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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I tried it a couple of times without a cover scent just for testing purposes, and I worked out with it on.....I smelled a teensy bit of the cops, but it was just a little musky, fruity smell......not bad at all.....
  2. Trust me, I have two bottles, and it is worth its weight in gold.....
  3. OK, I decided I wanted some testing fun this evening. I wore a little bit of blatant invitation and a lot of true confessions, covered with Dark Seductions, and went to my son's play. First of all, I was sitting betwen 2 moms and it was like being at a tennis match.....they each kept talking to me, and one was going into mega-personal areas....like her sex life with her husband.....and I've only known her for about a month or so. Then, as soon as the mom on the other side of me got up to go to the restroom, I turned to look at her husband, and he gives me this big smile (really BIG), and a big wink. I'm talking one of those winks that is like in slow motion because they want to make sure you see it. Then, they had a little pizza party for the kids afterwards, and I was just sitting there.....mom #1 STILL chatting me up. So, my cellphone beeped its little message signal. I checked it, and mom #1 said, "Is that your sweetie?", and I said "Yeah, he misses me". One of the dads is sitting there, with his wife, and he says....."I can see why".....big grin.....different guy.....his wife was NOT happy......she snapped a look at him FAST...... This combo seems to invoke big goofy grins from men at random....too funny!!
  4. Well, I have never tried IFM. Instant Shine is good.....I like Cougar from here......it puts a spring in my step. Treasured Hearts made me feel good also.....more of a peaceful calm feeling though.....
  5. Yeah, of the single blends, Blatant Invitation is the BEST! Blatant Invitation also does well with True Confessions.....
  6. OK, I put this up for Darbla....she wanted a thread on layering the pheros, so here it is. One combo that I found that works quite well is the following.....Essence Oil, Cougar Unscented, and SS4/W unscented, covered with your choice of scent.....YOWZA! Everybody else chime in....
  7. Well, I don't really use their products anymore, with the excpetion of some unscented leftovers that I have. BUT, foody type notes like vanilla do a pretty good job. Specifically, valentine's chocolate works pretty well.
  8. Sure will hun.....there are some MAJOR differences between MX250, which is IS/A with 20X cops....216 is quite different from that.....if you want to try to mix your own 216, shoot me an email, and I'll tell you how you can come pretty darn close.
  9. You go, Countess! My stories aren't nearly as juicy as yours, but I have been road-testing this one too. I wore it last night, to my son's play, layered with PG II. There happens to be a woman who is in the little theater group that is a real bitch (pardon my French, but she IS). She has rubbed me the wrong way from Day 1. A good friend and I have talked about it, and wondered if we were the only 2 people who had that reaction to her. Well, last night, we were all sitting around waiting for the production to start, and after being exposed to me for a few minutes (and a couple of them telling me that my perfume smelled SO GOOD) a bunch of other moms started talking about this woman, with no prompting from me. And up until now, nobody has spoken an ill word about her. Well, it was turned loose last night! I was laughing my head off! I really like this one.....I'll be wearing it tonight, to the second run of the play.....stay tuned.....
  10. I have mixed it WAAAAAY strong.....it just all depends on your tolerance (and that of the people who are smelling you). I have mixed it 50-50, and used no additional cover, and nobody has ever complained that I stunk.....and believe me, I am around people who would NOT HESITATE to tell me if I did.....they are brutally honest. But, then again......I can put EoW on straight, let it dry, and wear it with no additional cover. It turns to a slightly fruity note on my skin, so I don't worry too much about overdosing. Even if I cover it and have bleed-through, it's not a nasty smell, but just a little "odd" note that comes through every now and then.......
  11. Rather than mixing them together, I would layer them....yeah, it layers very well.....
  12. Dolly

    Sultry Afternoon

    Sultry Afternoon also has a lot of staying power on me. I can put it on in the evening and still smell it the next morning. A usually wear a nice scent to bed, but not a lot last until morning. By the same token, applied in the morning, it lasts pretty much all day.
  13. Well, my fiancee has never tried the unscented version. BUT, the scented version is HOT HOT HOT. And, that is exactly what it does to me when he wears it.......heats me up......quick, fast, and in a hurry.....I bought him 2 bottles of it, actually......but he isn't allowed to leave the house with it on, unless I am with him......
  14. Great report Dutchess! Sounds like Popularity Potion really lives up to its name!
  15. Oh yeah, I am going for a full bottle soon.....
  16. Were you talking to me? I have been watching the news, also. Hurricane Dolly (haha) went rolling past, so we didn't get affected by that.....BUT, we had an oil spill on the MS river today in Baton Rouge, not that far from me. Shut down about a 75 mile stretch of the river.
  17. A big welcome to Indig0 and all of our other new members! I am sure you will all become as addicted as the rest of us!! Make yourselves comfortable and come chat with us.....sometimes we get crazy, and sometimes things get a little quiet (except me.....I never shut up!), but it's always fun!!
  18. OK, so today, I visited with a client of mine who REQUIRES that I wear Dominance. He is a real ASS when I don't, but is tolerable when I wear scented Dominance (this is the reason why I have 2 full bottles). TODAY, I used unscented Dominance, and covered it with 976 Girl, just because it smells good, has a lot of throw and staying power, and I haven't worn it for a while. Well, Mr Grumpy pants was his usual self, complaining and being generally unpleasant when I arrived. Within a few minutes of my arrival and standing close to him, going over his documents, he was all sweetness. He could not get enough of me. He was calling me brilliant, wonderful, and telling me that contracting my services is one of the best things he's ever done. Then, as I was getting ready to leave, I reached out and shook his hand, and he grabbed me and hugged me in this big bear hug! So, I think I am going to have to have a full bottle of this!!
  19. I don't want to take a chance of that puppy sitting in my mailbox at the PO, so I'm gonna wait and order next week......that way, it won't come until I get back from my trip to visit my family......SO, save me a monthly sampler! And, Mara.....I bet you can already GUESS which ones I'll probably be wanting a full bottle of......you know me too well.....
  20. I have been a pheromone user for over 4 years......for my man, I purchased Super Sexy 4Men (the scented version), and I can tell you that it DOES work. He gets hits with it, EVERY time he wears it. And, it affects me, just like it should. It makes me want to crawl all over him. I have used practically ALL of the women's pheros from here, both scented and unscented, and I can tell you that they are POTENT, and absolutely EFFECTIVE. I no longer buy from any other suppliers, as a matter of fact.
  21. Oh, yeah....I mentioned that in our cafe press thread.....I'd buy one, absolutely!
  22. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    I missed this post.....you're very welcome, Pixie.....glad the shea is working.....FO SHO!!
  23. BWAHHHAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA I love it !!! Make sure that its not my copulin blended soap that you're washing your mind out with.....that will make it worse!
  24. WELCOME!! Boy, you have quite the little stash there.....psssst.....if you ever decide to get rid of Messalina, keep me in mind....I'll pay a premium....that's my fave! Oh, and the same goes if you have any old Dark Seductions hanging out from a year or more ago......
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