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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly


    Welcome Jo Anna!! My household is run by two kitties too.....both are rescues, and both have their own issues and problems, but my son and I know who controls the house!!
  2. Well, I mailed yours and Esmeralda's on the same day, and you're both in Canada....she has received hers.....hopefully you will get yours soon.....
  3. I second Super For Men.....it gets my motor running.....
  4. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Sugared Honeycomb is an absolute must for my perfume shelf.....by layering with it, I can completely change the character of any scent. I love that versatility.....
  5. That's a shame that it didn't work for you Esme....I didn't get strong amber with that one at all.... But at least your Mom (and Dad) can have some fun with it!!
  6. Oh yeah, I love the pheros here.....they work better than any others I have tried!!
  7. Hey hun.....I have insomnia problems too.....had it for a long time....was on prescription meds for awhile.....now, I am on herbals.....I take valerian and melatonin at bedtime.....you may want to try it......
  8. True Confessions is very potent, and I think my next order is going to include another bottle..... I wore it today to an appt with a new client, and I heard ALL of the dirt on the other accountant in town....WOW. And, I had just met this woman..... Want somebody to spill their guts? If you are a hand-talker like me, take some TC and put it on the backs of your hands (I also put it on the topside my forearms).......it dries down to an alomst not there smell, so no cover is needed.....
  9. Great report Countess! Yes, this scent is one hot ticket, for sure!! I am so getting another bottle of this one!!
  10. Yeah, he wants me to order a backup bottle......
  11. OOOOOH, LP Black is one of my favorites of the Love Potion series......
  12. He said this morning that he didn't want to go to work.....he said, "I just want to stay here and smell your CFM." He loves the name, but after last night, said it should be named CFMA......he said "AGAIN" should be added to the name.....says it gives him a good reason to bury his face in my neck.....
  13. OK, the verdict is in......my darlin' LOVES this one......when I asked him for his opinion so I could post it, he said, "It just smells sooooo f***ing GOOD!" I won't repeat what he said it makes him want to do to me..... That could be partly due to the scent and partly due to the pheros (it does have TAL in it, after all.....and I layered it with Essence Oil)...... He has liked a number of them, but it has been a while since he liked one this well. While we were watching tv, he just kept leaning in and saying......I really REALLY like that one..... He has also told me that I need to wear this one when we attend the concert Friday night with his co-workers and friends......
  14. CC, if he is very "tight-lipped", I would suggest that you slather it on rather heavily, and make sure you can get it in front of his nose......this stuff is in a base that keeps it closer to your skin......and, in your case, I would say not to cover it with an oil-based fragrance, because that will slow the diffusion more. If you talk with your hands, put it on the backs of your hands........TC doesn't really smell once it dries down, so you shouldn't have much problem with it being noticeable. I have worn it on my forearms and the backs of my hands before without any cover at all. Now, BI will need to be covered.....it has cops in it. BUT, its not too hard to cover.....I have personally worn it straight up.....BUT since your man is already touchy about the phero issue, definitely cover that one around him.
  15. You should try it Viv, it's a killer combo...... BUT, I'll try anything once.....SS4W with Cougar, Phero Girl w/SS4W, Phero Girl with BI, BI with Treasured Hearts......ANYTHING with Essence Oil.....with everything we have here at LP now, the phero possibilities are endless.... I'm currently wearing CFM with True Confessions....went to lunch with a friend.....got ALL the dirt......
  16. SEE, you can still flirt and play, even in front of the hubby....actually, that is probably the safest place to do it.....I am playing with the pheros this weekend at a concert with my sweetie and a bunch of his co-workers/friends (mostly males).....should be a blast......
  17. OK, so last night, my sweetie came over......I had layered Blatant Invitation and True Confessions on my neck and wrists, and had covered it with LP Black...... My honey arrived and we went to my son's little Open House night at his school, and then we came back home for a quiet evening. He and I joked and laughed, and generally had a lot of fun with each other. As things were quieting down so that my son could go to sleep, we got into a deep sexually-oriented discussion.....I mean, we have had "sexual preference" discussions before, but HE initiated this one, wanting to know all the things that I like (and don't like), and wanted to confirm that he is doing everything "right" in that arena......I was amazed.....I mean, our sex life is HOT already (and has not cooled off in the almost 2 years that we have been seeing each other).....he knows that I am always FULLY satisfied......BUT, he said that he wanted to make sure of what are the wrong things to do, just to make sure that he doesn't do any of those things. The whole time we were having this discussion, there was lots of touching (there is always a lot of that), lots of eye contact, and lots of loving (yet lustful) looks coming from him...... And, when we finally did retire for the evening, OMFG!!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!! I mean, melting the bedsheets hot.......almost had to break out the fire extinguisher...... This is now one of my favorite combos!! I need to get another bottle of True Confessions (I already have one and a half bottles left of Blatant Invitation)...... Ladies.....you have GOT to get these.....NOW!!!!!!
  18. Dolly


    I have burned through several samples.....so glad I am getting a full bottle in my package!!
  19. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I leave traces of them everywhere I go, it seems..... My fiancee told me that recently, every time his 11-year old daughter gets in the front seat of his car, she puts on the seat belt, and then pulls it up and starts sniffing it, saying that she smells me.....I checked the last time that I rode in his car, and there ARE very distinct traces of Dark Seductions and Dirty Sexy on that seatbelt.....
  20. Yeah, I love love love this one......wearing it today, as a matter of fact.....
  21. Well, of course I'm getting the sampler...... I also purchased full sizes of......D & D set, Classic Seduction, Nasty Habits, Dominance, Treasured Hearts, Essence Oil.....for freebies, I chose NOX, Hathor, and BFF......
  22. There is also a search link up on the top bar......the little purple bar under the LP logo....just hit the word search and go for it.....
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