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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, this will come as no surprise to any of you.....DOMINANCE! Followed by Leather, BI, and Cougar. Open Windows and LAM are two that, while maybe not particularly "congruent" with me, are completely indispensible.
  2. Yeah, women who are still having their normal cycles can get bitchy with cops at certain points in their cycle. I personally have never had the over-bitchiness (hell, I am kind of a bitch anyway, so who can tell....LOLOLOLOL)......now I am in full-blown meno, and have't run across any current issues either. I say try it again in a few days to a week and see what happens. Also, you may try applying less.
  3. Everyone will perceive the smell differently. I doubt very highly if it was short of cops. If you got yours in silicone, make sure you shake it before applying.
  4. I have one boosted with cops, one boosted with Leather, one boosted with BI.....not sure exactly if there are any more.
  5. I have several bottles as well.....glad it is part of the permanent line!
  6. She could also talk to the woman and ask her to back off.
  7. Absolutely right. And if she needs something to inspire an open and honest conversation, maybe some TMI.....
  8. I would not go with hitting him with sexual pheros at this point. I am with BlueBear.....maybe there is something deeper going on..... For instance, has he done something in the past that has caused him to lose her trust? If not, is she possibly over-reacting? Maybe it is just innocent flirtation on his part.....I think she needs to have an open and honest discussion with him and let him know that it bothers her.
  9. Well, while LP Black is dark (and one of my faves), it is a totally different realm. It is sweet and sticky and dark. Under Your Spell is closer to S & V, but on me, S & V is more woody and "in your face" resins and musk. Under Your Spell comes off with a tad of sweetness in the background on my skin....S & V has honey, but I don't read it as sweet....to me, it just adds more to the musky nature.
  10. Wow, where have I been? LOL! In that case, I would always recommend the most versatile ones.....OCCO White, Red, and Black.....LAM Original Scent (I have gone through BUCKETS of this), Peach Buttercream, Sandalwood.....all of those can either stand alone or be layered easily.....
  11. Mara's scented blends with cops are designed to NOT smell bad. Those of us who are accustomed to using cops can often smell them in the blends when they are wet, but in a good scent, they will be undetectable when dry. If you have never smelled straight cops, you may not be sure what to look for. In the bottle, to my nose, cops smell kind of like vinegar.....on my skin, after drydown, it turns to an over-ripe fruit smell....not really unpleasant, but not a GOOD smell, either. Thus, why a good cover scent is necessary. I have never had scent bleed-through (when you can smell the cops through the perfume after dry-down) with any of Mara's copulin-enhanced scents (OCCO, LAM/BAM, etc), and in some, I cannot even detect them when wet.....even though I have been using cops for abut 10 years or thereabouts...... One of the reasons Mara's cop-boosted scents are so well disguised is because she uses the copulin smell as a scent note in the creation of the scent, rather than just trying to cover it like most do.....
  12. Hi Queen of Limbo! And welcome! I am a little late to the party, but things are crazy in my business right now! I agree wholeheartedly with the no sex blends advice. That would confuse things even more. You know, he possibly backed off because he was feeling like it was a rebound situation. Rebound romances can be whirlwinds, and can be wonderfully exciting but also generally end badly. Maybe based on the fact that the two of you have prior history he didn't want it to end with hard feelings between the two of you, so he stopped the romance dead in its tracks before it went too far. He would rather have you as a friend in the long-term than a lover now and a possible enemy later. Maybe he doesn't want you to feel the hurt that he felt when you broke it off the first time. I say go with bonding blends first.....Perfect Match, Treasured Hearts, TMI.....maybe some other socials like Open Windows and Cougar......talk it out.....talk it to death if you have to.....continue to be close friends and let him see the best parts of you. Things will work out as they should be.
  13. I would definitely suggest getting the OCCO sampler and the LAM/BAM sampler, which will give you a good taste of the scents available in that range.....also, Cougar is an absolutely fabulous, sparkly fun blend.....love my Cougar!
  14. Welcome to the forum, and glad you are enjoying your smellies! I would caution against getting a cops spray, especially if you are more new to pheros. Yes, they will diffuse farther and faster, and cops are something you want to stay close to your skin. Only people who get into your "personal space" should be affected by them. Cops send a VERY STRONG sexual signal. Not one that you want to send to every guy within range. I usually apply my cops blends in oil and then spray on the social blends, so they will get out there farther.
  15. THIS! A lot of newbies do not realize/remember that pheros do NOT discriminate. They affect not only your target, but also the majority of other people in range. Not always appropriate, and NOT a good thing in the wrong situation. Love my social pheros though! Open Windows is a staple of mine! Treasured Hearts is indispensible as well......and then there are the female blends that are more social but with a sexy feminine edge (not totally sexual).....like Cougar, Leather (or Lace), SS4W, and for me, Dominance...... VexedGlory, I feel very strongly that the reaction of your "attached" friends is a behavioral response. They may very well be affected by the phero signals you are putting out, but they also know it would be totally inappropriate to act on their impulses. So, they hide it..... There is also another possibility.....we phero vets always say....pheros do not create, they ENHANCE. So, it may be that those "attached" men are simply not attracted to you.
  16. You're very welcome! I love it, too! I was wearing it last night (with a cops boost), and my man was wanting to know what it was.....when I told him, he said, "I love it! How many bottles do you have?" I told him that I have 3, and he said...."Well, you had BETTER take one on our trip to Florida in September!" We have a winner!
  17. Oh yes, I boosted some extra heavy with cops, just to test it.....it covers really well!
  18. Mara is the genius! She knows exactly what I like, and even better than that, she knows what will and will not work together in the scent components.
  19. Mara was right when she said that this scent WANTS cops.....it is even better with the EoW tang.....
  20. All you have to do is request a PE, and tell her you are interested in the Resin Ho recipe......pay the regular PE rate, and you can have it!
  21. And just FYI.....if anybody missed it, and wants some, Mara did make a note of the recipe......so, she MAY be persuaded to make more on a PE basis....
  22. Staying power to the max on this one! I woke up this morning to a fabulous soft sandalwood scent in the room, and then noticed that it was coming from me......
  23. It has really good staying power, and right now, it is all sandalwood and musk with a hint of amber in the background. I love this blend! Mara, you hit it out of the park on this one!
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