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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. This is really nice. It has an almost-floral undertone, very sweet and light. However, I don't get as much of the Coty "Wild Musk" vibe as I do the old Bonnie Bell "Skin Musk". And, there is one main reason that I know the difference! No, I was not a "musk ho" in my teens! LOL Actually, in the late 70s/early 80s, when musks were so popular in the commercial perfume field, my grandmother wasn't fond of the Wild Musk I used to wear, but she did like the Skin Musk. So, for those of you who want a lighter, sweet musk scent, you HAVE TO have this!!
  2. Great review Lady V! I do love this scent.....I like smelling like a sexy citrass salad! LOL
  3. I think that Mara said that the NoCo's are more potent that the LAM, even though it is the same scent......I think she said they are more like the strength of a regular perfume. You may want to call her to check on it.
  4. I absolutely love it......especially with the absolutely STIFLING weather we have been having here in Louisiana.....I am going to try making a bottle into a spray this week......will let ya'll know how it works!
  5. I have worn it with OCCO white and they are really great together......leaves a sexy scent trail a mile long, too......LOL
  6. I just had to report on LAM.....AGAIN. This is one that makes my man get DIHL......and makes his eyes roll back in his head, btw.....seriously! Two nights ago (well, actually it was still daytime, but.....who cares?!?! ANYWHOOOOO.......I showered, and rolled on a generous amount of LAM original (about 2 inches on each side of neck and about 3 inches down the cleavage (I have a lot of cleavage.....LOL)......sat down about 3 feet away from him.....he had his head turned, and when the waft got to him, his head snapped around like he had been slapped! He smiled and said....."which one is that again?" I told him that it was "Like A Magnet", and he said....."mmmmmm hmmmmm", with a big cheshire cat grin. A few minutes later, I was reading something online and when I turned my head, he was just staring at me.....DIHL......like just stunned. The he snapped out of it and just grinned again....LOL This is one that, during "the festivities", he will pause just to tell me how "damn good" I smell.....he likes the sandalwood and resins and the brown sugar one, but he loooooooooooves the Original scent (vanilla and honey). And it helps my 51 (almost 52) year old man with his stamina as well.....turns him into one that could rival any man in their 20's......SERIOUSLY. IT ROCKS.
  7. I never thought that I could love this one more than I did when I bought my first full bottle......HOWEVER, I am now on bottle # ????? (lost count.....I think I have 3 in my bedroom now, and have emptied several as well), and I love it more each time I wear it! So glad it is one that is permanent! The resins bloom beautifully on my skin (my skin LOVES resins), and the LP base adds that extra "oomph".....almost edible, but not too foody for my tastes.....LOVE LOVE LOVE......
  8. The bottle that I bought back in April 2008 was "lost" and I just found it in June when I was visiting my Mom.....apparently I had left it there when I went to visit her in the summer of 2008......not knowing whose it was, she put it way up on top of the bathroom cabinets, way in the back (so nobody would "walk off with it", so she said)......we found it while cleaning this year, and I ended up bringing it back with me. Am wearing it today, and it has aged soooooo well.......the cinnamon is not sharp AT ALL....it is smooth and luscious and oh so rich.....mmmmmmmm
  9. Trying to fake everybody out, are you? Naughty naughty! I get some honey, but just a touch.....I didn't want the honey to overpower, so I asked for just a teensy bit. I know, not very much like my "usual fare", but everybody needs a change once in a while!!!
  10. Gemini didn't set too well with my skin either..... BUT, I love the old Coty musk, so now I just HAD TO go in and order some of the vintage!
  11. Treasured Hearts is great. It works to "soothe the savage bitch".....I call it the "spread the love" phero.....
  12. LOL....well, I never did care for the Jovan one....it reacted badly with my skin.....but the Coty one is my fave musk ever.....
  13. I am trying to figure out if it is more like the Jovan or the Coty.....the Coty is the one I loved......still have some of it, but would love to have an LP substitute......if it is comparable, would definitely jump on it!
  14. Dolly


    I agree, most definitely!
  15. So glad you like it Gabby! If you have some straight EoW, you can boost it yourself.......if you want it OCCO strength, go with about 30 drops......no more than that! And then let it sit for AT LEAST 24 hours before using. It's DA BOMB!
  16. Bang has too much Est for me.....BUT, if you like the stinky pheros, this one covers the cops smell.....haven't tried it with Sexpionage, but that is likely to be my next test.....<insert evil laugh here>
  17. Welcome Carmen! Great to have you here!! Enjoy your new smellies and pheros!
  18. Was thinking that myself!! Great minds think alike!
  19. So glad you like it Liz! I know you and I both tend toward the darker side in perfume tastes, but we all need to LIGHTEN UP once in a while.....this is a gorgeous way to do it! Did you get a full bottle? You should.....I have been wearing it for a while now.....and even when wearing it sans cops with my customers, it still turns heads!
  20. Sexpionage is super stinky! But, it is coverable with the right scent....
  21. I don't find Unscented Dominance too bad....Open Windows isn't stinky either.....Leather smells okay unscented as well, if you don't have cops added.....
  22. Exactly! LOL I have had some VERY pleasant surprises by trying things that I didn't think would work on me......some of those ended up being faves of mine......
  23. Well, final verdict.....Humidity faded out on me by now, but I did wear it all day....I can barely smell a little teensy floral-type sweetness where I applied. Now, granted, I did not slather as I normally do, mostly because I know my skin can do UGLY things to many florals, so I wanted to go conservative. Next time I wear it, I will do so more liberally, since my skin seems to play nicely with the florals that are in there..... I think this one is going to be very popular......
  24. Not sure if it has apricot, but if it does, maybe it is just a smidge. This is a lesson that I learned very quickly after coming here.....Mara not only has oils from different suppliers, which can make a difference in the way a particular note may react with your skin, but oftentimes, when combined with others, the character of a particular note can change completely....if that makes sense.....
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