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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Phat, the 10 min drydown is mostly for women's phero blends containing copulins. I've never had to dry down my other pheros.
  2. Glad you are enjoying your new LP treasures, Phat! Since you are going to be layering the two phero blends, I would go with the "less is more" approach.......simply roll an inch or so of the Unscented SuperSexy on your wrists and neck pulse points, and then cover with the Synchronicity.....it has the "Drop Your Guard" pheros, so it will create a nice approachable vibe in conjunction with the sexual undertone of the SuperSexy. Enjoy!!
  3. OOOOH, I can't wait.....the darker the better for me!
  4. Me too.....I bought a full-sized bottle (completely unsniffed) of Native Soil.....I couldn't resist!
  5. Dolly


    Well, I haven't used it in a while......BUT, whenever I am having a day where I am "mindlessly munching".....you know, not really hungry.....I can put a little swipe on the backs of my hands, sniff a couple of times, and I'm good to go.....
  6. OK, so what is everybody getting? I ordered a full size of Native Soil.....I've been wanting that one for a while, but the original sold out.....this is my chance.....sounds like it is right up my alley! I also got samples of Soul Food and Carpe Noctum.....oh, and the backup bottle of CFM the lovely ladies were holding for me.....
  7. I've been considering trying a bottle of Liz' custom blend.....it sounds way cool.....
  8. Well, I have found that some men respond well to TAL, and some not so well......I had some that turned cold and aloof on TAL, but went wild with TAH. My man (and some others) are just the opposite.....he likes TAH ok, but when I wear TAL, it spins him like a top! He loves it (even though he doesn't know that is what it is). Keep us posted!!
  9. I think we all have similar traits....one of my favorite shows on tv is "Forensic Files".....
  10. So, how did it go? Come on, luna, spill it....
  11. Dolly


    Try a scent locket.....whenever I have one that my skin chemistry does ugly things with, I can still enjoy the scent in my locket.....
  12. It's on this page near the middle..... just scroll down.....
  13. Yeah, I was going to try to exercise some restraint and only choose a few, but I think it's hopeless....I'm probably going to have to have a whole sampler pack!
  14. They look great ladies!! Can't wait to try some of them!!
  15. They are working as fast as they can.....please be patient.....
  16. I know it's probably not appropriate to post an additional review on this one since it is sold out.....HOWEVER......I just had to add an additional experience because I layered it with pheros and got a WOW reaction. OK, so a few months ago, I sold my bottle of Isis.....DUH.....I regretted it almost immediately! I didn't wear it often, but when I wanted that combination of spicy, warm, and sweet all at the same time, I reached for ISIS. OMG, what had I DONE???? Thankfully, I got a bottle in a trade recently. Thank you!!!! Anywhoooooo, I was wearing my Isis yesterday, phero-free, just enjoying the richness of the scent. My sweetie called to say he was on his way over, and Isis was still present, so I dabbed on some Blatant Invitation, and covered it with ISIS......the stage was set! So, my man comes in, walks past me, stops dead. Turns around and says....."What are you wearing?" I said, "ISIS. You've smelled it before." Well, he said that it smelled VAGUELY familiar, but that it must have been a long time ago, because he couldn't specifically remember. So, he comes over, and takes a BIG whiff.....says "WOW. Why haven't you been wearing that one more often?" So, I explained to him what happened, and he said....."Glad you got another bottle. That's a winner. I am extremely turned on." I'm sure that was probably partly due to the ISIS, and partly due to the pheros, which he did not know I was wearing.....teehee.... Let me tell you.....for a weekday, OMG. We were trying to be quiet, because my son was sleeping right down the hall.....BUT, all I have to say is, it's a good thing he's a sound sleeper!! He kept on burying his head in my neck, saying, "Damn, you smell good. That one is hot. I LIKE." I guess the moral of the story is this.....before you trade a sold-out scent, be DAMN SURE that its what you want to do!!
  17. FLOH sent me some of her lovely custom blend in a little pre-hurricane care package.....isn't she sweet? Although I do not often wear the lighter scents, this one is quite nice.....lightly fruity, slightly floral, and quite sweet. Very nicely done, and I think I may choose this one when I need something that is simply light and pretty...... Thank you FLOH!!!!
  18. Another Stephen King fan here!! I have every one he has written, I think......with the exception of a couple of the newer ones.....my obsession with his works started when I was about 12, I think.....
  19. From what I have heard, I don't know if you'll EVER find something that will cover that nasty stuff.....
  20. Exactly! That is why I have some of the perfumes that I buy from here "boosted" with the add-ins. So much easier to apply on the go.....and on the SLY, if you don't want your TG to know....
  21. Welcome to the forum! Always nice to see new addicts popping in for a visit!!
  22. A lot of us do that.....wear a special scent for bedtime.....you're hooked, just like the rest of us, for sure!!
  23. Carrie is absolutely correct. I have found that some people have noses that are sensitive enough that if a person is wearing the mixes like MX274 that just have a base scent added for diffusion purposes, they can still detect the pheros. Not all people can, but some do..... The phero scents from here are, for the most part, unidentifiable as pheros. However, as Katz has pointed out, some do layer well.....actually, most of the scents here, whether phero or non-phero, layer really well.....you can come up with some really cool and unusual blends and combos..... And, I find that the phero blends from here are sooooo potent.....if you wish to cover or layer, they do not lose their effectiveness.....since you are a member of Androtics board, and are probably used to the whole mcg per spray theory, here is a post where Mara discussed the strength of the blends here, calculated in the same way..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...l=concentration
  24. The one that you refer to as "regular" androstenone is alpha androstenone. I am sure that Ail or someone with more scientific knowledge could give you a more detailed explanation and/or correct me if I'm wrong, but I THINK that beta -none is not quite as agressive as alpha -none. I beleive I read that somewhere, but can't remember exactly.
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