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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I love TH in family situations were there is the likelihood of tension, hard feelings, or other general family "discomforts".....I have worn TH for large family get-togethers and it works, even when there are numerous people there who simply DO NOT LIKE each other.....I love TH!
  2. LOLOLOLOLOL.....thank you for making me almost spit my coffee! We could also call it "Wall Spackle".....LOLOL
  3. My man cannot get enough of this one.....he has really liked several of the LP scents I wear, but never has he reacted like this! Even without pheros, he follows me around, sniffing.....he loves it! After I use up the bottles I have, I am probably going to ask for a PE re-brew eventually.....so those of you who want some of this, keep your eyes open! I could see this becoming a "signature scent" for me very easily! Oh, and as an aside......it covers Sexpionage! I have about 5 mls of Resin Ho mixed with about 3-4 mls Sexpionage in silicone......shake it up, roll it on, wait about 5 minutes (about as long as it takes me to brush my teeth), and IT'S ON! I wore this Friday night....I kept hearing, "Damn you smell good!"......and, I am surprised I could walk yesterday!
  4. I agree that paired with OCCO Black it is about the best dark scent out there! It is lovely! I always keep a couple of bottles of both LP Black and OCCO Black on hand. LP Black is also great softened with OCCO White.
  5. Well, I am not Katz, but I never told anyone about the pheros until my current man.....and it was a couple of years in, if I remember correctly. Hell, now he uses them. He is funny too. If there is something wild or out-of-the-ordinary crazy, he will say...."Did you phero me?" LOL
  6. It is the same amount of phero content.....it really just depends on personal preference, and for me.....scenario.....how I am planning to use it. The stinky ones I like scented.....heavily. With those I will have a powerful scent boosted.....some of the less stinky ones I will get unscented because there is more versatility and I can wear them with various scents.....
  7. I have had a couple of bad reactions from women, but they are few and far between. I have had women get combative or catty when I am wearing cops. Bear in mind, LFN is described as an "after-hours" version of LFM.......NOT FOR DAYTIME USE! Some women will go insane when they detect cops on another women. Subconsciously, they see you as competition. The "-none" could possibly account for part of the horny woman's syndrome, but then again, some women get aroused by cops as well. I would say keep this one for private playtime.
  8. And I have a spray as well....BUT like you say, only at home. Out and about, silicone or oil.
  9. I ALWAYS get BI either in oil or silicone. It is a very sexual blend, and I personally prefer to keep the sexual blends close to my body. Only those who get into my personal space should detect them. You really don't want sexual blends diffusing and flying across the room, which is what happens with spray. I get the social mones in spray......NOT BI.
  10. Try Original scented Cougar.....that is a permanent one that doesn't sell out. The grapefruit scent is bright and happy and sparkly, but has a warm musky background. I love it! And also, if you find a sold out scent that you like, keep an eye on the trade threads.....you never know what may show up there.
  11. Everyone's dosage is different. What you describe is indeed a classic sign of OD.......
  12. If you are applying to your hair and clothes, it will stick around longer. You may not need to re-apply mid-day.
  13. That is why, if it is not particularly smelly, I sometimes put the pheros on top or beside my perfume application spot.....
  14. You're welcome! Do make sure that if it is a copped blend, that you let it dry down thoroughly before covering!
  15. For non-stinky blends, I will put the perfume beside the phero application spot sometimes, and sometimes put the phero on top of the scent.....but with stinky ones, I put the scent right on top of the phero.........
  16. Welcome to the forum, and enjoy your new goodies! Looking forward to hearing all of your thoughts! Also, feel free to ask any questions you may have! Welcome to your new addiction!!
  17. Never on the clothes, and never in the hair with heavily-copped blends!
  18. Well my advice still stands....lay off the heavy cops in the workplace. Go with socials and continue to build the bond. Go from there.....if it is meant to happen, it will.
  19. First of all, I don't think you want just the cops to hang around....smelly! And there again, I feel like you are putting off a bit too much of a sexual vibe in the office. When you reported how you got no real results from the spray, you mentioned that you sprayed on your clothes. That is really not recommended with copped blends. They will be smelly and often offensive, because they cannot properly dry down on clothing. Also NEVER put heavily copped blends in your hair.....hard as the dickens to get out. Thus where the term "coochy head" came from. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but have you considered that he possibly just doesn't see you "that way"? As in a girlfriend rather than just a friend and co-worker? Pheros do not create an attraction where there is none. If someone is attracted to you, the pheros can push them over the edge. If they are not really attracted to you, pheros will not make them magically fall at your feet. IMO, continually bombing him with cops at work is a bad idea. Assume that he doesn't see you as relationship material, but the cops you're wearing to work are continually telling him you want to have sex. Say he gives in and you do have sex, but he still doesn't see you as a girlfriend. You just turned yourself into a one-night-stand. It can happen. Then you have possibly lost a friend and created what could be a bad situation at work. Hope this hasn't offended you, but I am not known for my tact.
  20. I have Hathor boosted with focus, and I love it! No issues here......
  21. DD....I already had multiple bottles and snatched some up as freebies in the sale too......maybe we can work something out if you would like one? Ping me on FB and we'll chat.
  22. Wearing this one today, will definitely be taking it with me for my week at the beach.....this next week of waiting to leave is going to kill me.....NEED this vacation!
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