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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oh, CONGRATS, cutie.pie!! Can't wait to see it! I am making myself crazy. I paid for sampler and other people's PEs last week and am still waiting on the shipping notice, but reviews are making me regret not going for full bottles on Moist and Steamy Bikini. Do I just pull the trigger and order, re-setting the clock on my existing order, or run the risk of things selling out?! This feels like a dilemma worthy of a philosophy class! And Eggers -- yay that you have a sampler! And Peeniefeet!
  2. OK, seeing the reviews start to trickle in has me *seriously* regretting not going full bottle on Steamy Bikini and Moist! I foresee another order going out very quickly after this current one arrives.....
  3. Oh, my goodness, can't believe that in addition to my own PEs (which I am so excited about I could yelp!) I am getting two Cobras and a Mama Lion!!!!! I shall be invincible. Thank you so much, dear Mara, I am rushing off to send payment so that my giant order can finally stand complete. I can't believe how much work you are willing to do for us! Humblest thanks for all the magic.
  4. I just need to add that I am so thrilled to read the notes for Fox Medicine!!
  5. Oh, they look amazing! I am confirming my original request: 1 Victoria's White Cobra 1 Victoria's Black Cobra And if available, I'd love a Mama Lion! Or at least to be on the wait list!
  6. I already have a ginormous order in the works and I was pretty sure I would want at least a couple of other PEs, so I am waiting to order the sampler with those and have the whole shebang come together in one overwhelming festival of awesomeness.
  7. Congrats, DD!!! Have a ton of fun with your research!
  8. Oooh, I traded away Ambrosia because it never quite worked for me, but I still have Lusty Cherry, and I never would have thought of those two together!
  9. Hey Cherise! I went back and reread LadyV's Possible Parfums thread in her journal where she originally talked about coming up with the Cobra concepts... And yes, I somehow managed to fall off my back porch (basically standing still!) with the dog the other night, and broke a bone in my foot! It's a pain in the ass because it really restricts mobility for the next while, but a very straightforward prognosis and should heal just fine. I am very lucky it wasn't the ankle. ETA: Rose, I'm very encouraged by your reading on the 6 of Cups energy, it is exactly what I'm hoping for! And I too am kind of losing my mind waiting for notes on Aphrodite's Belt... such an intriguing name!
  10. Ha! That sounds like a perfect use, LV! I felt like One True Love was way more grown-up and partnership-y than I am capable of at the moment. This one says, "Come take care of me and be my devoted white knight asking nothing but to serve and protect me and bring me all the cupcakes and chocolate I desire NOW." I reread your Cobra notes and OMFG!!! So amazing, I can't wait to hear from Mara what they ended up being!
  11. Hearts, I absolutely love your concept for the Mama Lion! I can't wait to hear what Mara came up with for that! The Nevyn Scent label tickles me every time I look at it... I so love hearing all the reports of next generation LP'ers getting started. And truly, all the labels and names... seeing everyone's fab concepts (I'm looking at your MILFY Summer in particular, StacyK!) brought to life by Mara's talent and craft is so moving. This is such a creative, vibrant, fun-loving community! And thanks to all for the well-wishes. They really help!
  12. Oooh, Memorare, that sounds very yummy! And WendyLynne -- you are so right about Mara's magic. I had her make me a PE in January specifically to help with my therapy relationship and the number of powerful positive changes that happened -- many not initiated by me! -- was spooky. So I think from here on out I am always going to fold intent into my PEs!
  13. Wendy that sounds quite exquisite! And d'oh -- here are mine! 6 of Cups -- I asked Mara for a love potion with a different energy from the truly amazing One True Love. I am in a fairly tender place right now, and I want to evoke the most chivalric, generous, protective, not even necessarily romantic love, though it could be. I told her I was thinking of the energy of the 6 of Cups (never occurred to me what perfect name that was!) -- best most innocent child-like fresh beginnings. I also have been craving a strawberry scent so this is strawberry, cream, dash of vanilla and tiny pinch of sugar. Fox Medicine -- I have been dreaming up this one for a long time, and didn't twig to the perfection of asking Commander Fox for Fox Medicine until I sent her the email! I wanted something earthy and animalic and natural -- asked for red musk, red patchouli and ozone, left the last note up to her. Name comes from this link, which a friend sent me after foxes started popping up everywhere: https://morningstar.netfirms.com/foxtotem.html Summer Shine -- another therapy potion! I wanted something that would both give protection and strength for telling hard truths but also be a bit of glamour potion to let me still feel fresh and pretty while I do so.... grapefruit, coconut, marshmallow root and banana. I am so excited to finally get these in my hot little hands! ETA: I cannot describe how wonderful it was to wake up to this after yesterday's challenges, and since I have to spend the day lying low with my broken foot propped up, I can't think of a better thing to do than just stalk this thread continuously.
  14. Oh MY GODDESS!!! The beauty! Mara, I love my labels and I adore the names you picked! And if there any available, I'd love to get 1 each of Victoria's Cobras (so 1 White Cobra and 1 Black)! Would love to hear notes/descriptions from others. ETA: Love ALL the names and labels!
  15. Congrats, Donsie! And yay, hi Mai! Welcome back!
  16. I don't even want to tell you guys how many PEs I ordered.... I have no business getting anything else this month but sampler! And other people's PEs?! What can I say. I'll cut back on utilities or groceries or something less important! ETA: Oh, I also locked down my hoard of Sweet Surrender!
  17. Oooh, thanks so much for this, androstenol! These are the ones I've most eager to try!! It is also so lovely to have a forumite on the ground and bringing back reports!
  18. OK, I am officially losing my mind! I'm going to wait until PEs are up to order, but I'm especially excited for Moist and Steamy Bikini....especially since I have just purchased the first bikini of my life this summer!
  19. Mara, you are beyond amazing! I figured we'd spend all of July stalking the flood of PE orders that poured in.... Off to read notes, so excited!!!
  20. Black Cat


    OK, I saw StacyK raving about this on a different thread and it occurred to me that maybe I should test my bottle that I've had listed on trade thread again. I am SO glad I did, because this is amazing! Wet is very lovely, and I get a nice mix of the mint and tea, while the ozone is as soft as I've smelled it. But the drydown is unbelievable. A couple of hours into it I happened to catch a wisp of scent coming from my wrist and started huffing. It's an extraordinarily delicate close wearing skin musk that is out of this world. I can no longer distinguish any individual notes; it's morphed into some entirely new animal. I'm so glad I gave it another try!
  21. I think I forgot to mention that I am kind of losing my mind waiting for Garden in the Rain!! BRING ON THE DIRT!!!!!
  22. Ooooooooh, the GORGEOUSNESS!! Especially loving the MM label, and as always, can't wait for notes. Yay!
  23. I just wanted to report that Key Lime Kiss has aged spectacularly -- last week I had it on several days in a row and I can report that it is slightly richer, slightly brighter, slightly creamier, and all out wonderful. Also, my mother stopped me at the door one night and said, "What are you wearing? It's WONDERFUL" and when I reminded her that she had loved it when I got it last year but declined a bottle, said she didn't know what she was thinking and she needed her own supply pronto. She agreed with me that not only is this one of the most delicious foodie scents ever concocted, it has some powerful emotional nostalgic juju going on. So I was forced to dip into the hoard. Thank god I overbought on this one!
  24. I was lucky enough to score a bottle of this off the trade threads, and it truly lives up to its reputation. It's the most delicate rose scent I've smelled, a handful of soft pink petals resting on a cloud of buttery vanilla. We are having the most gorgeous New England summer weather here, warm but very clear and breezy. This is the perfect scent for it!
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