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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. H&S makes my guy very sweet and love-y. Maybe you friend/super thought there was something there that wasn't, and/or felt more inclined to BE more forward about being more open to you than he normally would. Putting the breaks on was probably a good idea, just in case he was feeling romantic...But if he's secretly creepy - distance is good too. I'm super friendly with lots of people...but they don't invite themselves to my home
  2. Thanks Cutie! It started with DHEAS being the main molecule, but there was some talk surrounding the epi-rone too. Sounded like DHEAS was still the main player though. How did I miss that thread! That explains a lot!
  3. Bwahahaaaaa! Yes, I took a leap with PM, but this was an informational visit. The sale will happen later this week and I will likely wear LFM for that - though I hadn't considered SWS, which may also be a good bet. The salesman took us out for a test drive and explained all the bells and whistles - of which there are many. He disclosed some sales tactics they use, told us things he liked and didn't like - one of which was to do with during the change of season the tire pressure notification, how he thought it was "a pain in the ass" himself and what to do about it. He told us the good, the bad and the uglies. Over all the bad/uglies were outweighed by the good, being not so bad all in all. I had researched exactly what I wanted already online, he was just filling in the gaps and letting us get hands on to make our final decision. He gave us the info we wanted and wasn't pushy in any way. I hate those high pressure, crazy in the head types...So it did feel like talking over a purchase possibility with a friend - but then, that could've been the PM working on me too, eh? We got everything we wanted from our visit and when we return it will be all business. So while we laid a friendly foundation, financing will be no nonsense. LFM works very well for me like that but I will take a good look at SWS and consider that a possibility too.
  4. I have to agree with Cutie.pie The people here are just fantastic! LP and the forum members are friends and family - absolutely fabulous smelling friends and family! Mega Watt doesn't behave quite as I expected - though it isn't unpleasantly so. It's not anything to me like the focus potion was and while it does help me to focus it also seems to give me a creative bump. Like I think outside the box a little more,.I notice details I wouldn't normally, in people and when listening to music. With music too, I'm more effected by the mood of the music - if it's rockin' or sensual I get in tune to whatever is playing, pick out little riffs I didn't notice before. Is this heavy on the DHEAS?
  5. I was considering LFM today, as I'm planning on looking at a vehicle purchase, but on the way home last night PM jumped to mind. I remember how surprised I was at what a great mix this was for work. I'm wondering if it will work on a high energy sales rep - and on me and my very low patience level for their (sometimes) ridiculous tactics. I've been going over it - which flavor I have it in - Allumette? Mark's Girl Nip? LP Pink? Or unscented with something maple and pumpkin - which I know at least my husband will love - as he'll be handling the "negotiations"... It's kind of risky to try something different that I haven't tested in this environment before, not being sure IT'S sure fire - but I think it will be a good bet. They don't actually have exactly what I'm looking for on the lot, but they have items that are very close. If I'm happy, I can order what I like to be delivered, which would mean a return trip. I'm hoping the imprinting that PM seems to have will work to advantage in this department as well. I will report back with my findings! Oh! And I will likely add a smidge of cops...as I do with everything...just to make sure the signature is definitely me and not the hubby. We'll let him keep is alpha signature
  6. OCCO White is my VERY favorite...then Pink, then Black...then Blue The vanilla, heavy, syrupy, sticky sweetness of White is my favorite though. Layered with anything pumpkin and my guy goes crazy for it...following me around and telling me how I smell good enough to eat - being all hands-y and grabby
  7. NuTrix


    HAHAHA! Yep, something along those lines....hehehe...
  8. NuTrix


    Just an aside, you won't need to stop drinking booze or Starbucks - people will buy that for you...and sometimes - yes - even the food and clothes too Welcome!
  9. I figure I just don't know WHAT exactly I would wish for here. I'm still learning what sends me over the moon I think I'm still willing to just wait and see and be absolutely floored by some creation that I never could have guessed or dreamed - as Mara's creations do Even with the PE's - I could never imagine how amazing they would turn out. It just boggles my mind...
  10. NuTrix


    I DO love freedom to layer with whatever... I was SO tempted to mix Nola, but I too wanted to leave her with LOTS of options...like BI AND Sexpionage AND BANG! AND...
  11. That's EXACTLY the vibe I wanted! Great description
  12. I was actually feeling kind of soft and "squishy" and actually wore this because of that. I wanted some extra TLC form those around me while I was feeling more vulnerable than my norm and it worked wonders. Memorare - have you tried G2 around mom? Halo suggested that for my MIL and it actually worked wonders on both her and my own mother. Just a thought
  13. Our bank accounts will be happy about this at least....
  14. ^^^ This^^^ It's a screw top bottle - no leaking - and the wand is securely part of the cap and centered directly down the middle of the bottle. The wand is - I believe - glass, like the bottle. It's very sturdy, not flimsy or bendy like the sample wands at all.
  15. Maybe this will help some. There are approx. 200 drops of oil in a 10ml bottle of LP perfume oil. A 1oz bottle (30ml) will yield approx. 200 sprays. If we take a 10ml bottle of oil and pour it into a 1oz spray bottle and mix it with 20ml of perfumer's alcohol, we get the same number of "doses", regardless of whether it is 10ml oil or 1oz spray. You will be getting the equivalent of 1 drop of oil from a 10ml bottle = 1 spray from a 30ml (or 1oz) bottle. It's a volume thing A drop of oil is thicker and dense, the spray is just the drop of oil diluted in a fine mist
  16. I don't know how I missed this - thank you! I did order the Un with cops in oil and I have just freed up a 1oz spray bottle. This is totally doable now! Thanks for the recommend! I have mixed this with a few other fragrances. But since you're looking to intensify the honey... Do you have Aja? And if so, do/did you like it? My husband goes nuts over this mixed with a maple fragrance and Aja The maple sweetens the resin and the Aja intensifies the honey - at least for me. That's my 2 c Good luck!
  17. I just used the last of my sample last night. Must have more. Was undecided about this on because of the type of lavender that I first get, but this is almost a compulsory kind of thing. I can't explain it. I must have more. Just 1 bottle. We'll start with just 1...
  18. Yes! This! ^^^ I was wearing La Sylphide Friday with an extra boost of Un LFM and got 2 discounted items at the place I was shopping. 1 was $38 knocked down to $20! The manager went with me around the store telling me they were looking to reduce inventory and everything I touched she was all, "I can give you this for xxx" or "I can take off xxx for that for you...". There were other customers, but she was glued to me. I wore this blend SPACIFICALY because this is what happens when I wear it. LFM is AWESOME like that I will TOTALLY wear it car shopping in the near future as well The only thing I need to tweak about it is that, when I wear it solo, I feel more aloof. Not unfriendly, just not as out going or say "sparkly" as with Cougar or BANG! and some other blends.
  19. I like the oil and spray combo! I've started wearing my oils more often on the inside of my elbows, crook of the arm - or whatever you call it - because although my guy may like the way the LP I'm wearing smells, when he randomly mauls me, he doesn't care for the taste if I have it on my neck or torso Backs of hands have always been a favorite for diffusion too. Hair is always great also. I prefer Gotcha in Fuzzy Wuzzy, but I still have the Un for that little extra umph
  20. I am NOT sharing this thread with Man Beast He is liking this and on him it smells clean and VERY green, like an aftershave or maybe a deodorant I can't put my finger on... Almost too green. He's been softening it by using a bit of maple over it and ZOMG! YUM! MUHAHAAAAAA! Soon he will be as bad as the rest of us! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  21. NuTrix

    Fairy Cake: Rose

    I'm still baffled by how many of the floral faes I'm enjoying! These are so light and so lovely I can wear almost all of them! I would have to go through my notes again, but there are only a couple that wear to pointy or something for me. This stays rose until it finally fades to a barely there sugary hint of "something" at the very end.
  22. It's true, CB has staying power and there is something sweet and lovely going on - have you been noticing any other effects since your last post? It has really good throw and I can only wear just the littlest bit or it overwhelms me, but it's such a clean and lovely scent! A little bit goes a really long way There are A LOT people who respond wonderfully to Est - for those few that don't seem to it's pretty ugly and reveals what (I think) can be a narcissistic personality. Not always - but usually guy with "being a daddy" issues and the guy with "whiny girl" issues are the worst responders. Everyone else seems to LOVE the stuff
  23. NuTrix

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome! LPMP is my introduction to fragrance so I can't help with any suggestions for comparison. Bella made some great suggestions and the sugared fragrances ARE wonderful! Happy hunting, make yourself at home and we look forward to "seeing" you around
  24. I'm currently loving this layered with the maple. This is so light though, and vanishes WAY more quickly than I'd like...so I carry it with me and re-slather as needed
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