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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Do you wear equal parts orchid and, which was it? The magnolia or the gardenia? Or does one over power the other? There's such a sensual, rich, petal softness and creaminess that I more feel than smell when I wear the orchid. It's that sensual quality that is my favorite...
  2. I'm TOTALLY with you here! Oooooh! Wow! That sounds amazing! I just got my shipping notice - but I may have to get a jar anyway - you know - to REALLY appreciate it... ^_~ Oh My! Trying to wrap my head around that one! Everything else smoked that way smells divine, lol! Oh jeeze - why can I be just fine waiting for the NR's to come out - until they DO come out? Then suddenly I become a feverish, drooling, wide eyed, stalking the mail crazy person?
  3. Oh JEEEZE! You're making me want to cave and try these 2 together! The orchid has Cougar written all over it but I really like my foodies over floral...but maybe...just for the sake of experimentation...
  4. I wore this at the start of the week to get back into the swing of things after being on holiday. I have the x3 and it will last FOREVER at this rate - but then, that's why I invested in it Normally 3 sprays (as I previously fogged in it) is plenty - they aren't usually even full sprays, lol. I have my current one boosted with Pure Sugar and tend to spray my PE Sanctuary over it. What a great way to get back into the swing of things! This is a people pepper-upper for sure. Was told multiple times that I wasn't allowed to take time off again & how good it was to have me back It definitely helped me as far as reining in the chaos under control after being gone for over a week. It kept my own mood elevated and I took things one "crisis" at a time and kept my good mood. Cougar is always a sure fire win for me. StacyK - I wish I enjoyed the floral fragrances more to try the orchid & gardenia with it. Well, Interestingly enough, I had a similar (how bizarre!) inkling when I tried the orchid. I thought they would be very congruent - if only I enjoyed floral fragrances as much as the foodie ones That's neat to know that they DO play so well together - how cool is that?!
  5. Cotton Candy Clouds sounds like a "must have" for me I adore the labels for Dragonfly and LP Summer Solstice, but having had LP SS Humidity 2012, I see these 2 will be nothing alike.... I'm very curious to try Kissed by the Sun as I'm not familiar with what to expect from black currant as a fragrance??? I'm not sure what I believe it smells like, but I guess I thought it would be herbal - like tea. I didn't realize there were berries too and when I saw the description of "juicy" I was thrown off. How did I not know this? I looked it up online and saw a picture and vaguely recall something but had apparently forgotten all about it! Garden in the Rain - I want to love that one! All those delicious woodnotes! But I wonder with the rose and honeysuckle, stems, leaves and clover - will it be green and floral? To things I really appreciate but don't normally wear...? I'm swooning over the scent idea for Moist as one of my favorite floral fragrances is jasmine, though the only jasmine fragrance I wear regularly is my PE. Hmm, a possible contender.... Steamy Bikini and Seaside Sizzle both have me curious - what does "smoked sugar" smell like? And cocoa butter and honey with Aja? WOW. Just Wow!
  6. I had a FB that I traded away because I just rarely reached for it. But then the warmer weather came and I began to use my vial more often and thought a FB would be a good investment and this time I'll hang on to it for the warmer weather
  7. Thanks Donsie! Good read! I love Jasmine - but from what I read, it sounds like just one component of the fragrance that IS jasmine. The convo in the link donsie shared shed some light on it in that it apparently does have a distinctive jasmine scent, er, with a hint of warm scalp I'll have to go back through the links - thanks for the pointers!
  8. I couldn't decide! They all look so great and new and interesting! I went with the sampler and - of course like many others - a FB of OCCO Ambrosia VERY curious about this hedione note. It's suppose to have a great quality for both diffusion and lasting. I wonder what it smells like or if it has a distinct smell at all? Another fascination! Is like Aja is a way, not by smell so much as by behavior, ie - there's just something about it that turns heads...??? A lesson, Potion Master, on this curious ingredient? Halo? Luna? John? Someone?
  9. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    Oh! Thanks for bumping this! I need to pull this out today to wear - I've been digging into my maple fragrances a lot lately (thank you fairy garden maple for creating a maple monster ) and Moon Sugar Candy would be GREAT for this afternoon. It's so cloudy and overcast - some moon sugar will brighten things up I'm sure! I love how the lemon lifts and brightens it AND me when I wear it
  10. The NRs are going to be mind blowing - just wait - we won't be disappointed...as though that were even possible!
  11. I have to agree, this one is really scurmmilicious smelling on my guy too. It morphs within the first 1/2 hour and the long dry down is to DIE for
  12. Well, you really can't be blamed. Jubilee IS delicious and I tend to fog when I wear it...and with half the bottle gone I rotate it in rarely The lower dienone maybe did not diminish the effects of the other molecules enough for sleep? Sorry it you lost sleep, and the heart racing thing That sounds kind of scary. I did that with Woozy Floozy when I was testing it. Not very enjoyable, kind of alarming actually. Will take note to keep Teddy for daytime though now. Hugs and hope tonight is more restful!
  13. I realllly like the OCCO Ambrosia - really. I still have a vial of it and every time I smell it I swoon and yet I just don't reach for it I think it's a case of liking the fragrance more than wanting to smell like the fragrance and yet - every time I smell it I wonder why I don't wear it more often
  14. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    I usually go for berries or melons, but this is my favorite cherry LP to date (that I've tried). While cherry isn't the first fragrance I reach for, this is just an absolute delight. I think it's the gooey cake like vanilla/marshmallow base that I love to much - and seriously...chocolate? Confection perfection...
  15. I don't normally phero before bed except on rare occasion because I wondered about sleep issues. But I think I would have put this in the BB, B2/B.2 category myself. 6 sprays does seem like a lot for bed Have you done this before with anything else and had a different outcome?
  16. I would never have guessed I would like a grapefruit fragrance - to wear. I like the fruit well enough But CP won me over for starters and then I HAD to try the sugared grapefruit. I'm going to have to try it with the Pink Musk, that sounds like a great combo!
  17. I just had this out for a spin a few days back. It's aged beautifully and smells absolutely amazing! Converting some to spray just makes me fog all the more...no wonder it's said that people blow through sprays more readily than the oils I can vouch for that at least with me!
  18. Oddly, he crinkled his nose at both - BUT that was before his LP acclimation. Perhaps it's time to re-test those...
  19. Sometimes the some of the honeys are dark and dirty for me too. Aja starts out "unusual" on me, not sweet necessarily, but something "other". Then it morphs into this bright honey something and eventually to something still honey like but very sweet... Aja DOES garner unusual attention from others - it's such a unique signature! Dom Noire, anything with maple, Fascination Potion - I know there are others, but those are the most recent I can recall...
  20. DO IT. They are wonderful together... I have converted some of this to spray form. My only complaint is it vanishes too quickly - but that's why I have the spray...I fog regularly! I LOVELOVELOVE this one, I don't care that it flits away more readily than I would like, I still have bottles of it and am considering bottles more Man Beast LOVES this one too. Between us we have already obliterated a bottle. He pairs it with Figgy and it tones down the green. I will have to keep and eye out for more maple scents as these are real winners for my guy too
  21. That's what I though too Beccah! This takes such a little to go a long way and I love how the scent is so "sticky" and lasts and lasts! The sweetness morphs wonderfully too. An excellent investment for sure
  22. Idk. There's something about the butter, creamy vanilla, sugar and that hint of coconut that just sets BBM apart. It's nothing like OCCO White and yet every bit as wonderful in it's own way
  23. Fortunately there's no need to choose - we can have BOTH! For as long as the Potion Master keeps making them
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