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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I got my package today, and all I can say is OMG...... I am currently floating in a cloud of Honeyed Seductions......it is so incredibly SEXY.....it smells a bit lighter than Dark Seductions, with a TON of honey richness, but all of the dark florals and a hint of vanilla......it makes me want to lick my arm.....I need a big vat of this, I think.....
  2. Well, I can't give an answer with scientific certainty, but.....I get the same reaction from them, no matter how often I wear them.....if I go without them for a day or two (for instance, when I am testing a different phero mix), and then use them again, the reaction is generally the same. I generally wear cops, not only because I like the reaction it illicits in my partner, but because I get a self-effect from them.....they just make me FEEL sexy....
  3. :lock2ep: Welcome everybody!
  4. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Sorry I missed this question May......I used a 4 oz spray bottle.....Shea oil is VERY moisturizing......so, I didn't need to use too much of it.......I used 25% shea oil, 75% cyclomethicone, and about 2-3 ml of sugared honeycomb. Depending on which oil you use and how heavy you fragrance it, you can adjust any of those ingredients to your personal tastes. I don't like my moisturizers to feel greasy, so I use a lot of cyclo and less oil.....
  5. Pulse points on the sides of neck also work really well.......
  6. Hey Charlotte! :banana072: Yeah, and if you want a good unscented phero blend, try the SS, Cougar, etc from here......I would be willing to bet that you'd be getting MUCH more bang for your buck than with Cleo.....
  7. Liz, CC is correct.....most of the LP scents DO cover EW very well.....all of the ones I wear cover it fine......Sugared Honeycomb works exceptionally well, as does Dark Seductions, Dirty Sexy, and Nasty Habits......I wear EW with practically everything......JUST MAKE SURE TO LET IT DRY DOWN COMPLETELY BEFORE COVERING, or you'll be looking like this.....
  8. Hey Seduce, I used Cleo and it did absolutely nothing for me. NOTHING. A couple of my friends said that they got hits, but that they had to wear like half the bottle......it is apparently very weak. Darbla, I think that MX134, Shine and Dominance together might be a bit much. Try Shine for the upbeat vibe, and then pick either Dominance or MX134 for the Alpha vibe. Liz, I have heard that they are good covers.....I tried Pink Sugar once, but it just didn't do well with my body chemistry.....
  9. I just made an assumption, as I don't think anybody has gotten their new releases yet. But thanks for the kudos anyway..... :lock2ep: loving the new emoticons.....
  10. No, EoW is not really like SS (I am assuming you are talking about the unscented SS). SS is a bunch of pheromones, and EoW is straight synthetic copulins (like used in original PheroGirl, PG Dominance, etc). Used by itself, it smells different to each different person, as well as ON each different person, based on skin chemistry. To me, it smells almost like vinegar or old feet in the bottle, and immediately after application. After drydown, usually a minimum of 10 minutes, it turns to a slightly fruity smell. EoW WILL raise a man's testosterone level. Period. You may need to play with it to determine your proper dosage. Once I found mine, I will not be without it. I place regular orders for 1-2 bottles at a time.
  11. Yes, I too think that all of the phero blends should all stick around....scented and unscented..... And, we all KNOW how I feel about Dark Seductions.....I would buy it by the GALLON if possible......teehee..... :2126:
  12. Dolly

    Cleopatra's Blend

    I know......I thought it was pretty hilarious, myself.....OK, so I have a warped sense of humor...... :banana-computer:
  13. Yeah, I tested it once and ordered my first full bottle.....as soon as it went into the "low stock" area, I got another.....I use this one a LOT for work.....makes me feel like this...... :banana085:
  14. Dolly

    Cleopatra's Blend

    My son and my darlin' both love it when I get a new package.....they are always ready and willing to sniff!! :2118: BTW.....I am loving the banana emoticons.....can you tell?
  15. It's on the low stock list.....I just ordered a bottle yesterday.....
  16. Isn't that an absolutely lovely scent? Soft and comforting, yet dark and resinous.....
  17. Yeah, you may want to go for it soon....I ordered a back-up bottle because it is in the low-stock thread. I love it for work.
  18. I haven't tried it, but please keep us posted. I know that with my son, alpha androstenol cranks him up, but beta chills him out. I take a bottle of straight beta -nol on road trips. I spray it on me such that the A/C vent is blowing across me and wafting it into the back seat. Works wonders.....
  19. TAH and TAL are the two female pheromone molecules used by Androtics. TAL has been described as sexy and feminine in an Angelina Jolie type of way, and TAH is sexy and feminine in a Marilyn Monroe type of way. As far as how much to use of the unscented blends here, I would start with behind the ears and cleavage. Also, if you talk with your hands (and are wearing short sleeves), it can also benefit you from applying to your wrists.
  20. Hey there Tomato!! Welcome to the family!! I think you'll really like it here!
  21. Thank you Ail..... ....your expertise is greatly appreciated!!!!
  22. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Oh I know......the waiting is the worst part!
  23. OK, I like the super sexy concentrate. Some of the individual pheros named in it are not ones I am familiar with, but there definitely is something to it. It makes me "strut" when I wear it, for lack of a better word....
  24. Dolly


    I think that everybody has scents that soothe them for one reason or another.....for me, the ones that I find most comforting are NOX, Messalina, and Mermaids (love the avatar, btw.... ).....
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