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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. While wet I thought I read cinnamon too, but after it dried it was gone so I don't know if I really smelled it or not Cinnamon is a note I usually amp, and I didn't smell it after the dry down. How odd!
  2. I really like this because it IS sweet to me, the floral is "candied" and sweet - it's what I like most about it. I always knew sweet pea as a sweeter type flower, but this barely seems floral to me at all - it could be that I'm just not that familiar with sweet pea of course, but this is soft and pink cupcake sweet. Another surprise winner
  3. I love whatever the salted caramel base is for the Lavender and would buy bottles of it...like I plan to because that's how delicious the Lavender Fae cake is!
  4. I don't know if this is the direction you want to go as you're tying to tone DOWN the sweetness, lol, But I like it paired with the Tuberose and the Maple so far
  5. ^^^ Lainey - "scent harem"! Me too! Some that I thought I would love were - well, yes, just that fantastic, and some left me wanting more and some surprised the HECK out of me as MUST HAVES. I don't think I'll have any trouble picking 12 bottles! The trick will be LIMITING them to 12...
  6. Ooooooo! So what kind of things will help them linger or be "bolder"? Like layering over a sugared amber maybe?
  7. I did not like this in the vial. It's really medicinal to my nose. Then I put it on, and when I huffed it next to my skin - ick. Still not liking the lavender. But then something happened. When it was nowhere near my nose I got this delicious caramel fragrance - apparently salted caramel. Then I lean in and WHAM - not really liking the lavender. Sooooooo, I left it on and stopped huffing it and just enjoyed the delicious salted caramel fingers that were reaching out beyond the lavender. Now - about an hour and a half later the lavender is no longer attacking me and all I get is soft delectable drizzled caramel - LOVE! This JUST went on my FB list for the dry down. alone I can suffer past the initial medicinal pinch to get to THIS. And who knows? Maybe the lavender will chill over time?
  8. I expected to LOVE this one but it's a little too candy like to me. I am in love with Sugared Raspberry and just assumed this one would drop me. I DO like the raspberry cream aspect that it has, but it is a very tart, candied berry. I DO like it, I just think I like the straight up sugared version a smidge more
  9. NuTrix

    Fairy Cake: Rose

    I rarely go for rose fragrances but WOW - this is just like the roses in a garden I visited recently. While I don't like to wear them, I REALLY enjoy roses and bury my face in them and huff deeply whenever I get the chance This is really rose, not cloying grammy rose. This is fresh and lovely. It's light and the cake base is lending something soft and creamy but this is still very much rose. Mmmm, I wouldn't mind my house smelling like this at all!
  10. As much a I like the smell of apple, and this one IS apple, I don't know that I would wear it as a fragrance. Having said that though, this is very crisp and tart and fall apple to my nose. Loving all the scent memories apple evokes! After dry down I get the vanilla creaminess, but not really cake-y but still very prominently apple. Bet this and Maple would make something incredibly decadent...
  11. This is very candy strawberry to me. It IS pink and sweet AND tart too It's too candy-like for me at first and it does settle down to a creamy sugary treat but I don't think I will "need" a bottle, but I will find something among these goodies to layer with and make good use of my sample Maybe one of the floral fragrances....
  12. When I first laid my nose of this in the vial my eyes rolled back in my head! Soft and rich and creamy and GORGEOUS. On, this is just as dreamy. It's very clean and permeating, meaning it makes everything just smell lovely and clean at first. It settles close to the skin on me and then seems like a scented body wash and like I just happen to smell this great I don't find it foodie to me, soft, cream floral, but not foodie - SOOOO pretty though none the less!
  13. I don't usually go for floral fragrances, but this is so light and fresh and soft...it's not loud but it's noticeable - it's nose friendly to me too It stays flower forward but it's light and creamy and very lovely. I love Highland Fling and these two scents are completely different to me. I don't wear HF often even though I love it - 1 of the few I will wear when feeling like a floral, lol. This is much softer and lighter, so soft in fact that it's going on my FB contender list
  14. This is indeed lemon! Wet this is very bright and zingy! I put his on next to orange the other night just to compare and I think I actually like the lemon MORE. It's got more of that citrus bite and ends in dreamy cakey goodness with a kind of barely lingering there lemon. Like if I really concentrate I can pick it out but it's mostly delicious buttery cake - like pound cake, dense and heavy - YUM!
  15. Out of the vial - bright, sweet, ripe pineapple! Juicy, sunny and happy. It fades quickly on me, but so did the orange and lemon. The creamy vanilla cakey base that is left is very soft and close to the skin. I think this could be good for layering for sure
  16. First on this is almost stabby Fortunately it wasn't headache causing or anything like that, but there was something that went straight to my sinuses and gave me a good kick in the head. Huffing while wet was definitely OUT of the question. While the peach DID settle out, it still stayed very prominent, with the fae cake taking the backseat. During dry down it's still pretty and peachy, but just not for me. I like the peach, but the peach doesn't like me. I have a few peachy LPs that I CAN get away with and there ARE 30 fae cakes to choose from so I guess if 1 of us doesn't get along that will be ok...
  17. This starts out VERY cherry, like syrupy sweet maraschino cherries! I'm actually glad that it settles so quickly though. I'm not sure why, but as much as I like the smell of maraschino cherries, I don't know that I necessarily want to smell like that. But this settles to a creamy cherried sweet softness that is more like the hint of a fluffed creamy cherry than an in your face cherry blast. I like it!
  18. OHMYGOSH! This is a surprise LOVE. On me this is SO foodie! I did a double take because I couldn't help think that THIS is NOT coming off floral on me AT ALL. I may need a FB of this one. I don't really know if Plumeria is foodie or sweet. I do recall smelling an oil fragrance that was actually a combination of other floral notes that I DID like, but was NOTHING like this. This is soft and pretty and sugary sweet. Ohmygash, I'm really still in shock that this is a floral, it's even sweeter than the Sweet Pea to me :heart:
  19. OH.MY.GAWD. I LUUUURV honeysuckle and this is SO lovely! I don't get the cake so much, it's a soft quiet pillow in the background. This is just a pretty honeysuckle floral. It's not pointy or stabby - just bright and soft and PERFECT!
  20. This is a really sugary scent on me, heavy, sweet and thick. I kept snuffling this and the lemon to try to figure out which I liked best I can't decide! They're both REALLY cakey with that citrus top note but the Orange is just a little less bright. My husband was having trouble differentiating between the two After dry down this one seems more goo-ey batter like to me. I think it's one of the most cake-y to me so far
  21. It's a VERY candy/ripe banana to me. I like it much more after the banana steps back. At first I thought - eh, candy banana. But then the more I huffed it I realized it really reminds me of a very ripe banana. When it begins to lighten, it adds this creamy texture to the cake base that is nice. I don't think this will be FB but it won't be wasted!
  22. This is WONDERFUL, immediately began thinking I should've gotten that full bottle! A delicious spiced pumpkin cake! I'm amping the spices like usual though which makes me want to stomp my feet and growl...Grrrr......But it SO reminds me of a spiced cinnamon crunch crumble cake! The Man Beast has said he would happily claim it and has requested a bottle - go figure!
  23. I would have gotten the Honey Whipped but it was so light on me it just disappeared on me - but this! This has some possibilities! It's not the chewy honey of Dom Noire, lol, but it's very VERY nice. There are others that I'm putting ahead on the list of FBs, but this one is still on the list. I smell like a delicious honey cake treat and what's wrong with that? There's also something reading through on me that seems distinctly floral too. Will have to give this one a proper slather to find out ll of it's little secrets...
  24. I think this may be one of my least favorites so far. I don't think I'm familiar with gardenia. The oddest description is that , while wet, it seems like a pina colada that has gone somehow sour? I know right? After dry down there's the vanilla and the floral note goes somewhat waxy on me. Travel shock? I'll have to revisit after a bit... ETA, it's VERY light and unobtrusive. It really only has that waxy thing going on when I'm close up and huffing my arm, from a distance it reminds me of something beachy actually and is growing on me, hmm....
  25. No scent memories for me, just a delicious floral, creamy, feminine and so far none of the floral fae have stabbed my senses. They've all be lovely and light - some of them have even seemed MORE foodie than floral. While this is prominently floral, I love how the cake base compliments it. While I wouldn't normally wear florals - I will wear every one of these!
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