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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OK, lovely ladies......I just want to make something clear, because I don't want you all to have a bad taste in your mouths, or have you thinking that you can't come in here and post your phero results.....we want to hear your reports!! I think this is all a big misunderstanding or communication gap or whatever you want to call it. I don't think that any of the members here were "preaching". When I first read remmy's post, it sounded as if she was shocked that she got such a reaction. NO, I do NOT think that the older lady had the right to say something that vile. Not even close. I stepped into the coversation the way I did because it sounded as if sweet remmy was confused as to why she got such a reaction. All I was trying to say is that with copulins, you must be PREPARED for EXTREME reactions. Even though we all do have free will, we are all still animals, and that is PRECISELY why pheromones work. Some people will act lewd when they pick up on the signals, and some will not. Some people who have less than stellar self-control (I'm sure we have ALL met these people) will go overboard when they pick up on these signals. Bottom line, wear what you want, and please come and post your feedback. But, be AWARE and be SAFE. Happy testing!
  2. Dolly


    Treasured Hearts is definitely a GEM!
  3. Dolly

    Soul Food

    Yeah, you don't want to miss out on the funzies!!
  4. Yes, that smell would most probably be the IS/A. Also, the reason it smells lighter is that IS/A is alcohol based, and it dilutes the LP Red, which is oil.
  5. Dolly

    Soul Food

    I noticed that too......you must be my "scent twin"!!
  6. Dolly

    Soul Food

    UPDATE.....I have been wearing this on one side and Native Soil on the other side.....at one point, as they both started the dry down, they smelled pretty similar.....then differentiated....Native Soil is mostly cinnamon on me with the resins in the background. Soul Food dries down as mostly sweet sandalwood with the cinnamon in the back.....I need a full bottle of this one too!
  7. It's really going to vary.....Blatant Invitation unscented has a good amount, which is nicely balanced with the other pheros in it, and I have found that, as an add-in, the cops are not that strong.....very nice. This has actually become my favorite phero-booster to have the lovely ladies add to my scents..... Phero Girl is VERY heavy on the cops, from what I understand (both from what I have been told AND how it has worked for me). Not sure about Cuddle Bunny, but from what I understand it has quite a bit also. I'm not sure if this answered your question, but there really ISN'T a specific or easy answer to it! It's sort of a "your mileage may vary" thing......
  8. OK, my darlin' was hosting a football party/cookout this weekend, and I wanted a mix that was sexy, but wanted to play up the fun! The party was to be a mix of ages and genders.....male AND female, ages ranging from 18 to about 60.... On Saturday, I used Dark Seductions as a cover for the following combo....a small splash of Blatant Invitation in my cleavage (to keep my sweetie on his toes and waiting for the "after-the-company-leaves" festivities), and then a healthy dose of Treasured Hearts and True Confessions, both on my neck, but also on my forearms and backs of my hands.....I am a hand-talker and hair-flipper, so I was getting GREAT diffusion with that and the breeze that was blowing....... One woman was walking up and I was standing on the covered back porch (where the festivities were taking place).....I waved and she said, from 4 feet away....."Whatever that is that you're wearing, it smells REALLY GOOD!" Well, she is usually kind of quiet and reserved, but within minutes, she and her husband were laughing and joking and just enjoying the heck out of life! This is a very good, festive, feel good mix! Everyone loves you, wants to be your best friend, and thinks you are HOT. I would call this combo "THE MIXER"..... My next test is going to be on a combo that is a variation of this one, but with a non-sexual nature.....I bet that a combo of JUST True Confessions and Treasured Hearts would be really FUN for either a single-gendered or mixed party!
  9. Dolly

    Native Soil

    I am SOOOOOOOOO glad I went ahead and got a full bottle!! I am learning to trust that instinct. I NORMALLY wait till after sampling to pick full sized bottles. BUT, there have been instances where something just told me that I would completely fall in love at first sniff. This was one of THOSE moments. I get deep sandalwood and lots of cinnamon at first, then the resinous bits and incensey notes start peeking out, a little at a time. But throughout all of the layers of this scent, the cinnamon stuck around. I LOVE cinnamon! I love it, but I just KNEW I would! I wore it Friday night, and it was quite funny actually. My sweetie got within one foot of me, and said "Mmmmmm....you're wearing a new one! What is it?" He has gotten to the point where he sniffs, asks what the name is, and then has me tell him what "intention" is behind the scent. When I told him that this one was for protection AND sex, he said, "Well, I don't know about the protection, but I totally GET the sexual element!" He said that when he smelled it he was almost immediately aroused. He loved this one, and was VERY glad that I have a full bottle of it....Me TOO!!! Thumbs up Danna, and thanks for re-visiting this one!!
  10. Dolly

    Soul Food

    NICE! I too LOVE the intention behind this potion....but, even the scent is FAB! On me, it starts out with that background of resins. They stick through the whole experience. Then I get sandalwood, then cinnamon, then benzoin, and then more of that sweet sandalwood. MMMMMM.....very smooth and dark....... Geeez, maybe another full bottle necessary?
  11. Dolly

    Carpe Noctum

    Oh YEAH! This one is my next full bottle! It is deep and dark and rich.......on me, the dark vanilla dominates.....I don't get much clove, but I do get the musk and woods......mmmmmm.....my sweetie liked this one....he gave the thumbs up for a big bottle. His 18 year old daughter also liked it.....she was taking a shower, and I had applied some and walked through the house. She came out of the bathroom, and was saying.....WOW, what is that smell? That is amazing!! A winner!!
  12. Ladies, there are so many other pheros here that ARE suitable for everyday use, and can be used in a variety of situations. Don't put yourselves in harm's way by sending out the wrong (phero) messages. Copulins are very strong, blatant stuff, and should be used with caution. Other pheros can bring you hits and attention, and can be a lot of fun. Experiment and enjoy yourseves!
  13. I am 41, and was on birth control pills for years (supposedly reduces your original copulin production). So, yes, I need a LOT to get a reaction. But, you ladies who are around 20 need to tone down the copulin use, seriously. You probably already produce a lot of natural cops, and you are crossing the copulin line (remmy proved this with the reactions she got). Now, I don't think that Super Sexy actually contains copulins. BUT it is a sexy mix, nonetheless. Blatant Invitation, in the right setting, is a really good mix, BUT wearing it around young men with raging hormones (such as on a college campus), out in public in daytime, etc is really going to put one of you in a bad situation, I'm afraid. I am older and have been using pheros for a LONG time. I know what reactions to be prepared for. And, if things get ugly, I can take care of myself. I will say this.....when I started out with pheros, there was nothing this potent on the market. Not at a price you could afford, anyway. For daytime use, I would suggest that some of you younger ladies use some Treasured Hearts, Popularity Potion, True Confessions, Drop Your Guard, Super Sexy or even Unscented Dominance. There are many MANY blends here that will give you the attention and hits without being quite so sexual. THEN, reserve the Blatant Invitation when the situation warrants it. But, be prepared for what will possibly happen. ETA: Copulins HAVE been known to create angry, and even "catty" reactions in women....especially if they feel like you are trying to compete with them. One girl even reported almost getting beaten up one night at a club. Be careful!!
  14. Well, when you wear a ton of copulins out in public, you need to be prepared for that type of reaction. Blatant Invitation already has a healthy dose of cops in it......the only time I wear that much copulin out in public in the daytime is if I am running a specific "test", or if my man is with me. Trust me, you WILL be getting reactions that you do NOT like or want. EoW sends out the signal that you are READY to have sex, and NOW.
  15. Good plan!! I feel sure you may want to keep them all to yourself.....I am a straight up addict now.....most of us here are! So, which freebies did you choose?
  16. They should get the email, but if you're concerned, you can call......just make sure that it is later in the day.....they are on pacific time.....
  17. My skin chemistry does weird things to certain scents (not this particular one though). If you like it in the bottle, buy a scent locket.....solves the wonky skin chemistry issues.
  18. You're very welcome!! They will probably end up being your presents to yourself!! Trust me, one sniff and I was hooked! Did you choose two freebies since you are now an active forum member? If not, just send the ladies an email or give them a call and let them know which 2 you want. You can take advantage of the special once monthly, as long as your order is over $20.
  19. Hi Naturechild!! Glad to see you made it over here!! Welcome!! Personally, I like the avatar.....
  20. Yes, it is my understanding also that both the scented and unscented are diluted at a 1/10 ratio. I do think I remeber Mara saying, however, that the scented "Supers" (for men and for women) were a bit stronger.....
  21. That's funny! I hope you resisted the urge to run, screaming, in the opposite direction!!
  22. I would also suggest possibly increasing the amount you are wearing.....you may not have hit your "sweet spot" with these mixes yet......trust me, when you do hit it, WOW. You started out correctly though.....the best way to work these mixes is start with just a little bit, as they are very potent.....try applying a bit more next time, if you still aren't getting the responses that you desire.....
  23. Nasty Habits is one of my faves.....I have....ahem......4 bottles of it......yes, I'm guilty of being a hoarder...... I am anxiously awaiting my box which has another backup bottle of CFM, a bottle of Native Soil, and samples of Carpe Noctum and Soul Food......I ALMOST got a full bottle of Carpe Noctum, but I exercised a little restraint.....
  24. I don't blame her......I wouldn't give them up either.....
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