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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oh, gorgeousness! The magic of the Sugareds is just never-ending!!
  2. This is delightful! It's like a green Apparition -- in some ways, it feels like Wendy's Liquid Mystery's younger, shyer sister. I wanted to grab this because i I loved Hearts' description of being out camping at night, but interestingly I get more of a daytime vibe off it -- being deep in the woods but with sunlight breaking through the high branches. Which is absolutely lovely! The marshmallow and sugareds are very soft and well-tempered by smoke and musk to keep them from being too sweet. I'm very glad to have a bottle!
  3. Yes, thanks to all of you who talked up the magic! I am all over NRs right now but if supplies last of this... I think Vlad's idea of boosting with Empathy is genius!
  4. I got the double sampler, because I want to have all these powerful potions in my arsenal. I ended up getting full bottles of Blessing and Fascination, because the notes were so tempting, and I know I would use them for purpose even if the scents don't end up rocking my world. I was tempted to do Road Opener and Whisker Wishes as well, because those are the most powerful and effective ones for me from earlier collections, but I am still pretty well stocked on both. Also, ordered a bottle of Unisexy because LP has infiltrated my family to the extent that my parents are asking for things boosted with B2 and Balm Bomb because it helps them sleep so well.
  5. Finally snagged a trial of this one -- wow, it is very unusual and lovely! On me, it's floral and creamy, but I also get a very warm vibe... and that weird combination of nighttime-but-not-sleeptime going on. Really lovely!
  6. This one was very strong on me... the rose was definitely a gothic rose, nothing soft or English country house about it! A deep dark velvet red, made deeper by the cocoa and resins. The leather rounds it out nicely. It's not a Blackcat scent for me at this time in my life, but boy, twenty years ago I would have been bathing in this! Wonderfully dark and scary powerful.
  7. I LOVE these notes and sketches! Thanks so much for sharing the process with us. You are an inspiration!
  8. I am getting the double sampler for sure, but with spell potions, I might break my rule about "no full bottles without sampling" because I know I will find uses for them with intent even if they don't work for me as perfume... but, I don't want to break the bank since I am hoping to do some PEs when Mara re-opens that option... Hm, time to dig out Gimme Money!!
  9. Oh, these look STUNNING!!!!! Bats, you are so talented -- I would totally love prints, please consider for your shop! I can't really add anything to the wonder and amazement that has already been expressed in this thread. I am lucky enough to have several potions still on hand from previous collections, so I was thinking I would hold back on these, but they sound so intriguing. It will be great fun to stalk for notes, and contemplate the possibilities!
  10. Way to make a girl's heart beat faster!!!
  11. Black Cat

    Petal Pusher

    This is a lovely scent -- I definitely get the strawberry tea aspect mentioned above. It's almost like an old-fashioned hard candy, with a strawberry shell and then the marshmallow sugar and cocoa butter forming the creamy center. This is reminding me that I've been wanting to find a strawberry scent for spring this year. I am not sure if this is the one, but I'm definitely going to try my sample out and about tomorrow.
  12. How is it that I have never reviewed this one? Oh, I must have been holding off until I successfully hoarded enough... I adore this one. It's so soft and creamy, with just the right amount of sweetness. I have a spray with a half boost of Treasured Hearts and whenever I really need a ton of TLC from every person who crosses my path, this is what I put on. But I also have a couple of virgin oil bottles, and Tyvey now has me wondering about trying it with a lick of Sexionage...
  13. Order twins! Mine is coming too! :-) Now we just have to plan that LP Store Pilgrimage/Convention!
  14. Black Cat

    Tingle Tangle

    I was noticing we are order twins this month!! I think you are going to love these!
  15. You guys just made me go pull out my spray and drench myself in this!! I wish I'd gotten oil as well. Such soft cherry musky goodness with pillowy sweetness. Mmmmmm!
  16. Black Cat

    Tingle Tangle

    It must be the musk? When I woke up this morning, I could no longer really smell it on the back of my hands, but inside my wrists...! It's just stunning! The other really strange thing is that if I huff it with my nose too close it disappears (the scent, not my nose!)... but if I pull back, I get that eerily haunting little wisp tantalizing me. I've never had this experience with another LP!
  17. Black Cat

    Tingle Tangle

    Ok, the LONG drydown of this has been haunting me. Just caved and ordered. Unbelievable!
  18. This is maybe the cleanest floral scent I've ever smelled. I do get a little edge of soap on me, but in a good way (oh, I see that it's actually billed as " clean soapy floral" -- definitely as described!). It also softens and gets more complex as it dries down. This would be a great one for work if you have a conservative workplace that frowns on "perfume." I bet it would go well with TH or H&S.
  19. This is interesting: I put this on this morning without checking notes and I was all "Wow, the lemon in this is really lovely" and I don't see anything remotely like lemon in there! Or-- maybe it's the tea note? This is very soft and quiet on me. I get a slightly citrus-y skin musk after dry down. This would be great for situations where it needs to appear as if I'm not wearing scent but I want to get a phero out there. I'll be interested to see how it wears over the day -- sometimes the "barely there" scents end up being the longest lasting.
  20. You know what, you are both right, NuTrix and StacyK! I think I was being a little lazy with my language. It is in fact closer to my experience to say green fruit with this one.
  21. This one is extraordinary! I am having trouble comparing it to any other LPs, although there is a way in which it feels almost related to my Opal. It's interesting -- even though it is not sweet, I don't experience it as unisex. The woods and resins blend perfectly, and the heather adds a freshness that keeps this from being in any way incense-y or heavy (not that those qualities are bad, I have loved them in other scents, just trying to convey how different this one is). I get that ancient sense that was described in the PE thread. Smelling this, I picture a deep forest, where some of the trees are so huge you can't get your arms around them. Dark plushy green moss, a well-worn trail, and shafts of sunlight penetrating from a vast height. But I also have the sense that we are coming out of the forest, into an open field with the whirr of insects and the smell of wildflowers tangled in the tall grasses. Probably a castle after that. As the scent dries down it feels like the sun going down, and retreating to a grand bedchamber. A huge fireplace with a roaring fire, and a wolf hound guarding the door, four poster bed and clean cool linens. Mmmm. What a winner! So glad I snagged a bottle!
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