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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OK, everybody.....for the last two nights, I have experimented with my sweetheart and the "Super Sexy" concentrate that I purchased to add to my existing stash of potions. UNscented Pheromone Blend for Women: SUPER SEXY - 1/3 fl.oz. (10ml) The strongest, most rediculously horny over-sexed phero blend ever concocted. We commissioned a blend that would give people whiplash when you walked past, and leave them drooling with lustful yearnings in your wake. You should have a lot of fun wearing this blend! Ingredients: Cyclopentasiloxane (D5), estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone, sodium sulfate, tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone On the first night, I used it with Dark Seductions, which is my darlin's #1 favorite scent. I just so happened to be outside when he pulled up in the driveway.....When he got out of the car, he gave me a big hug and kiss, and then went about making a little bit of chit-chat while I was searching for something in my car.....then all of a sudden, he walks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. I turned around, and he swept me into one of these "movie embraces". He says......"You are just so HOT. Is it bedtime yet?" He was all over me all evening.....it was uncontrollable. After my son went to bed, we retired for some "fun"......it was WILD. We were trying to be quiet, but in the middle of the festivities, one leg of my bedframe went crashing through the floor.....I have an old house, and there are weak spots in the floor in some of the rooms....it just so happens that we hit one..... You would have thought that the bed issue would have broken the mood, but it didn't......the party just moved onto the floor..... We dealt with the bed after we were finished..... Well, I thought that part of the fervor from Monday night might have been due to the fact that we had not seen each other for a week. So, last night, I decided to try for round two. I used the super sexy concentrate again, this time mixed with Dirty Sexy (my honey's second favorite scent). It was almost a complete repeat of the night before (sans the bed crashing through the floor). Don't get me wrong, we are normally a very passionate couple, but this seemed to definitely kick it up a notch. Conclusions? Well......I am going to do some further testing, but my first impression is that this one is a definite winner.....will post further as more testing is performed..... Reason for editing: CC wanted me to add the ingredients list to the post....
  2. Dolly


    I have a sample of this one on its way.....can't wait.....
  3. Oh yeah, those alpha-mones will do that to ya! FOR SURE!!!!
  4. This is a very yummy scent.....I just love it......if you like this one, you should try the Winter Solstice Blend......it is more buttery with a hint of fruit....
  5. Great to see you back, Dutchess! Yes, the lovely ladies here are taking it to the next level.....and I for one am going to enjoy the ride......WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!
  6. Well, stay tuned.....my honey will be spending most of the nights this week with me....
  7. I don't know if this post is welcome or not, but I thought it would be helpful to those of you who are not accustomed to using pheromones, now that we have so many choices available to us here. First, don't expect big dramatic "hits" with them all the time. The reactions you get will range from very dramatic to very subtle. You need to start being VERY aware in order to pick up on some of them. The strength of the reaction will depend on the person you are dealing with. One of the big ones is that if you are around people who you know and are in contact with on a regular basis, and they do something totally out-of-character. For instance, I reported that while wearing them, my ex-husband came and sat directly behind me at 2 basketball games. You may say "Well, that's not a big thing. He didn't even talk to you." But, for him, it IS a REALLY big thing......usually it is like I am wearing "ex-husband repellant"......he wants to be as far away from me as possible. All I'm saying is, don't get discouraged if you don't experience the big dramatic reactions. Pheromones can work like that, but more often than not, they don't. Second, don't expect pheromones to work miracles. They can ENHANCE your experiences, but they won't change people's minds. For instance, if someone is really NOT attracted to you, or just flat-out does not like you, pheromones won't change that. However, if they are "on the fence", pheros can help tip the scales in your favor. And, this is just a side note or word of caution. Be careful when wearing heavy copulin mixes. I would assume that this would also apply to the "super sexy" mix. After I try out that little gem, I'll let you know. Copulins actually raise men's testosterone levels (I have some stories about that....a little explicit to post here, though.....but Mara has heard them ). Anywhoooo, with the raising of the testosterone, some men can't handle it, and you may receive full-on sexual reactions from men that you don't know. This is not to scare you away from using them, because they are just too damn FUN, but just to re-iterate that you need to be PREPARED while wearing them in public. Copulins can do some freaky things. So, just some food for thought while you are waiting for your new phero blends to arrive.....
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA Thanks for my morning giggle......
  9. Oh I'm sure that the REALLY good reports will come next week when I test the Cougar and Super Sexy blends with my sweetie!! Be forewarned.....I don't leave out any details.....
  10. Test #2.....basketball practice followed by two games.....practice was pretty much uneventful.....not in close contact with too many people......the games were a bit more interesting. First, my son's coach is a really nice guy, but doesn't get too close and chat with people. Today, he was all up into me, just talking and talking......all up in my face....all smiles.....AND, I gained him as a new tax client..... Then, my ex-husband strolled into the gym.....I often sit with his Mom, and he tries to get as far away from me as he can, without sitting outside..... ...well, today, he sat down right behind his mother for a few minutes, then went up a few more steps on the bleachers, sat for about 5 minutes, then came down and sat directly behind me......I am a hair flipper, and some of the perfume was on my neck and wrists, so I guess it was wafting. It was in my cleavage too, but he wasn't anywhere near there..... There was a 30 min break before the first and second games, and when the second game rolled around, he came in the gym and immediately planted himself right directly behind me. He didn't have anything to say to me, but I think he was just drawn to me, if you know what I mean. After the games, I decided to go to a daiquiri shop that I like, and pick up a gallon to bring home and put in my freezer. Well, there was a young guy (early 20's) working behind the counter, and an older male customer (late 40's) in the place when I walked in. Afer a few seconds of me being in there, the older gentleman couldn't keep his eyes off of me. I am not a raving beauty, mind you.....short, about 40 pounds overweight, BRIGHT red hair.....old jeans, baggy t-shirt, no makeup. He just kept looking at me, grinning. After he got his order, he left.....still with the goofy grin on his face..... So, then the young guy starts taking my order.....he says "Partying tonight, huh?" And I said, "Yeah, the miracle will be if this gallon makes it to my house unopened." So, after he pours my gallon and seals it, he grabs one of their large cups, fills it, sits it in front of me and says, "That's on me." I loooove freebies...... All in all, it was a very interesting day with the Cougar blend......I will be trying it and super sexy on my fiancee next week, added to his favorite LP scent.....Dark Seductions.....I'll let you all know how it goes!!
  11. OK everybody.....I got hold of some of the straight phero juice to add to my already-owned scents. And, since my honey is not here this weekend (he has his kids), I am trying to FIND people to test these with. Perfect subject #1.....a guy that is a friend of mine, that I went out on a date with ONCE, but then we both got together with other people so we remained friends. Well, he came in for an early tax prep appt this morning......he is now single, mind you. And, he knows that I am definitely NOT. We had that conversation last night on Instant Messenger. I decided that I wanted to wear a scent that was sexy, but not OVERTLY so, because I wanted to test the phero effect.....so the LP versions and my beloved Dark Seductions were out......I decided to go with Mermaids of Atlantis.....it smells good and sexy, but in a "lighter" type of way....I took a sample that I had that was about 3/4 full, and put 6 drops of "Cougar" in it. Even though he is not a younger guy (he will be 52 this summer), I wanted to see what Cougar would do to him......applied to sides of neck, cleavage, and wrists.....the stage was set...... So, he gets here, comes in, takes one look at me, gets this big grin, and starts hugging me like there is no tomorrow....squeezing really tight......and he is making these "yummy" noises while he's hugging......you know.....mmmmmmmmmm....I thought that I was going to have to pry him off of me..... So, we are preparing his tax return, and I look up from what I am doing to see him looking at me like a puppy dog, with this big grin.....this guy is not the type to give big goofy grins for no reason.....through the whole process, he was grinning and hanging on every word I said......when he left, he was hugging and hugging AGAIN, and this is not a really touchy-feely person......I am liking Cougar thus far...... This afternoon, I will be at my son's basketball games......in contact with a lot of people, male and female, all ages.....also potential contact with one of my ex-husbands.....**evil grin** I'll post back afterwards.......
  12. I am exactly the same way......but the anticipation nearly kills me sometimes.....
  13. Dolly

    Native Soil

    LOSTRALIA......I like that! When things in my house go there, all I have to do is say OUT LOUD that I am looking for that particular item, and it will show up in plain view within a few hours. And, I am talking about things that can (and have) been missing for months (or years). My great-grandmother's ghost likes to help.......
  14. I wholeheartedly agree.....not to mention the fact that, now that I've found LP, I smell better than I have in YEARS.....bonus for me!! Pheros can work whether they are CONCIOUSLY smelled or not, but, it helps if you have something that smells so good that people want to get closer and smell you.....that way they get a whole nose-full of the pheros. I also agree about the LP blends.....they turn a lot of heads.....
  15. Dolly

    Top Five

    Oh yeah......if Nasty Habits is half as good as I think it will be, it is probably going to be holding a spot in my Top 5......
  16. You are AMAZING! Great job! The new pages look fabulous!
  17. Well, as far as tea, I say do what you like.......I am a tea "addict", but tea is one of those things that can easily be customized, so go for it...... As far as Dominance.....I love it more every time I wear it...... My man, the first time I used it, said it wasn't one of his favorites, but that he didn't dislike it......but now, when I wear it and walk past him, he says......"Mmmmmmm, Dominance....." I think he is liking it better, even though his two favorites are STILL Dark Seductions and Dirty Sexy......he says he can't wait to smell Nasty Habits on me.....I agree, because from the description, that one is going to be one of those that are right up my alley.......
  18. Definitely let us know how it goes......
  19. I ordered! I have a full size of Nasty Habits (I just couldn't pass that one up), and samples of the bellydance potion and Flapper.....I just couldn't wait.....
  20. If you like Autumn Equinox, you should try Winter Solstice.....in place of the pumpkin and spice, it has more butter and a hint of fruit.....YUM....
  21. Well, thanks so much ladies! Guess this is one I need to keep on my "list".....yes, the proverbial LIST...... And, no Liz, I didn't spit my coffee..... .....I have days like that too, where I am just feeling extra feminine and pretty.....so this might be a good choice for those days.....
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