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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    After I have worn it for awhile, I get a lightly floral scent also.....I truly love this one.....
  2. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    Check here http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Pheros.html There are 10 ml roll-ons, which are basically the same pheros that you can buy as an add-in (super sexy, cougar,etc), but they are already diluted and are unscented so that you can use them layered under any scent that you wish. They run $39.95, which is quite reasonable for straight pheros these days.
  3. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    I believe she is talking about the unscented pheros in a roll-on......not the add-in. The D5 doesn't soak into the skin, and if it is applied first, it seems to help the scent stick better.....it is like it keeps your skin from "eating" it so fast..... I tried this with plain cyclomethicone (no pheros) here at home, and it does seem to help.....
  4. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA So, what do you think of the Sugared Honeycomb, Liz? Isn't it just totally decadent?
  5. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Last night I wore this one, spiked with Super Sexy concentrate......my man couldn't keep his face out of my neck.....his head was buried there most of the evening.....at one point he was literally licking my neck while we were watching tv....
  6. I may have to get me a couple of the unscented roll-ons, just for the heck of it.....
  7. That's the way it usually goes.....one order and you're addicted.....
  8. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    That is a really nice combo......I was wearing it by itself this morning, and just layered Nasty Habits over top of it.....WOW.
  9. No worries about asking questions, hun.....knowledge is power..... When I became a phero user, there were very few women buying them and/or offering suggestions....those of us who were new to them pretty much had to fight our way through it.....
  10. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I understand why.......major yumminess.......
  11. I have used the add in concentrates. I am assuming you are talking about the unscented SS in the roll-on? If so, I would think that with the unscented diluted pheros, you could begin testing them as you would any other pheros on the mkt. So, that is the route I will go with this..... I find that the pheros in use here are quite powerful, so if you are a new user, I would just first try a swipe or two on your wrists, and a swipe or two on your other pulse points. Wearing scent over the pheros does two things....one, it will make people want to lean in and sniff you.... Second, since these are oil based scents, it will help keep the pheros from diffusing too quickly.....which is especially good if you live in a warm climate, like I do. If you are concerned that you are putting too much scent over it, just put a tiny bit over the pheros, and scent the rest of your body however you normally do.....or, you could apply a small dab of the pheros ON TOP OF your scent......that will also aid in diffusion...... If you find that you are not obtaining any reactions from the pheros, increase the amount you are applying. Each person will need a differing amount to get their desired results. As I say, I am a more experienced user, and these blends are NOT WEAK, that's for sure. As a beginner, you truly may not need much. Tips for aiding diffusion....If you talk with your hands, like I do, apply the pheros to your wrists.....I am also a notorious "hair-flipper", so I also apply it to my neck......you want to apply them where they can "get out there" for lack of a better word.
  12. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    OK, OK.....I know I am reviving an old thread......so sue me.....over the last month or two, I have worn this honeycomb layered with other things....today, I am wearing it straight up......AND, I like it just as much, if not more than I did the first time I smelled it..... Mara and Danna, this is one that you really SHOULD keep in stock.....it makes me want to lick my own arm.....
  13. They have specials on sample packs, each month for the new releases.....and they usually have several on special too.....check here http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/shoppingdirectory.html Welcome.....we are all junkies here......you have come to the right place!!
  14. Dolly


    OK, so I decided to wear this lovely today......this is indeed unusual, and very pretty.....I really could picture this scent lingering after being spritzed on by a very vivacious lady......I think you captured the scent of that era (or what I would imagine it would have been) very nicely.....
  15. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Yeah he is a real sweetie.....
  16. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Thank you! As a matter of fact, I did take some of the Nasty Habits and mix it with a bit of the Super Sexy concentrate, in a separate small roller-top bottle.....I wore it bowling last weekend......with physical activity, it really blooms.....and it put the POW in KA-POW......it had my man singing to me......in public..... That is a cute story actually......we went to the "moonlight madness" bowling, which is 10:00pm-1:00am. They basically turn down the lights, turn up the music, and things get a little crazy. At about 11:30 or so, they set up the karaoke equipment. Well, my sweetie (who used to be in a band in his younger years) sang Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive".....he did really well. Well, right before we were ready to leave, he said, "I want to sing one just for YOU before we leave"....He wouldn't tell me what it was.....well he got up there and did "Some Kind of Wonderful".....I attribute that partly to the Nasty Habits/Super Sexy combo, and partly to my wondrous charm.....
  17. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    I agree....this is a very nicely done scent.....I like it, as well....
  18. Welcome to all the new members!! We are all addicts here, and we are quite sure you will be too, after you try your first LP scents......it is like the crack of the perfume world..... NO KIDDING.....one try and you're hooked.....there are scents here to satisfy all tastes....light, floral, dark, sultry, foody, and now pheromones!! I urge you all.....try a couple of samples that you might think may not be in your "preference zone".....and ALWAYS try at least ONCE the little freebie vials that the lovely Mara and Danna send you.....ALL OF THEM......I was a perfume "snob" of sorts....only certain notes had traditionally worked for me, so I never ventured out of that "zone".....BUT, I started trying everything that I was sent, at least once, and took some recommendations based on reviews, and now I am using scents with notes that I had NEVER thought I would be able to use......not all will work for you.....BUT some will definitely be a pleasant surprise...... WELCOME AGAIN.....and enjoy your new purchases!!
  19. Oh, I am getting a bottle of Scandalous.....I have a swap deal with Chai.....she is so SWEET to share! In my next order, I AM getting a trial of LP green....I'n not too big on really green scents, but from the reviews, it doesn't sound like this one is actually THAT green.....just a touch of green-ness would be cool..... And, green is my favorite color.....
  20. Yeah May, your perfume is about as subtle as my hair color (intense dark red.....it almost glows when I get in the sun).....
  21. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA......May, you crack me up.......
  22. I mixed it in a separate roller top bottle.....I added it in a 1/10 ratio.....about 5 ml of Dark Seductions to 1/2 ml Cougar concentrate......this isn't the Cougar that comes already diluted and in the roller top bottle.....this is the undiluted phero juice, or what the lovely ladies would add to a fragrance for you. I would assume that you could use the diluted unscented Cougar in a 1/1 ratio with a fragrance, either layered, or mixed.
  23. No, I think that's a GOOD joke......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA LOVE IT!!!!
  24. I think I'm going to have to get me a trial size of this one.....
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