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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I was graciously sent a sniffy of this in my recent order - which tickled me to death, as I had forgotten TWICE to add a sample in my last orders! I quickly applied a bit and was REALLY surprised. I don't find it particularly feminine with my chemistry. It IS masculine to me, not so brutally masculine as to be unwearable. I like this the same way I like Mark's Girl Nip, because it's more masculine. It's a comfort thing I believe - or possibly the PM - but probably both At first I get a neck and neck coconut/wood/Hedione. It's strange because I had to concentrate to pick out the coconut specifically and it isn't that beachy, suntan lotion or pina colada kind of coconut - but it's definitely coconut and blends beautifully with everything. I don't know that I pick out the seawater or so much "feel" it in there with everything. Even with the coconut and vanilla, I don't find this particularly foodie either. Oh my, I just find this a wonderful man scent, the kind that when you hug a fella smelling like this and get his fragrance on you, and you smell it later - it makes you smile I wants it! I foresee swooping a couple bottles of this for sure!
  2. First - YES! The labels are fantastic! Second - OMG MERRY!!! Merry! Really!? As in EGGNOG (MILK/BUTTER/CREAM), MULBERRY, SUGAR, AMBER, SANDALWOOD & NUTMEG - Merry! - ? Please! Let it be so!
  3. RATZ! In my excitement I forgot to order that sample of Dylan! December NRs are coming soon...I can order it then, lol
  4. I'm going to try this out tonight - just because I can. Regular on the Cougar and a 2 inch stripe each wrist and each side of neck of Compromising Positions. I will post my findings in my mixes thread. But now - more on Compromising Positions - this must be one of the yummiest fragrances EVER. I remember when I first saw it I thought, hmm, patchouli. Back then all my memories of patchouli were of overly worn, heavy, block out every other smell, fragrance. Really, you either loved it or you hated it. THEN I eventually braved CP. WELL. I blame Mara's magick of course ^_~ Even my friend - who is an advocate of HATING patchouli - wears CP. Yeah, that's right, even SHE finds it completely nommilicious. And this is someone who could smell anything patch on me a MILE away, which included, but are not limited to: Raven Moon 2009, Devilish Thoughts, LP Black (particular NON fav for hers - can you believe it?!?!), OCCO Black - so chewy and delicious, Sex and Violins...yeah, any of these could ruin her day But CP? She adores it - is even one of her favorites! So yeah, this is good stuff for sure
  5. Welcome! You're going to LOVE it here!
  6. Tyvey, you talk about Saisha's "evolution" that's a great description! It doesn't stay anything specific, but keeps playing around and "becoming". Fascinating! Really very happy I did order a bottle, but I want to wear for a while and see if it eventually settles down to anything specific or if it continues to dance and morph and play. I actually hope it stays playful!
  7. Ordered a FB of this. I warfled on Beautiful Dreamer because there was something a bit too much in there for me. Can't put my finger on just what, but I ordered a couple of samples knowing they would last a very long time. THIS however, was love at first sniff. I think, for me, it's the oakmoss. There's the lovely lavender and this powdery soft fantasticness of the oakmoss on the softest cloudy foundation of vanilla/amber and the musk is so light - it's not pokey at all. This is all cuddle, calm and happiness. I had already made my LP order on the weekend, so the decision had already been made - but to top it off, my new guy got his first whiff of it last night and pulled me in close to nuzzle my neck and practically gushed about how wonderful I smelled and kept revisiting his praise for the fragrance every time he was close enough to be reminded of it. All the free nuzzle/cuddles were, of course, very nice also I am REALLY glad this is permanent!
  8. Thanks for the tip Rose I will give Aliya another try solo and if I run into the same thing I'll give your suggestion a try If nothing else, my sample will not be going to waste, sitting alone or lonely...
  9. I will revisit both Bosom Bows to be sure ^_~ In the mean time I DID decide on Saisha and CHANGED my mind on Dominance (for now). Dominance went very rose forward on me, not the delicious chocolate I was dreaming of But no worries! I shuffled my items around and have gone with: NOX (2 - I am in LOVE with this combo!) Balm Bomb Saisha - because I really like how this changes and morphs throughout the day with my chemistry. Aaaaand I needed another bottle of Un Le Femme Mystere - I went for it yesterday and there were only a couple drops of oil left in my bottle! Tsk, tsk on me!!!
  10. Belated welcome! OHMYGOSH! Inner Realm and Realm! I had those too! That seems like so long ago, lol, but they are what may have first put pheromones on my radar. They were nothing like LPs blends though Happy to see you enjoying yourself here!
  11. NuTrix


    Belated welcome! I've seen you on the boards, glad you're making yourself at home here and enjoying your LPs!
  12. Belated welcome! So glad to see you were happy with your order!
  13. Well! This is completely different on me than in the vial! In the vial I get delicious milk-creamy chocolate but once it touched my skin I got ROSE. Not old lady rose, just fragrant rose petals and a kiss of cocoa floating on the edges. I'm struggling to define something. My first thought was "minty?" But there's nothing minty in this blend and that was only while it was first wet. Now I'm thinking it must be something in the rose attars, maybe something green-like from the petals where they release from the stem of the rose? Almost woody, like the thorns...Over active imagination? Can you get all of that through a rose petal? It stays rose forward on me through a long dry down. Not a "me" fragrance, but lovely all the same. I won't let my sample go to waste
  14. I put a bit of this behind each ear and on each side of my neck today and it's going much differently than it did a couple days ago - of course, that was the same night it arrived in the post though too. Today it isn't playing very nicely with me It's evoking a scent memory of something medicinal...perhaps some flavored medicine I was given as a child? I've been wearing it for over an hour now (about an hour and a half) and the peach is still very forward. The vanilla/butter/cream is definitely there right underneath it but it isn't really smoothing out the - sourness? - of the peach on me. HOWEVER, it may not be the peach that is the culprit. I have found that white musk can be pokey with me and maybe the peach and musk are not agreeing with my chemistry? I'll keep my sample and see how it behaves in another few days or so.
  15. So. Wore this all day yesterday - a fairly generous dose and it's still on my clothing this morning...and smells lovely. No SLF, well, not really, which I thought it might morph around to - for no logical reason whatsoever. I'm going to offer my best guess here that, while the honey and musk are surely there underneath and prowling about as SLF, whatever other dark musk there may be and the wood notes keep this really grounded and the true SLF punch under wraps. It took my brain a while to decide if my nose liked it because it such an unusual fragrance to me but I really love the uniqueness of it. It keeps me huffing...so, yes, this will go on my FB list
  16. This is just as amazing as I had hoped. Blackberry, sweet and juicy, springing out on top followed by the chewy resin grounded dry down. I could roll in this like cat nip! I still have several bottles of the previous brew. The addition of Teddy BB is just icing on the cake! I LURV that phero blend and am SOOOOOO excited to have it in NOX. What a FANTASTIC combination!!! Totally going FB - just not sure how many yet....^_~
  17. Compromising Positions is a staple and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fragrance! I'm an avid experimenter and do mix and match often. But here are some things to think about... Looking at Stone Cougar and CP, I can be sure that SC have alpha-androstenol and I from the boards we know there is a bit of cops (safe enough to spray in our hair even). The other addition in CP is Androstenone. Whether SC has this or not I can't say, but from how Androstenone effects me personally, I'm thinking not...speculative guess based on my own experience only. A bit of none always bumped my self assurance/confidence. It could add an interesting twist to SC. SC has always been a happy, sparkly vibe for me. A touch of CP could bump the sexy factor up and give a bit of lift to your own ROAWER factor. You could wear your SC and just a smidge of CP on each wrist and see what happens Start small and see if you find what you're looking for. It's all very personal and what one person may get may not necessarily be how it turns out for someone else
  18. OHMYGOODNESSROSE!YES! LP Black and OCCO Black are "OMG!" together. OCCO Black is so deliciously chewy and decadent and they complement each other OH so amazingly! But I haven't worn that combo on the new fella. With LFM/N? Hmm. I don't know why, but I hadn't thought of those to pair. I'll have to give that a go, the mysterious sensuality of the fragrance combo would compliment the LFM vibe for sure...Thanks for the tip!
  19. For sures: Balm Bomb, Dominance and Nox On the fence about: Saisha & Aliya Taking Saisha on a solo run for today and it's wearing unusually floral on me ??? It smells clean and slightly sweet. I know I have a cold, so it could be my sniffer, my chemistry - or both! I want to wear Aliya tonight or tomorrow to be sure the peach continues to love me back... I would go for Bosom Bows as well, but I still have a bottle of the last brew...very nice...of course, the little voice in my head is urging me to get a bottle anyway
  20. Ooooo! This one has possibilities! It isn't stabbing my third eye and it's letting the other flavors shine through. We'll see how this wears over a longer period of time, but I think I may be able to go FB here - VERY promising indeed. Will leave a more detailed review when I've given it a proper test run...
  21. I SOOOO wanted to love this one, and it IS lovely. Powdery soft and clean. I really love La Sylphide. I will definitely use up this sample, but it just isn't the type of fragrance I would wear very often. And yet it suits LFM well. Clean, no nonsense, elegant.
  22. So. In a cruel twist of fate, I get the sniffles. It started yesterday afternoon and just in time for my delivery today I'm now medicated so my airways are once again open, but I know things are still going to be skewed. RATZ. However. That being said, I believe I'm getting an honest enough take on the notes to know I need to order this The woods are different, not really in my face but still noticeable and giving it that "something" outside of the honey/sugar. I've smelled civet before in some other favorites and can pick it out, but the woods seem to compliment it very well. I only pick them out individually if I really try. I was surprised to note a bit of citrus? Can you get that from honey or should I blame that on my wonky nose right now? As the only citrus mentioned is honey from orange blossoms, not an orange note. This is staying soft and close and, after dry down, is a kind of sweet but sultry scent. Not too sugary and not going "dirty" honey on me at all. Yeah. This is going to require a FB...
  23. I've moved to a place where the mail sometimes only gets here after 5pm - WAY different than I'm used to lol. My package is supposed to be here tonight! I'm going crazy watching the door and waiting HAHAHA! I've ben stalking the reviews and everything sounds amazing! I can't believe I forgot it was pheroma month O.o Who DOES that?!?!?! But I've been drooling over the reviews and can't wait to order my FBs after I get my nose on those little trials... My sampler comes between now and 7pm...I just have to be patient a little while longer. Hmm. My new boo only knows I have a perfume addic - er - hobby which I am VERY enthusiastic about, but I suppose if I have to, I could ship to my P.O. Box Things haven't gotten that bad yet though... I'm hoping to love all of the women's and Dylan, but I'm pretty sure BB and Dom will be must haves, I want to love Aliya but peach sometimes hates me...I am willing my brain/nose to love Saisha because I want BANG! so much and Sensual Harmony sounds dreamy. This could be a big order...I'm undecided if that's good or bad yet Hoping to make up my mind tonight, but if I have to I can try to wait until after Thanksgiving. I have so much to do, but you can bet I'll be squeezing in my LP samples to move the decision process along... ^_~
  24. Teddy BB is one of my staples. I still have half a spray bottle of the Jubilee enhanced fragrance and layer it with the Un TBB. I like how it gives me a relaxed "go with the flow" feeling. I always add a touch of cops to feminize the signature to me and so far it has consistently created a relaxed and happy vibe whenever I've used it in mixed company Glad to see so many other positive reviews!
  25. I thought LP Red or LP Original were going to be my favorites, but LP Black surprised me! While I thought I would like it, I would have never guessed it would be front and center of the LP line up. 1 - because I don't often wear reson-y scents and, 2 - because of the notes I arbitrarily assumed I would prefer the other two. Gosh, sometimes, it's GOOD to be wrong It wears slightly sweet to me and I still get the "candle/incense" comment from uneducated noses...but it's never in a complaining way - more like a fan of those things searching out the treasureful aroma so they can snatch it up and take it home I have a new fella to try out all my goodies on and this guy is particularly sensual...needless to say, he has been very receptive to LP in general, and LP Black has never escaped his notice so far when I've worn it around him...
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