the cops are completely undetectable HG says he smells something strange so no matter what, there are people who can pick them out. Even if he likes the scent, he'll say "I like that but it has that weird thing in the background that all your LP's have" (I doubt he's ever smelled a cop-free LP.) I just look at him like he is nuts and tell him he is being irrational just like my ex would do to me every time I said something that made too much sense.
  23. Oh Lordy.! I came all the way home because I thought they weren't showing on my phone. Hee!
  24. Are these damn decripts up somewheres that I can't see them?!
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