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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, EoW is not something that you want to diffuse like other pheros, first of all. EoW is something that a man should get a whiff of when you are close. You don't want every man in the room to get a strong sexual signal from you. That being said, I find that the Essence Oil is much nicer than the regular version, as far as coverability.....and it sticks closer to the skin.....I love it!! That's why I have one and a half bottles......
  2. There are soooooo many musks, and they all smell different, but here are some examples.... You like Dirty Sexy, and it has a lot of musk as the basenote. That is why the resins bloom so beautifully in that one. Also, if you've tried Sultry Aternoon, the almost "wispy" smell that you get in the background of that one.....that's musk. I've never smelled the Egyptian Musk, but since I am a musk fan, I'm sure I'd like it.
  3. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    Slightly sweet.....
  4. I could start a whole new thread about some of the stuff I have done!! OH, the stories I could tell..... :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  5. I just ordered a back-up bottle of this, but requested Blatant Invitation as an add-in.....I am SOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAAD!!!!
  6. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    Oh yes....definitely a good scent for teasing and tantalizing, without being too forward.....this one won't knock them over the head, but will draw them into your web nonetheless......
  7. Oh, you don't have to tell me.....I am always up for some dirty fun.......
  8. This one is definitely my favorite from this month's scents thus far (I still have a few more to try, but no more sniffing points for today)..... On me, it finishes with a lot of amber, but then again, my skin is known to amp amber......it is dead sexy, even 5 hours after application.....
  9. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    Ok, so 5 hours later it is still lingering......it finishes much the same as it started, mostly roses and a very light musky note.....and a little hint of what seems to be champagne..... You need a full bottle, CC! It is lovely.....and very sexy......not in-your-face sexy like Down and Dirty.....it is more of a whispering "gee it's hot in here, let's get naked" type of scent.....
  10. OMG Countess, what a brew!! Dang, you are just driving that man crazy!
  11. Yes, these are much more potent, IMO, and I am a long-time phero user. I have used products from just about every phero company out there, including Androtics. Currently, I buy ONLY the phero products stocked here at LP. You can either purchase the phero blends in a scented limited edition, unscented, or as an add-in to a regular LP scent. I have done all 3..... To attract women, I would say get some Super Sexy for Men, either in unscented or added to the men's fragrance UN (one of the sexiest scents I have ever smelled on a man)......to gain respect, maybe you could try some PheroBoy Dominance......to make others more comfortable you can either go with the Synchronicity OR the Unscented Drop your Guard. As far as a proper "dosage", that is a more difficult question. Not all products work the same for different people. You may need to use more or less than the next person. Start out slowly. Roll a bit on your pulse points, and go.....if you buy the scented ones, there is no need to use a cover scent. If you get no reactions, try a bit more the next day. They are very strong....I have gotten reactions by wearing the tiniest little bit.....remember, less is more.....
  12. Hi Phat! I can't answer all of the questions that you posed to SG, but I might be able to jump in on a few. Even though the scent for Phero Boy Super may not be re-brewed, you can still get the Super Sexy for men pheros added to any men's scent of your choice. UN for men is very similar, so you could just get the pheros added to that scent, if you wish. Actually, you can get any of the concentrated pheros added to any LP scent.....is only costs an extra $20, and it makes things more convenient. The one thing to remember is that you have to order a bottle of scent, then order the "add pheromones". In your order notes, you would indicate which scent was to have which pheros added. As for the pheros here, they are all good..... Woodland Man actually uses Turn up the Heat from Androtics, and the lovely ladies have created a really nice scent base for it, so there will be no need for you to use a separate cover scent. The other phero blends you have mentioned are exclusive to Love Potion, and are all very potent. I have had wonderful results with the scented and unscented phero blends from here. The main thing to remember is that since they are in an oil-based scent, they will not diffuse as quickly as the alcohol-based ones (this is a good thing if you live in a hot humid area like I do). I cannot answer as to how long it will take you to get an order......I am not sure Mara and Danna could either. "Normal" turnaround time in the US is 2 weeks.....most of us usually get them faster than that though.....I am not sure how long it would take to get to Asia..... Hope this answers your questions!!
  13. Dolly


    Smokey Kisses A sensual reminder of a young womans first passionate kiss in which the lines of love and lust are crossed. Sweet cherries and roses merge within a web of smoke which leads to an euphoric drizzle of red wine. All the senses are enticed while dark resins and a gentle stir of woody musk creates a moment you can never forget. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate, cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination. ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection and love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. WOODS, SMOKE, RESINS ~ Love, sensuality, purification. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so this one is unusual.....but nice..... Wet, I get cherries.....very strong cherries with smoke.....as it dries, I get more smoke, and the cherries fade, leaving a hint of roses.....pretty cool.....my only real complaint with this one is not with the scent, but with my skin......my skin ate it.....now, it is barely there......
  14. Down & Dirty ~ For Her Down and Dirty for Women is the fragrance you reach for when you want to be that woman,the one who seduces men with her scent…a mystery they long to discover, pure sex appeal they are powerless to resist. A thoroughly decadent blend of leather, whisky and caramel trapped in rich amber, further darkened with civet, patchouli and tonka bean and hints of teak and pink pepper…Down and Dirty drives them wild! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: LEATHER ~ Protection, dark, secrets, safety, surviving what comes at you, sex. WHISKEY ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing. AMBER ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality. CIVET (Musk derived from civet cats, now illegal except in synthetic form.) ~ Considered a strong aphrodisiac, intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. TONKA ~ Love, money, courage, wishes granted; wards off illness. TEAK ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. PEPPER ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, exorcism, hex-breaking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOOOOOOH, I really like this one.....it is deep and sexy.....BUT, for those of you who are not into the dark scents, it really isn't THAT dark.....it isn't as dark as I expected, in fact.....it does have a bit of a "deep" feeling to it, but sweet at the same time.....unusual, sexy, and just what I would describe as HOT. Wet, it smells very similar to Naughty Minx (probably the tonka).....after it dries down some, it differentiates.....I get some amber, and a splash of pepper......mmmmmmm.....I can't wait to slather my honey with the men's version and see how they compliment each other..... Will update as this dries down further.....
  15. OK, I am slathered in a bunch of scents right now, but I will do my best to differentiate my nose. This one is exactly as I envisioned.....wet, it is all musk and roses. The musky note is in the forefront.....LOVE IT! After it dried down about 15 min, the chocolate, strawberries, and champagne started peeking through just the tiniest little bit.....this is very very nice!! I will update as it ages on me......
  16. I just KNEW we'd convert you sooner or later! When I started out with pheros, I was a die-hard skeptic.....I was the one walking around saying "Yeah, RIGHT"......and it was not until I noticed that I was having repetitve, consistent results that could not be explained away any longer...... I would again like to mention that the way you blend the pheros into the scents makes a BIG difference. You are not just dumping something stinky into something that smells good, and hoping it turns out ok.....you actually use the natural smell of the pheros as a note.....that blew me away the first time you said it.....NOBODY in the phero market does that! You ladies do a FABULOUS job..... We are so lucky!!!! Ok, gushing over.....
  17. I like the Essence Oil MUCH better that the "regular" EoW.....it seems to cover better, at least on me.....and, it works just as good as the alcohol-based version.....
  18. Just make sure that you treat it exactly like EoW, which is one of the elements in Blatant Invitation.....put it on, and let it dry down for at least 10 minutes.....THEN cover.....it should cover well with just about any fragrance, as long as it isn't one of those "barely there" scents.....I personally have actually worn it WITHOUT a cover, just for testing.....it's not really that foul.....dries down to a musky, over-ripe fruit scent......
  19. My man likes CFM so well that one full bottle wasn't enough.....I ordered a backup bottle!!
  20. Way to go!!! I like Treasured Hearts, too.....I have a full bottle coming in my August package....
  21. Even without the pheros, I kind of stir up trouble......always have......it's in my personality.....WITH pheros, I am absolutely DANGEROUS......
  22. OK, so I went to the concert with my sweetie and his co-workers/friends last night. I was slathered in Blatant Invitation, covered with CFM. My darlin' was bonkers for CFM from the first time he smelled it......he is TICKLED that I have a back-up bottle on order. Anywhoooo.....so, we get there, his friends show up, and we all hug and say hello and chit-chat. My sweetie was standing next to me with his head buried in my neck 99% of the time, and when somebody commented on it, he started explaining to them that I was wearing a new perfume called "CFM", and was having a ball telling them what CFM stands for. The guy that I usually pick on/flirt with/embarass was almost starry-eyed, and kept trying not to stare at me. While we were all talking about the perfume, I asked him to smell me, saying that I wanted male opinions that I could post on the forum. He said....."Uuuuuhhh, it's really nice." Big stupid grin. Then, I decided to see what other reactions I could get. The other male that was in the group was a 24-year old, kind of shy, very good mannered young guy, whose girlfriend was with him. She is a real bitch, and I don't care much for her. Well, I waited till the three guys went to get some drinks, and I asked her if she would mind if I asked her boyfriend to sniff me so I could get his reaction. She said...."SURE! No problem.....let me smell." She sniffed my wrist and said, "Oh yeah, I like that." So, the guys stroll back over, and I walked up to her boyfriend. I said......"Your girlfriend gave me permission to ask you to smell me, so you can give me your thoughts on my CFM perfume." So, I moved my hair, and he took a SMALL sniff. He just said that it "smelled good". Well, his girlfriend says...."She needs more of an opinion that THAT." So, I bare my neck again, and he takes a BIG sniff, and I said, "So, what do you think?" This 24 year-old, shy BOY looks me dead in the eye and says, with this big grin....."I'd F*** you." His girlfriend almost had a heart attack. All in all, it was a wild night.....CFM diffuses really well when the heat rises.....and Blatant Invitation is going to definitely be a permanent part of my phero arsenal!!!!
  23. Yeah, I think Dirty Sexy would be appropriate for male use.....so would Turn On and In the Mood....I think Nasty Habits would be a little bit too sweet.....BUT 976 Girl is very spicy, if you like spices also...... As far as the men's scents specifically, I love Super for Men, and UN as well (the non-phero version of Super), and I also really like Bad Boy.....it is a very sexy leather & dark vanilla blend.....YUMMY..... AND the August releases contain Down and Dirty for men......a very dark, dirty, resinous scent.....you may want to check that one out.... Oh, and WELCOME to the forum!!
  24. I like this one more each time I wear it......my honey smelled it for the first time last night.....it wasn't one of his faves, but immediately he said....that's different.....but familiar.....what is that note that I'm smelling? I listed the main notes and he said "PEACH! That's it! " He is so funny....he is getting as into sniffing the scents here as I am.....he is as amazed as I am about the depth, uniqueness, and quality...... He even has his own little shelf in my bedroom, for his "smellies".....he told me to make sure that I don't put any of my perfumes on HIS shelf.....
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