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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. As far as I know.....I got 2 bottles initially, and have requested 2 more.....after that, I guess the remainder will be up for grabs!
  2. My man really liked it......he said that it doesn't smell overly "prissy" or "girly", which he kind of expected when I told him the notes.....he said it smelled more like a grown-up lady fruit scent (I would assume because of the honey)......he couldn't stop smelling me.....and I couldn't stop smelling myself! Actually, I can still smell remnants of it this morning.......
  3. I would assume when the new releases become available.....
  4. Oh tyvey, it is......Mara made it smell EXACTLY like I envisioned! She is a genius!
  5. I get mostly pineapple when wet......mostly sweet orange when dry.....the grapefruit just kind of pops in and out.....the honey actually keeps it from being too bright, I think.....citrus gets really bright on me, so that is why I wanted the honey......
  6. And, yes......I know that 50-50 is not the normal ratio.....that is why I did it in a small bottle.....just testing the ability of it to cover......
  7. My man is going to looooooove this one!
  8. OK, as an EXPERIMENT only, I took a 5 ml bottle....added half EoW, half Hot and Sticky.....will allow it to sit for 24 hours and then test.....this way, we will all TOTALLY know the cops-covering potential of this baby!!! It smells luscious right now, covering straight up cops.....I am loving it......even though it is not normally my "style" of perfume.
  9. Now, it is mostly oranges and honey with a teensy bit of pineapple.....still a bit of a grapefruit "tang" poking thorough.....OMG this is delicious! And this is covering a HEAVY cops load!!!
  10. My man is excited partly because he knows I tend toward the "darker side" with perfumes, and he likes it when I can sometimes lighter.....just for a change.....
  11. In the OCCO Fruits thread, and to Mara, I said maybe we could call it "Dolly's Citrass Salad" (I think Calii actually coined the phrase), but I didn't think Mara could put that on a label! When I told my man that little tidbit, he started laughing so hard that he could hardly speak....I told him it was because he always tells me that perfumes have "ass" in them......LOL
  12. I have to say, though.....I almost peed my pants laughing at the name......I told my man, and he told me he wants to smell my hot and sticky when he gets home....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  13. No, thank YOU! I love it! And cinnamonmel, I thought of it for a cops cover.....everybody was talking about different fruit combos for OCCO versions, so I decided to request a PE......
  14. Ok, so wet, it smells mostly like fresh pineapple, with a dash of honey.......as it is developing, I am getting some grapefruit peeking through, and orange.....always with that deep sticky honey in the background......wow, I am loving this one for summer.....
  15. So, we were talking about a fruity PE....YES, I did it.....will it covers cops? OH YES it does! I put an assload of EoW on straight, dried it down, and covered....no cops! currently getting ready to add some EoW to one of the bottles to see if it works good that way as well..... The name is SOOOOOOO appropriate...."hot and sticky"....well, yes, it is! Here is what I asked for......mostly pineapple, sweet orange (like mandarin), and pink grapefruit.....with a drop of dark honey, just to make it a little "sticky" smelling. This is an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, absolutely perfect summer scent! Exactly what I wanted!!!! I mean, dead-on! Mara, you are an absolute ARTIST! I love it! Two more bottles will bee ordered shortly!!!
  16. There aren't usually trial-sized unscented pheros.....most of us just buy whichever scent has the phero that we really want to try.....also check the trade threads, because you can get some good deals......or find somebody who may want to split a bottle with you......the pheros that have samplers are LAM/BAM and OCCO.....those are great blends to start with, BTW......also, start a trade thread! Somebody may want what you have!!!! You might want to try the LAM/BAM samplers, because they are VERY lightly scented....
  17. Ice water, meet computer screen......LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. Yes, liz....with cop-containing blends, I apply the scent OVER the pheros......with an unscented, less stinky blend, I apply the pheros on top.....that is what I do with Open Windows and Treasured Hearts.....works best for me.......
  19. Open Windows is a great social blend.....one of my faves......it not only lifts the mood of those around the wearer, but that of the wearer themselves.....
  20. The silicone lasts pretty good, yet still gives a good diffusion rate......in Louisiana heat and humidity, I can usually get a good 4-5 hours. If you ran it through your hair, it STICKS there. Same with if you got any on your clothes. Soaks in and stays until washed. Try starting off with a little on wrists, neck, and/or cleavage, and let it dry down before getting dressed.
  21. Yes, an OD situation can get you an opposite reaction, or it can give you what I call the "invisibility" effect. People walk around you and regard you as if you do not even exist. It can and does happen!!
  22. If you are using silicone base, ALWAYS shake before application. And, you will not always have results on the first shot. Give it another try.....maybe start out with less, especially if it is hot, because if it is, you are probably getting good diffusion......try wearing a nice scent, but apply it UNDER the unscented phero, let it dry, then roll the phero on top......scents not only help diffusion, they also make people want to get closer to sniff you. Don't give up just yet! OH, and welcome!!!
  23. Some varieties of amber will go powdery on me.....but YMMV......
  24. LOLOLOLOLOL.....I need a raincoat for my computer!
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