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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Not all men are like that, though. Yes, many are. The trick is to find the ones who are not. My man and I have a relationship similar to Chai and her beloved. We have a VERY active sex life, even though we are both over 40 (he is actually nearing 50).......but we also enjoy each other's company. VERY MUCH. At this age you begin to realize that you are going to be spending a long time with SOMEONE. You'd better make sure that you have more in common than just the physical. Like Judge Judy said.....Beauty Fades, but Dumb is Forever. Pheros ARE fun in the sexual sense......BUT they can also assist in the workplace, dealing with the same sex as well as the opposite sex. And, as CC has stated, they are also good to get people to open up.....men and women alike. Thats all I was saying......they can be useful for so many things other than sex......
  2. That's exactly what I was getting at.....I have been using them for over 4 years now, and they are useful for so many things, and so many situations.......
  3. Oh yes, every month there are more and more that I just HAVE TO have......
  4. Oh, I have already hit the daiquiris, believe me! The world of pheros can be indispensible, in many areas of everyday life......it just takes an open mind.....and to see them as something other than just mating signals......
  5. No, hun, it wasn't directed at you. I think that you have the right idea for how and why you want to use pheromones. I just get a little "miffed" when people think that the only thing pheros are good for is for attraction in a romantic or sexual sense......I mean, they ARE good for that, but I want people to understand that they are good for SO MUCH MORE!!!! Just venting!!!!
  6. No hurry! I was just wondering what would make it easier on you ladies!
  7. Danna, If we emailed our order, do we need to go in and re-do it from the order pages, or still just wait for our paypal invoice?
  8. I really wish that people, men and women alike, would realize that phero use is for so much MORE than sex, or romance, or attraction. There is so much more to it than that. I used Dominance today. I was meeting with another new, potential client, who I was wanting to land as a regular client. I chose Dominance for one main reason. This gentleman, who I had never met in person, had "challenged" me somewhat on the phone, and had stated that he disliked his last two accountants because they did not "take charge" of the situation. Knowing that PGD puts me in a serious alpha mode, I slathered it on. And besides the fact that I smelled really good, the pheros put me in a position for him to LISTEN and to realize that I knew what I was talking about. By the time he left, he had agreed that I was going to be his accountant, and that he was going to pay whatever necessary to make that happen. So YES, pheros are fun in the sexual arena......A LOT OF FUN.......but phero use can assist in so many other situations than just sex (or attraction)..... Ok rant over.....
  9. Not at all....I just had to meet with some clients and go do some grcery shopping......but I'm baaaaaaaack!
  10. No laughing here, hun......if I know the answer, I will surely share it.....I know how confusing it was when I started in the world of pheros.....and at that time, there were very few women using them and talking about it.....so, it was mostly trial and error.....but, FUN nonetheless....
  11. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    I get the fruit along with the resin......try this.....shake it before you apply......seemed to make a difference for me.....
  12. And, those of us who are a bit more "seasoned" are here to help!
  13. Don't worry Liz, you'll get the hang of it.....we were all "newbies" at one time......
  14. C'mon May.....we want details.....inquiring minds want to know.....
  15. Well, lots of phero blends are good and can work in tandem together, but I would try them separately FIRST, so you can see what each blend does by itself. Especially if you are relatively new to pheros.
  16. No problem.....hope I answered your question!
  17. Thanks for letting us know, Mara.....I was beginning to wonder if my email order reached you.....have a good evening!!
  18. It probably could, because the original (and re-brewed) Phero Girl just has copulins in it. I would be cautious of using it with Cougar or Dominance, because they have other pheros as well. But, you could try it out and see!
  19. Liz, the way that normally works is that she sends you an invoice, and then when you go into your paypal account, you can change your payment method in paypal.....the only problem would be if you have more than one paypal account......
  20. Oh, how NICE! Has anybody else who already ordered received their paypal requests yet? I know Mara and Danna are busy, but I haven't gotten mine yet.....
  21. Welcome Neve and Curious.....you have come to the right place!! The products and service are top-notch here.... Not to mention the fact that, as May said.....the pheros here do measure up to the pheros from other retailers......BUT the scents here completely outweigh the competition......
  22. Thank you! Isn't she hot? I am having a really difficult time controlling myself whenever the new releases come out.....I tell myself that I am going to keep my order under a certain $ amount, but I always over-spend!
  23. WOW, if you find someone who will pay to rent your sleeping tabby cats, let me know.....I have an orange one who is really good at that......
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