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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Way to TANTALIZE us all, Mara..... I have just ordered an add-in of "Intellectual Woman".....for those of you familiar with Androtics, it sounds a little similar to Instant Honesty (or maybe Instant Openness), with Est and copulins added......intriguing......I had to have some.....
  2. On me, the seaweed smell is at first application, then it fades to the undercurrent under a bunch of beautiful fruits......sometimes the seaweed pops out a little stronger, but it is never overpowering on me.....it is one of my favorites.....absolutely lovely.
  3. Mine seemed to have little bit in the bottom of it, but it didn't seem to have as much sediment in the bottom as my original one did.....it is very nice though.....
  4. Yeah, that one is one of my favorites......Danna called it "Saturday Night Banana".....
  5. OK, weeeeeeell, here is something to keep in mind..... PheroBoy has Androstenol and AndrosteRONE, both of which are fine for female use. However, Dominance for men is AndrosteRONE and AndrosteNONE. If you try the men's Dom, be careful how much you apply at first, because I am not sure how much AndrosteNONE it has in it. Some women do not tolerate large amounts of male "alpha" pheros. I do ok with them, but some women say they get bitchy with too much......
  6. Keep your chin up girl.....I always try to keep in mind that, no matter how low you feel, or how bad you feel that things are, it could ALWAYS be worse..... hugs for you!!
  7. Dolly


    Allegro has Androstenol in it also.....that is a happy, feel good pheromone.....
  8. I give trial vials to my clients as little thank you gifts for using my accounting services......I also hand out a ton of LPMP cards.....whenever anybody tells me I smell good, I just whip out one of their business cards.
  9. Dolly


    Oh, I don't mind your questions.....these particular scents tend to be relaxing, calming, and comforting to me.....they help me to wind down, and I have a nice scent to keep me company when my sweetie isn't here to comfort me......
  10. Dolly


    I usually do that when I am sleeping alone...... Explanation.....when my sweetie is here, I am usually quite heavily scented as I apply my perfume right before he gets here in the evenings.....when he is not coming over to visit, my scent has usually dissipated by the end of the day.....so, I apply a nice relaxing, comforting scent at bedtime.....some of my favorites are NOX, Mermaids, Messalina, Sugared Honeycomb.....and tonight, I will try Taxed......
  11. Yeah, it always makes me feel sexy......I enjoy wearing copulins.....
  12. No, I haven't gone out with it yet....just sampled it here at home.....delighting in sitting here sniffing myself.....I will have to take notes, because my "normal" usage of EoW ranges from 6-10 drops applied straight.....
  13. Dolly


    OH, I forgot!!! The scent review......one word......LOVELY. It is soft and delicate, and comforting......LOVE IT......especially during tax season....crunch time for me!! This is going to be my bedtime scent tonight, methinks......
  14. Dolly


    I had this one stored on my desktop.....TOO CUTE!!!!
  15. A strong enticing scent, dripping with overt sexuality. You may want to think twice about wearing this one out of the house - as there will no mistaking your intentions! A dizzying mixture of five different Honey and Honeycomb varieties, real organic Bee Pollen, Orange Blossom, Amber and Resins, give off the scent of sensual afterglow. Enhanced with EoW Copulins, for strong and immediate sexual attraction! HONEY, HONEYCOMB ~ Enticing, seductive, used to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. ORANGE BLOSSOM ~ Strong "magnet" to attract men, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness. BEE POLLEN ~ Attraction, fertility, prosperity. AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. SUGAR ~ Lust inducing, attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches. __________________________________________________________ OK, so I am REALLY liking this.......LADIES.....you did an excellent job on the re-brew......the sharp note, or "brightness" that I noticed on the first go round with this one is gone......and oh my, it is VERY nice....very smooth, very sexy.....I may have to have a full bottle of this one, too.....
  16. Dolly


    So, what kind of traps do you have set this time, May?
  17. I get that "earthy" scent too, Chai, as well as the smokiness......I think our skin chemistries are alike in some ways.....this one may be added to my ever-growing "full bottle list"......I just may NEED one of these.....it is VERY NICE on me.....
  18. Dolly


    ADDENDUM: After several hours, this one has dried to have a very "similar" feeling to LP Black. At least on me, it does.....resinous and dark, but creamy and sweet......
  19. Well, I received the unscented sample of this one, too......a tart, juicy grapefruit on application......drying down to a very slightly citrusy musk......oooooh, I like this one......A LOT..... OMG, I feel a potential full bottle coming on......
  20. Dolly

    'Til Death

    Here May....I have an extra..... You really must get a sample of this one......very dark, very unusual, yet very pretty.....and I think it would be quite wearable......I have been wearing it for a couple of hours now, and it really hasn't morphed very much since it started to dry down.....I like this one, very much......those of you who like the deeper darker side of perfumes NEED to try this one.....
  21. Dolly


    Ok, so today, my sweetie had to go home early to take care of some urgent matters.....at first, I was soooo sad, because I won't see him for over a week..... Then, I had a brilliant idea.....between tax returns that I am working on, I decided to start annointing myself with the various potions on several sniffing parts of my body......fun fun.... :banana010: Bravado was one of the first I pulled out. It is really really nice. It conveys a real strength, yet is calming and protective....there is a smooth creaminess underneath the stronger woody notes.....I think that this would be a good one for work, when you are dealing with "less than cooperative" individuals....all-in-all, a beautiful scent.....nicely done ladies!!
  22. Oh, I think that would be FAB!! There are just sooooooo many blends you could do in an unscented version, because, although you are the SCENT MASTERS , not all scents work for everybody.....I would think unscented versions would be a wonderful asset to your store!!
  23. Oh, well that would be good too......
  24. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    Well, if you layer Sugared Honeycomb and Dark Seductions, you come CLOSE to Honeyed Seductions, but not exactly. Dark Seductions is my favorite for everyday, but Honeyed Seductions will be the absolute BOMB for those times when I want the DS notes, but varied a bit.....
  25. Darbla, you may want to try a blend with Androstenone in it. Dominance has some.....BUT, if you get something that is higher in -none it can help.....I have heard of some women putting some (just a teensy drop, mind you) on their upper lip......I use The Edge for women.....you can get it at love-scent, and it comes in convenient little gelpacks....I put a bit on my wrists and smell it for about 20 min, and I am raring to go.....cranks me up.....
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