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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I agree with Rosebud......you could get the LAM or BAM sampler and see if any of the other scents appeal to your man......and the OCCO sampler is great as well. For work I would suggest a social blend like Open Windows or Treasured Hearts, a dominant blend like Dominance, and/or Focus Potion for concentration and focus.
  2. Welcome sweetie! Glad you decided to be more active! Looking forward to hearing more from you! And no, your nose isn't bad....Mara is a genius when it comes to the scents of the OCCO line.....the cops aren't detectable when dry......you should try the LAM/BAM line.....even though the scents are very light, they still cover the cops perfectly. Genius!!! Enjoy your time here!!! If you want something that is permanent, there are some.....LP #9, LP Original, Red, Black, Pink, Passion and Desire, PheroGirl, and Sugared Honeycomb......oh, and most of the OCCO line, and LAM/BAM scents (of course, that doesn't include any of the limited edition OCCO scents that Mara creates).....
  3. Hi Teacozy, and welcome! My future sister-in-law actually lives in Seattle! If you like tea (as your name implies), try to get over to Kent and go to Xiu Xian Tea......GREAT stuff! Enjoy your new smellies!!!!
  4. I can confirm that it does cover cops very well.....the seaweed is one of the best parts on me......when my man smells it, he always says he loves the tang of the seaweed.....it kind of wafts in and out like it really does at the beach.....
  5. Great post, AC! And very veery true! I have been married to the ones who walked when times got tough, or just when life wasn't fun and exciting anymore. That type of person is not one that is worth anyone's heart! Life is not always wine and roses....sometimes it is boring and humdrum, and sometimes it is HARD. I finally found one who sticks around when times get tough, supports me when I need it, and hangs in there (as my mom would say....."like a hair in a biscuit".....lol....ok, so it's a hillbilly thing). And, I have done the same for him. Sometimes you give, sometimes you take......one of the hardest things for me to do was to actually ask him for help.....I had been so used to doing EVERYTHING on my own, that it was a shock to realize that I really could depend on somebody else.
  6. Weeeeeeeeelllllllll........ok, here I go.....bear with me...... First of all, it sounds like the two of you need couples counseling, not pheromones, but that is just my first impression...... Now, I know this is probably not what you are going to want to hear, but......just be aware that pheromones are not a "fix" for all relationship issues......cops can bring a sexual spark back, and get you laid, but pheros cannot repair a relationship that has already broken at its core (trust me, I know from experience). And, if he has already made up his mind that ending it is the best thing, pheros will not change that. Pheros can steer things in a certain direction, but they cannot overcome free will.....sounds like what you need is some good, old-fashioned COMMUNICATION. Now, if you don't want to see a professional counselor, but want to try something to promote communication and promote bonding......I would suggest something with Beta-Nol, such as TMI or True Confessions....if there is already tension etc, you can top it with Treasured Hearts, which works wonders in making my man who doesn't always want to share certain feelings feel comfortable doing so. Another thing that troubles me is where you said "it seems to be too late because he's been frustrated with how things are going, that he didn't really give it a fair chance for me to remedy".......this sounds to me as if you are tying to change yourself or your true nature. You need to look at it and see.....are you going to change a "behavior", or part of your actual personality? Personality traits can be suppressed, but they will always resurface eventually (again, I know from experience). You should NOT try to change yourself in order to be what he wants. BE YOU. ALWAYS. As I always say.....Be you on steroids. You are a wonderful person just the way you are, and you should not have to change to be in a relationship. There is someone out there who will adore you the way you are NOW.....they will come along when you least expect it.....ok, I guess that is enough of my soapbox moment..... I know that was not exactly the answer you wanted, but hope it helped anyways!
  7. I second the couer d'amour, simply because it has Treasured Hearts, and that stuff is like gold in that type of situation......
  8. We don't know what is in it, exactly. This is a patented blend created by Dr Stone. He will not release any additional info about it.
  9. We are here to answer any questions we can, so feel free to ask!!!! Look forward to seeing you post often!
  10. I haven't mixed it with Tranquility, but I have used a Focus-boosted scent along with Open Windows......works great. Makes you focus and be happy while you work.
  11. Even if mixing/layering the two doesn't get the feel that you want, EVERY LP lover should try LP Original at least once, no matter what type of scents they prefer. It is absolutely beautiful......
  12. Oh, and I think Pherogirl is permanent as well......
  13. Maybe I shouldn't chime in here.....but for the ladies who are confused, I THINK the permanent ones are #9, Original, Red, Black, Pink, and P & D.....am I right, Mara? The solstice blends are the ones that she usually does 4 times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter), and each year they are different...... Did that help Raq?
  14. OCCO White is fab......my man always calls it my "vanilla ass" when he smells it wet.....LOLOLOLOL.....he loves both white and black......I am a little partial to black, but white is great too.....oooooooooh, and white and black layered....O!M!G!
  15. LOL....great minds think alike!!! I love that I love some of the permanent collection....I always have a Plan B!
  16. Good suggestions Gabby! Popularity potion is a good social blend, as is Open Windows.....but I would start with only one or two unscented phero blends, and stick with socials at first.....less room for error. As for the scented pheros, since you have never tried any scents here, I would suggest going with sampler sets before full bottles......I would suggest definitely getting an OCCO sampler, and a LAM/BAM sampler. A sample of scented Cougar would be good as well.....since you are new to pheros, this variety will also give you some reference points about what works for you and what doesn't without spending a bucket of money. I would also get the Love Potion sampler, which will give you a sampling of the permanent line of scents without pheros. It can be kind of confusing first coming here, because the scents are very very different from mainstream perfumes. Mara brews a minimum of 10 new scents every month, and in most cases, when they sell out, they are gone! Start out by finding which types of scents work for you, and go from there..... Welcome to the forum and enjoy!!!!
  17. That happens! Always test more than once!! I aso think it is a good idea for each new person to get samples of the LP permanent line.....that way, if your fave scent ever sells out (as they do), you can be assured that you will always have a backup (or two) that are continually re-brewed......I love Original, Black, Red, and P & D......so I know I always have a "plan B"!
  18. Me too.....I am wearing it now, as a matter of fact!!
  19. Thus, why I ask people I know to "smell test" and tell me if I need to refresh.....otherwise I would be walking around in a cloud of scent ALL the time..... I know what you mean about turning half of a bottle into a spray.....I do that, too.....then I run out of one or the other and have a screaming hissy fit when I find out that it has sold out......I always try to buy at least two of the ones I love.....
  20. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    Call it scented oil.....that is how I first got my man to try the scents....he is totally addicted now....I love Velvet Moss on me.....haven't tried it on my man, but want to......just haven't quite gotten around to it yet......he would probably smell great in it, because he smells fab in Bodice Ripper, and they both have a violet note.....
  21. Love several of them (love love love ambrosia), but black is my fave!
  22. Have you tried Mermaids? It is fab with cops....not totally fruity, but fruity/floral/aquatic......covers cops fabulously, especially with the seaweed-y note already in it.....
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