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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Oh yeah, isn't it great? Want to try something even better? Layer it with Nasty Habits.....YOWZA!
  2. Sugarspice, I would definitely give it a try.....I have hyper-sensitive skin, which reacts to everything, and I have no bad reactions to D5.
  3. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I am seriously considering mixing up one of my dry oil sprays today, and putting a few drops of this in it......YUM.....will make a nice base scent.....
  4. Dolly


    I am seriously considering one of the full bottles of this being offered in the sale......I like it for days when I want to "lighten up" both in scent and in mood.....makes me feel not so self-critical.....not so hard on myself.....and, that's a good thing......
  5. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    This stuff just has sooooo much staying power, also......after all of the talk about it yesterday, I decided to put a little bit on before bed......this morning, I can STILL smell it.....a light honey scent with a hint of floral (almost floral) in the background.....loving it.....
  6. No, the base is not DPG. The base is D5, which is one of the ingredients in "liquid silk" bases......it is used in "dry oil" sprays to give them that dry silky feeling.....
  7. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Oh yeah, and you can use it to totally change the character of some of the other scents......one of my favorite combos is to put on some Rajah, let it dry down, and then top it with honeycomb......delicious....
  8. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Yeah, this is one that I am so glad Mara said that they keep in stock.....one of their best sellers.....I can see why!
  9. Well, if you can't wear it on your skin, you can always continue to wear it in your hair.....the pheros disperse pretty well that way.....just rub it on your hands and run them through your hair......that way, it won't be wasted......
  10. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Oh yeah, I love it.....it is like having a whole drawer of custom scents.....it is so much fun.....
  11. Almost everyone has particular scents that their skin "eats"......guess this is one of yours.....it's a shame when that happens, isn't it?
  12. The Androtics grapefruit never did smell right on me......it smelled more like coconut than their coconut scent did..... .....I guess it was just my freaky skin chemistry..... looking forward to trying this one.....
  13. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Isn't it though? And it is great to layer with other scents.....For instance, try it layered with Nasty Habits.....it's like a honey dripping sex bomb.....also great with Dark Seductions......and so many others......
  14. Have you tried Summer of Sin yet? It is very yummy and rich.....
  15. The boozy notes don't usually stick around too well on me......Bumbo's booze left me after about an hour.....I had to re-apply that one.....my skin REALLY sucked it up.....booze, fruit, and all.....
  16. I think I'm delirious......tax season does that to me......too little sleep, too many pheros, not enough brain cells.....
  17. Go ahead. Whip it out. I dare you. I promise, you won't be sorry. Yeah, I am sure our natural pheros add to the electricity......BUT, phero and copulin production decrease with age.....since I am in the "over 40" crowd, I am simply levelling the playing field......
  18. I always want MORE of the LPs.....that is part pf my problem.....or, more specifically, my credit card's problem.....
  19. Well, day two..... I was wearing Mermaids earlier today, for a bit of a pick-me-up......after I showered at about 2:30, I applied Dark Seduction laced with the SS concentrate..... This was my son's weekend with his Dad, and he had a birthday party to go to today, but his Dad had a conflict, so it was my job to pick him up and take him to the party. I dropped him at the party, and came back home, and my sweetie came over to me, gave me a hug, looked at me and said "When are you suppsoed to go pick him up?" I said......"Oh, we have a couple of hours." He gets this big grin and says, "Want to have some play time?" It was hot.....and, just for those of you who are wondering, this was DS, SS, and NO added EoW.
  20. OK, more of the Super Sexy trials......I went out to a club with my sweetie and the same co-worker/friend who had a strong reaction to the Cougar concentrate the night of the company dinner...... This time, it was 6 drops of EoW, and Dark Seductions punched up with SS concentrate.....ok, let's finish setting the stage.....the bar was filled with mostly ages 20's & 30's.....I am 40, and my sweetie is 47, but we both look young-ish, so it was ok. Anyhoo, here are all of these "hot young chicks", and I am just me.....plain and simple.....blue jeans, and basic everyday shirt (nothing flashy or sexy....just casual)......BUT...... With the SS, had I been single, I believe that I could have had any of those young guys in there that I wanted.....every one who came into phero range was very obvious about not only looking, but staring.....even the ones who were WITH the hot young things......it was really funny. My man was making a joke about hitting one guy because he was staring so hard (he's not really jealous, so it WAS a joke)....and he asked his buddy, "If I get arrested, will you come and bail me out?" And his friend said "No. Not immediately. I'd let you sit in there for a few hours so that I could have some time alone with your woman." And, he was serious. I could tell by the way he was looking at me. All in all, a VERY interesting phero blend.....add some EoW and Dark Seductions, and it is the OMG blend......
  21. Well, I did order a sample vial of the scented Cougar blend.....I just had to try it...... I'll let everyone know how it works for me after it gets here.....
  22. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    I third that! Have fuuuuuuuuuun!!
  23. OK, May, just for you......I applied 5 drops of EoW last night, then applied Dark Seductions laced wit the SS concentrate. Lets just say it was an interesting evening. My sweetie and I decided to go out to dinner on the spur of the moment, with 2 older couples.....by older, I don't mean OLD, just older than us. I'd say, mid to upper 50's. One gentleman is more early 60-ish. He is the one who was sitting beside me. We were just chatting and talking, and I got up to go to the restroom. When I came back and sat down, I was talking to the lady sitting across from me (the older guy's wife), and I feel my hair slightly "moving"......I look over, and this man has a small lock of my hair, which had apparently draped across my shoulder when I turned my head, and was twirling it between his fingers and playing with it. Not pulling it or anything.....just sort of twiddling with it..... He says...."I like your hair. Very nice." Smiles with this starry-eyed look. Too funny.....pheros crack me up. Anyway.....the cops/SS combo......May, try it..... My man was the Energizer bunny.....truly fabulous combo.
  24. During cold weather, I prefer to apply pheros to my cothes or hair, instead of my skin.....just to make sure that they get "out there"....
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