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Everything posted by Eggers

  1. I was able to edit a post a couple of days ago, I think? Since the upgrade. It was in one of my journal threads. And I was able to make one of the old emoticons with the code. I'll try it again here: Yup. It works that way.
  2. I'm here! Beautiful labels! They make my ovaries ache! And SO excited to see H&S in a blend! I thought it was being discontinued! The PEs all look gorgeous and intriguing, too!
  3. I'm very fond of this one, too. The scent wears so softly I can hardly believe that it covers Cuddle Bunny! The scent and phero feel very congruent with each other. I used to avoid wearing CB to my old job because EST heavy blends caused the chef I worked for to get into a pissy mood. But I've worn it at my current place of employment and it works really well for me. I almost think I might need a second bottle of this one...
  4. This is super-sexy on me! OMG! When I first applied I got a good dose of cherries, (which I love - BF, not so much). And then when it dries down the cherries run off together and leave behind this sexy, chocolaty musk scent that smells so incredible it makes my knees weak! Lol! I'm not generally fond of vetiver. The essential oil itself makes me feel really anxious for some unknown reason, and I've avoided it like the plague for about, oh, 20 years or more. But I think it's the vetiver/amber/chocolate together that's giving me the musk impression, and I absolutely ​adore ​it. WOW.
  5. My package arrived today, containing the Wild Cherry sample I missed last month - Thank you!!! It smells divine! I'm glad I got a chance to try it. My other things are lovely and perfect, too!
  6. I use 2-3, usually, and if I need to refresh it a couple hours later, I usually only do one spray. I try to go pretty light-handed with DHEAS, because the self-effects are so good, I don't want to become "immune".
  7. Sexpionage itself has never "flipped my switch", but I suspect that's because I wear tiny amounts, and have rarely worn it for anything but to enhance sex. However, pretty much anything else that has alpha-androstenone in it (Dominance, Leather, Blatant Invitation and La Femme Noire) has ​flipped my switch in the past, BIG TIME. Alpha-androstenone is an "alpha male" kind of phero, and when it's added to women's blends it's in tiny amounts to add the air of a "dominant" vibe to a blend. It's also famous for flipping switches. From what I can recall from previous conversations, it's a "sticky" phero, too, meaning that it can stay around for a few days after application. So if you wear it one day, and then apply more the next - even to sparkling clean application points - you're effectively adding more alpha-androstenone to what is still clinging to your skin. It can flip your switch though, even if you haven't worn it in a while, if you've applied too much, or possibly at different times in your cycle. Personally, I find I can only wear blends containing alpha-androstenone in the week following my period. Otherwise there's an excellent chance that people around me will die. If I DO wear these blends at different times of the month, I tend to wear much, much less, in order to avoid manslaughter charges. Strangely, they still tend to work for me in tiny doses - everything but BI, which seems to make me want to slaughter whole towns, no matter how much or how little I wear, or when I wear it. At any rate, I have had to be pretty meticulous about figuring out how much I can wear, and when it's best to wear it. Like Halo said above, androstadienone is the one that can make you angry if you're in the mood and aren't getting any. I suspect this is the reason I can't wear BI - not its inclusion in the blend, but maybe the proportions just affect me badly. Blends containing -enone (alpha-androstenone) tend to make me overly-fiery, but BI makes me feel so angry - and out of nowhere! - that I feel like my head will explode (and then maybe some huge Godzilla-like monster will leap out of my body like it's an "Eggers Suit", and then indiscriminately devour all the townsfolk).
  8. That's how I'm thinking about using it, too: LFN & Sexpionage. Good to know it covers! Thank you!
  9. I had to check the notes after I put this on - it smells soft, like a smoky marshmallow on me, and I love it! It must be the tobacco and vanilla? I don't know. I'm not even sure how else I could describe this scent but to say, "smoky marshmallow". And by that I mean one that's been maybe sitting near enough to the fire to get warm and start getting a little gooey & soft, but never made it onto the end of anyone's stick. The dry-down is to-freaking-die-for. OMG.
  10. I was uncertain about Juicy Lucy because of the boozy element, which isn't something I generally enjoy. Maybe because, working in a restaurant/bar, I spend my nights trying NOT to spill the booze on myself. But I don't detect any boozy bits here. I love the initial citrus blast, and I love that it seems to last for a good long while. I applied about 4 hours ago, and the citrus was still hangin' tight till about an hour ago! Now that it's been on a while, there's a really pretty sheer quality to it. The amber & cedar are a really great base, and I like how they smell together as all the top notes are fading. Juicy Lucy is definitely a FB contender for me. I like the idea of having a nice, light-wearing fragrance like this, as a cover for Sexpionage in the summer months. Juicy Lucy's pretty!
  11. Ooh. I like that idea: LFM. Yeah! I loved your labeling project. It looked so tidy, clean and organized - and pretty! I loved the white tops on your bottles, too. They made the labels really pop somehow.
  12. If the sample was in a little vial with a curved top and a black, long-wanded stopper, that's it. Funny - I actually thought of you when I saw it, 'cause it reminded me of the funky-cool way you made all your samples and sprays and travel goodies. They were all so pretty and streamlined! Whether it's the original or the rebrew, it smells gorgeous. It has an unexpectedly sultry edge to it that I LOVE.
  13. I always wanted to try this, and thanks to the lovely Eastwood22, who sent me a sample, I'm trying it right now! I would never have guessed that I'd love it so much, going by the notes, but OH MAN THIS SMELLS INCREDIBLE! I don't even remember now, what's in this, but whatever it is, I want to roll around in it. Forever. Damn. I hope there's another rebrew at some point. This kitty could use some Black Cat Mojo.
  14. I wore Gossamer Threads last night. It definitely has the same feel as Spider Silk does - that same soft, almost silky-powdery kind of feel. It's an even softer, gentler scent than Spider Silk though. Airy, almost. Bunny silk! I'm surprised that something that feels this sheer can cover Cuddle Bunny so completely! I enjoyed wearing this last night, and I know that I'll get a ton of wear out of it in the summer months, because it's so wonderfully light in feel. I'm also enjoying that it feels like it has a couple of different "faces", like I could wear it with jeans and a t-shirt and feel really comfy and casual, but it also has an elegant feel to it, so it wouldn't feel entirely out of place if I were wearing something dressier than a t-shirt, jeans and a pair of Chucks. It feels versatile. I like that a lot.
  15. Thanks Halo. It's not a problem for me. But I thought they'd like to know. The labels are similar at a glance. I kept getting them mixed up on Etsy, too.
  16. I already am! OMG! I am overwhelmed! And it's AWESOME!
  17. OMG! ALL of my packages arrived today!!! It's so exciting! So many new, beautiful things, I don't even know where to start sniffing! Mara, John, all of you LP Elves, THANK YOU so much for the extras! You guys are the friggin' best! So wonderful! GAH! I'm beside myself with excitement right now, and all I've done is unwrap everything! LOL! This just made my whole week! Thank you, LPMP, Hearts & Eastwood! You've all made an extremely bouncy Eggers today! ETA, now that I've actually opened my sampler, I realize that there are TWO trials of Gossamer Threads in here... No Wild Cherry/Sexology.
  18. Thanks Eastwood! I sent you an email tonight. Heads up!
  19. Oh wow... So the LP package that was mailed by LP on February 15th might ​arrive tomorrow. The package that Hearts mailed on Feb 27th (from kinda sorta the same area of the US) will definitely be here tomorrow. My poor LP package. It really will be travel-weary - I'll have to let the sweet things rest, adjust to the time change and the absence of all the exciting, unexpected action of world travel. Hee! I'm so totally amused by this. So unlike me. Normally I'd be all, "WHERE THE F#CKING F#CK IS MY PACKAGE, DAMMIT!?", raging loudly but helplessly against the US/Canadian postal systems. But it's so funny that two packages mailed from the same area of the country, almost two weeks apart, are likely to land on my doorstep on the same day. Kinda cool, actually. Now, instead of two small packages, it's like I'll be getting a great BIG one. Exciting stuff considering I'm not even sure when it was that I last got some new LPs. Can. Hardly. Wait.
  20. I still miss Stealing Heaven, with Open Windows. It was one of the first phero'd scents I bought in a full bottle, back in 2012, and I freakin' loved it. I've always wished that it had become part of the permanent catalogue as the "official" Open Windows scent. Somehow, the citrusy element always stayed through extended wear - it didn't fade like it does with so many other scents. And it was hilarious that people always accidentally called it "Stealing Windows". Myself included. Ha! Stealing Windows...
  21. It definitely does what it says on the tin!
  22. In 6 years of ordering from LP, (not to mention the kabillions of other orders I've made), this is only the second time (knock on wood!) that a package has gotten re-routed like this. This time was a little more bizarre, since it made it to within an hour of my home and then went all the way back to LA. This one hurt a bit more. Especially since I haven't ordered that much lately. I was so excited that it looked like they were going to arrive early, and then the tracking showed they were back in Los Angeles and I was all, "AWWWW!!! NOOOO!!!!".
  23. I used to order buckets of perfume every month. Now I'm lucky if I order 2 or 3 times a year. The posties were probably confused when they saw a package addressed to me: "no man, it can't be for her - I heard she died", and so they sent it back.
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