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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. This definitely has the strawberry jam and cotton candy accords! This is guaranteed to hit the spot if you have a sweet tooth. Ripe, rich and groan-inducing indulgence! A very delectable cupcake indeed.
  2. Androstenol and Bella, you ladies are killing me with these reviews!!!! Can't wait to get my hands on my sampler tomorrow.... thanks for whetting my appetite, so to speak!
  3. Supersquee shipping notice fairy cakes sampler on the way!!!!!!!! I think I might actually get it on my last day of the semester. Could there be a more perfect way to celebrate the start of summer break?!
  4. I got Summer Belle when Ms. Nutrix had her unbelievably generous sale last year! I know it's somewhere and I can't seem to lay hands on it. I think there was about 1/3 left....
  5. Right now: 1) Valerie's Misty Melon Patch 2) Jennifer's Farmhouse Afternoon 3) Spring's Jasmine Rain 4) Glamour Puss 5) Jennifer's Opal
  6. Oooh, as spring has suddenly hit full-blown here, I am reminded of how much I LOVED Summer Belle....
  7. OK, this is going to make sense to all of you: I refreshed my page on my way out the door to have a great dinner out and see the new Avengers movie and all I can think is: ARGH WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME ON THIS OTHER STUFF WHEN I COULD BE READING FAIRY CUPCAKE DESCRIPTIONS?!?? LP is the best! It will be fun treat when I get home. :-)
  8. Yay!!!!! Sampler ordered, cupcake fantasticness on the way, thank you thank you, Mara!!!!!
  9. Oh, wow, these look absolutely amazing!!! I love the concept and I love the array of choices. You'll be hearing from me on May 1st!!
  10. I think if you have tried both the scent and phero and know that they work for you, it's a good idea! FWIW, often what I do is get a fb oil and fb spray and split the phero boost between them. That way the spray gives the immediate diffusion and gets both scent and phero out there, but the oil is there to warm up and last over the longer haul.
  11. What she said!!! Road Opener and Mother Goddess on the way to tide me over while I figure out what else I need to stock up on!
  12. Well, had to grab Road Opener (spray was all that was left, and I'm actually really intrigued to try it in this form!) and two bottles of Mother Goddess. Which I knew I had no need for or interest in, but 1) the scent was so perfect and delicious, I would have gotten on that basis alone 2) all of a sudden the Universe seems to be handing me lots of opportunity for "mothering" those in my path -- friends, animals, students. So interesting!
  13. Congrats, Tink, WendyLynne, Mai and Donsie! Need to check... I'm not sure what I am now! ETA: Oh, FAB!!!! Love manticores!
  14. Lovestruck, my parents are in their mid-seventies and they insist that since they started using Beautiful Dreamer at bedtime, their sleep has improved hugely. I hope your mom has the same experience! Also, now that they have been introduced to B2 in Unisexy, they say that one is even better, FWIW.
  15. Oh, gorgeousness! The magic of the Sugareds is just never-ending!!
  16. This is delightful! It's like a green Apparition -- in some ways, it feels like Wendy's Liquid Mystery's younger, shyer sister. I wanted to grab this because i I loved Hearts' description of being out camping at night, but interestingly I get more of a daytime vibe off it -- being deep in the woods but with sunlight breaking through the high branches. Which is absolutely lovely! The marshmallow and sugareds are very soft and well-tempered by smoke and musk to keep them from being too sweet. I'm very glad to have a bottle!
  17. Yes, thanks to all of you who talked up the magic! I am all over NRs right now but if supplies last of this... I think Vlad's idea of boosting with Empathy is genius!
  18. I got the double sampler, because I want to have all these powerful potions in my arsenal. I ended up getting full bottles of Blessing and Fascination, because the notes were so tempting, and I know I would use them for purpose even if the scents don't end up rocking my world. I was tempted to do Road Opener and Whisker Wishes as well, because those are the most powerful and effective ones for me from earlier collections, but I am still pretty well stocked on both. Also, ordered a bottle of Unisexy because LP has infiltrated my family to the extent that my parents are asking for things boosted with B2 and Balm Bomb because it helps them sleep so well.
  19. Finally snagged a trial of this one -- wow, it is very unusual and lovely! On me, it's floral and creamy, but I also get a very warm vibe... and that weird combination of nighttime-but-not-sleeptime going on. Really lovely!
  20. This one was very strong on me... the rose was definitely a gothic rose, nothing soft or English country house about it! A deep dark velvet red, made deeper by the cocoa and resins. The leather rounds it out nicely. It's not a Blackcat scent for me at this time in my life, but boy, twenty years ago I would have been bathing in this! Wonderfully dark and scary powerful.
  21. I LOVE these notes and sketches! Thanks so much for sharing the process with us. You are an inspiration!
  22. I am getting the double sampler for sure, but with spell potions, I might break my rule about "no full bottles without sampling" because I know I will find uses for them with intent even if they don't work for me as perfume... but, I don't want to break the bank since I am hoping to do some PEs when Mara re-opens that option... Hm, time to dig out Gimme Money!!
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