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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I have used the "add-ins" from here, but if I were using the unscented roll-ons, I would not have a problem layering oil over the pheros. If you had a concern about it, you could just apply your scent "near" the phero application point. I live in Louisiana, so alcohol-based sprays diffuse and evaporate quickly in the heat and humidity. The oil-based pheros stick with me longer, and I have not had any problem with them diffusing enough to get noticed. Hope this answers your question!
  2. EXACTLY......you can find any number of reasons.....
  3. Go for it, Liz!!! You know you want to.....
  4. Oh WOW......just wait till you try these.....you'll be a straight-up addict, just like the rest of us! Of the ones you have coming, I have used Red, Winter Solstice, and Sugared Honeycomb.....all of them are FAB! Sugared Honeycomb.....all I can say is OMG.....one sniff and you'll be in love!
  5. Yeah, that's a tough one to cover. I liked the chocolatini scent when they first came out with it, but they have changed it over time, and it just doesn't smell as good.....AND it is the devil if you try to cover it up. I never did care much for MX135, though.....I could only wear it on the back of my head where I wasn't sniffing it.....I don't do too well with TAH.....I'm more of a TAL girl. I did better with MX134. More alpha. I have pretty much started using LPMP for all of my phero needs though, because they have everything I want right here. And, I find that the pheros here are very potent.
  6. I have used NPA.....it has a lot of androstenone.....as a newbie, I would steer clear of that for now, if I were you.....save that for later!
  7. OK, Liz....I'll chime in......the basics you should know about the pheros in this mix...... Alpha Androstenol=happy vibe, chatty, good feelings; Beta Androstenol=deeper, more meaningful conversation; Est=cuddly, protector vibe (male wanting to protect his woman), Copulins=sexual element...... Hope this helps!!
  8. Yeah, the main reason I am trying it is the oud.....should be very new and interesting!
  9. Dolly


    Oh, I think you'll like it.....
  10. I haven't had any problems with any of the copulin-containing products here.......actually, I haven't had a problem with any of the phero products here. They are all top-notch, of the highest quality, and very potent.....
  11. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Since I started doing it, a few of the scents do smell a bit different.....I liked them before, but I looooooove them now!
  12. FYI.....it is my understanding that the cops in Phero Girl are EoW.....
  13. That would probably be www.pheromonetalk.com and the mix is probably MX135.......
  14. Don't stress, Liz......you'll get the hang of it......
  15. I like to spread the love......
  16. Actually, keeping notes is a really good way to start.....helps keep you from getting overwhelmed.....
  17. Yeah, I know how that goes......tell ya what.....I just went and looked, and I have a couple of the mini samples of Summer of Sin......since I will be sending you a pkg later this week, I'll tuck one in there for you.....
  18. Yeah, what the heck.....can't go wrong with a sample....... I think that my summer vacation at the beach perfumes are going to be Mermaids for day and Dark Seductions for night.....or maybe Honeyed Seductions all the time, depending on how absolutely yummy it turns out to be......
  19. Dolly


    For those of you who have not sampled NOX, and are looking for something that is soothing and comforting, you need to try it.....fruity, dark, and very lovely.......I love applying this one before bed......
  20. I have played with the unscented Cougar.....this time, though I am getting a vial of the grapefruit, just to check it out.....with such rave reviews, I can't pass it up!
  21. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Yeah, I do that with all of my LP scents now.....it does seem to make a difference with some.....
  22. Foody scents are very unpredictable on me.....its not that they smell bad or anything......sometimes they amp up to the EXTREME.....sometimes they mellow.....I just never know..... :unsure: and, since my honey is not that fond of foody scents, I don't wear them that often.....or, I do like Chai and layer them in so they are not noticeable.....
  23. Yeah, I shied away from the scented Super Sexy, because it sounds totally foody, and those don't usually do so well on me.....I'll stick with the unscented version......hell, my package is already going to take a forklift to deliver it......
  24. See, I think I am going to have to have a couple bottles of this one......sounds absolutely delicious....
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