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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Was wearing this again yesterday. I've been off the grid for a bit and didn't really get to review as much as I would have liked - but this is one that I got a FB of almost immediately after getting my sample lol. Now I see it's sold out from a post above so I'm glad I didn't hesitate! There's something about the honey that almost goes wonky on me during the dry down, but once it passes that stage it's all green light! This one is decadent and thick and delicious! It's almost chewy and, as a fragrance, it sticks and lasts for hours and hours. It's a fragrance that makes my eyes roll a bit back and causes me to smile with happiness each time I get a whiff. A definite fast favorite!
  2. I just re-purchased this recently. I think it could be ordered special, via mad scientist or some such, but I don't know when it came back "on the market". It was a favorite. Before I had explored with BANG!, Audacious was a staple. Weeeell. This STILL gives me that confident, head extra high, eyes extra flashing, runway walking stomp, boys need not apply, feel. So glad to have her back in my line up! This needs to be permanent
  3. NuTrix

    Candy House

    This was my favorite for Oct. It starts out all creamy delicious pumpkin and although the cinnamon does come out after dry down, I didn't amp it like some others that I have. I love the creamy, iced cookie fragrance while it's still wet and drying down. This would make my place smell dreamy in an oil warmer - but I want to smell like this way more so I'm keeping it all for me!
  4. I have finally put a bottle of this to rest - so much so have I loved it that I used it sparingly but one bottle is no more. It is still a favorite - but I have vowed to love and slather more of others...no more of this hoarding. HAHAHA! Yeah, well, it SOUNDS good, but that is the idea - to love these limited additions and eventually have to leave them. But it is SO very hard
  5. Went for the sampler - of course lol. I am skeptical of most, but they are so intriguing and LP always has me second guessing my own thoughts until I try them so I will probably have to get EVERY sampler...like...FOREVER. Ordered 2 FB of the Unisexy 2014 with the B2.2. Honestly forgot how amazing B2 could be since I used it all up. Didn't replenish, plus I think it had sold out for a bit? So it dropped off my radar. I like the Unisexy fragrance A LOT. Soooooo when I had great results wearing it again recently in my "discovered" Unisexy 2014 sample, I came to my senses and decided I needed a couple bottles. Ordered the FB of B2.2 too...for good measure and to become reacquainted
  6. NuTrix


    LOL! Welcome - gush away...it's a common practice here
  7. Ooooo! Really? Caramel musk...then this would be a good compliment to the scented T.M.I.... This is a favorite of mine. Looooove. It's not overpowering and I get compliments every time I wear it
  8. Hello and welcome! Looks like you've already gotten some great advice Happy hunting!
  9. I'm glad to see so many others describing this as water-y and aquatic. After reading all the posts about the night blooming jasmine being so different it makes all the sense in the world why this is so different than my expectations. I don't KNOW if it's the Hedione swaying me, but the fragrance of the perfume is just reeeeeally lovely. It's long lasting, has excellent throw, is very distinct and yet isn't all up in your face slapping you around.
  10. WOW! That's really cool! I like the "lightness" of this type of jasmine...if you've used up such precious goods to create it, then this is obviously FB material for that alone
  11. NuTrix


    I don't normally go for "green" type scents, but WOW. I think this is floral to me but something is definitely evoking aquatic. I didn't really think too much of this before trying it because it didn't scream "me scent" but it has really taken me by surprise! The tea isn't really a tea note but adds something clean and leafy, imho. I kept huffing my arm. It's light AND earthy at the same time. I don't foresee a FB, but I definitely can see enjoying my sample! I was also thinking, with how Cotton Candy Dreams is on dry down, if it would layer well and soften and sweeten this and how they would smell if I applied a smidge of each together...
  12. I have to agree with the "slightly aquatic" StacyK mentioned, but I only got this first on. I thought I would like it because it's jasmine but I don't particularly like soapy scents. I was so glad that - at least to me - this doesn't come across as soapy floral It's very floral forward after the initial dry down and, to my dismay, threatened to really amp there for a bit. It may be a fragrance I need to wear under my clothes on my torso like I need to with the scented CB. It DOES have wicked throw, but once it settles down it's a very clean - not soapy - floral. I don't know how much hedione it would take to test, but this could very easily be overbearing with my chemistry, so I'm not sure how much of it will be enough to test for more than fragrance. Like Rose mentioned - there is something alluring, fascinating even, about the fragrance. Jasmine isn't really a great mystery, so maybe that's the hedione effect? Curious. Will have to give it a proper day long run to find out...
  13. First on I didn't recognize the top not - just that it was really bright and melon-y and LOUD! Now I see it's watermelon, lol, and it makes perfect sense. Not sure WHY I couldn't figure that one out on my own. It was too in my face and I thought "awe, I was hoping to really love this." Then, maybe not even 10 minutes? The melon settles out and O.M.G. This is GORGEOUS! It's a soft sugary ...?...cream? Yes. Cream. Cream-y? The melon - on me - kind of just about vanishes and this sweet sugary cloud of goodness is all that's left. I SO love this one! I may have to really slather next time because it's staying very close to me and is very light. The Fairy Floss FGC is light too, but this one seems even lighter than that so far...Luna may be onto something about the layering
  14. NuTrix

    Summer Crush

    This is so odd. I had to look at the notes. It's definitely a Rose scent. Now that I've seen the other reviews here, I'm surprised. I totally get rose. The rose and the patchouli and almost nothing else. I'm getting a little sweetened citrus to brighten the whole of it but this is beyond a doubt a rose scent. Maybe I really amp rose or something? I'm not really getting the lemonade so much as a soft, bright rose fragrance. It's very pretty.
  15. This reminds me of some candy that I can't put my finger on while first on and settling down. It's very sunny and bright. I think the note that has me cocking my head is the freesia. At first the fruit was such a blast that I didn't think I was going to like it, but maybe 5 or 10 minutes after it settles to something decidedly candy sweet and kind of floral LOL I wouldn't call it a floral fragrance, but it's very complimentary, lifting it and keeping it from being too candy sweet. I don't know that I'll need a FB, but I'll use up my sample for sure
  16. Mine too! I don't know which I'll want! So many sound promising!!! SOOOOO EXCITED!
  17. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I'm going to have to be exposed to children - as I too prefer animals...
  18. After slathering this for the whole day - I can't believe I didn't amp the patch this time! Hubby said it was "a bit perfume-y for his liking, but not baaaad." This settled down to a really nice close to the skin scent. and yet I could smell it the whole time. No trace of cops whatsoever - and I slathered quite a bit to test. I still love that initial berry blast - SOOO scrummy!
  19. Ah! Gotcha now! Yes, those 2 would absolutely seem to fit congruently
  20. They ARE similar, but FCO is much lighter, softer. Not as heavy on the vanilla cake. If they were a confection, AM would be a dense orange sweetened cake and FCO would be a light citrus buttercream frosting...imo
  21. I can't believe I never revisited this thread! THIS must be a hint of what current smells like! I love the berry bang of this right out of the vial (yes, I still have my sample, as I'd set this aside and it promptly was buried in my "keepers, if not favorites" pile. I think I amp the patch more than I would like, but it's much softer now and not coming off as masculine-like or medicinal. It has aged beautifully and is sweet sugared berries on a bed of soft patchouli. I may need to rethink this as a FB because I'm always keeping an eye out for something with resin feel that likes me back to add to my rotation...
  22. WOW! What ever it is, take note and do it again! Pheromones don't always wash off with soap and water, so there may have been residual from Sexpionage. I think you're onto something, about being relaxed enough yourself to really let go and enjoy - sounds like a win any way you toss it though!
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