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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    No prob. And, since I will already be sending you a pkg soon, I will just pop some in there.....
  2. I am guilty as charged on this point as well....... Sorry ladies! I'll try to be more "on the ball" from now on.....
  3. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    That is similar to the experiment I did with some of the cyclo that I have here.....it seemed to work pretty well...... This is great news that you are going to be offering it for sale plain (no pheros) as well......you may have inadvertently stumbled upon a solution to some of the skin chemistry-based scent problems.....
  4. I second that! You ladies are the best......definitely a cut above!
  5. I have tried the Cougar concentrated additive.....nice phero kick.....now, I may have to try the grapefruit-based scented version......I am still waffling about it.....
  6. My cat doesn't really react to any pheros that I have worn......but she detests the scent of Sandman Snoozeth.....every time I tried wearing it to bed, when she would jump up on the bed (as she always does), she would come near me, take one whiff, and immediately go FLYING off the bed and out of the bedroom.
  7. Mara was kind enough to include a sample of this in my last package, and I am sooooo happy she did. Smooth, creamy, and rich.....just like all of the LP's that I have tried. I can tell that this is the base for the branch-offs of all of the others. Another note......on me, it lasts.....all day.....
  8. Well, on me it is absolutely LOVELY. I wear it a lot for work, and therefore bought a second full bottle. It keeps "unhappy" customers (who don't like their tax returns) from venting their frustrations on me. Also, this is one of those scents that I don't have to re-apply. It lasts and lasts......all day long.
  9. Everytime I wear this one, it seems to wear a bit differently. When I first apply it, I get that seaweed-y tang mixed with the fruit. As I wear it and time passes, there are alternating periods where first the fruits take over, and then the seaweed note comes to the forefront. It seems to waft in and out, first one note dominating, and then the other. This is a very nicely done scent. I am soooooo debating getting a full bottle.....
  10. Dolly

    Raqs Sharqi

    Ditto here......I think the full bottles of this one will probably literally fly off the shelves.....
  11. HMMMM, I may have to pick up a sample of this for my honey.....sounds very intriguing......
  12. Ok, so this is going to be fun. This upcoming weekend, we are going out to hear a band with some of the same friends/co-workers. THIS time, I am going to wear Dark Seductions spiked with Super Sexy, so that I can see if, given the same people, and the same fragrance, what the different phero blend will bring.....stay tuned....we are supposed to be going out on that little "excursion" Saturday night......
  13. I agree, Chai.....my honey hasn't requested that I just wear one or two scents, but there are 3 that he is really partial to (Dark Seductions, Dirty Sexy, and Nasty Habits). So, I normally try to wear one of those around him. But, on the days when I am not with him, I can go with my whims and whatever type of mood I am in.....it makes those days when we're not together a bit more tolerable.....
  14. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    D5 is simply the dilutant that is in the unscented roll-ons. The add-in pheros are added to the D5 just as they would be added to a potion. That gives you an unscented roll-on pheromone solution. And the D5 helps keep the perfumes from absorbing.
  15. OK ladies......new reaction from the Super Sexy.....my sweetie isn't here tonight.....I had to wait until he wasn't, so I could post this. Monday night, I was wearing Nasty Habits spiked with Super Sexy. As I had mentioned in another thread, my honey had his head buried in my neck most of the night.....so, he was huffing it for about 2 hours or more. Well, later on in the evening, we were kissing, and it was getting kind of heavy, and he started trembling.....yes, shaking uncontrollably. When I pulled back a bit and looked at him, his eyes were glazed over. This was like an exponential "deer in the headlights" reaction. I said, "You were shaking. Are you cold?" And he said, "No, I'm just so attracted to you right now...it's like an electrical current or something running through me." Now, don't get me wrong.....we are very passionate normally (even without pheros), and things are always hot sexually......AND, he has been exposed to a lot of different pheros (at different times, and in varying doses)......BUT, I have never, in the 15 months we have been together (with or without pheros) EVER made him tremble..... I just thought this was very interesting......passing it along.....
  16. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

  17. Dolly


    Yes, this one is a definite head-turner. And, for me, it only takes a tiny amount......it lasts and lasts......
  18. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    I am considering some of these unscented roll-ons for one of my next purchases as well, for just this reason.
  19. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    May, since I am going to be sending you some soap and such in a bit, would you like for me to send you a bit of cyclo with it? That way, you could see if it works for you.
  20. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    D5 is cyclomethicone.....it is used in "dry oil" sprays, and imparts a very silky feeling.
  21. Tried this one for the first time last week, but forgot to add my review. Nice, and very unusual......at first, it was heady fruit and booze scent......after about an hour, it smelled almost like an LP.....very similar on me to LP winter solstice, as a matter of fact......then, after about 2 hours, it was almost gone and just left a slightly sweet, clean, almost soapy smell on my skin. I like this one......my main problem? It disappeared too fast! But, I re-applied, because it was a very yummy scent......
  22. With just enough resin to ground it and keep it from being too sweet......love it.....
  23. Well, I am not Goth at all, but this scent is totally creamy, decadent, and rich on me. Not overly patchouli or incense-like at all.....AND, it really does its job of attracting admiring glances.......it is definitely one of my faves.....as a matter of fact, I may have to wear this one today, just for the heck of it......
  24. Dolly

    Angel of Spring

    Well, I haven't tried "drop your guard", but it sounds similar to other phero retailers' blends that do pretty much the same thing.....I would think that the unscented roll-ons would be appropriate to use with any perfume that you would like......
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