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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. You will LOVE IT! It's a HUGE set and they're ALL scrumptious! It will be a decision you pat yourself on the back for
  2. This is one of my very favorites! This is just delicious and yes - I agree- if you're a foodie fan DO NOT pass this up! Wait, on second thought - it's absolutely dreadful and you should all just let me buy them out because no one else is sure to enjoy it What a spicy, goo-ey, buttery, thick delicious batter of confectionary goodness! I would lick the bowl of this clean and beg for more - not wait - I'd forget filling the cookie trays and just LAPP up the batter...who needs cookies when you've got this?! This is spiced, warm and WONDERFUL. I'm going to stop now, because I don't want to start a stampede...I need BOTTLES of this...BOTTLES...
  3. I'm really surprised at how sheer this is wearing on me, like a melting, buttery skin scent - "Why yes, I just smell like this naturally - isn't it amazing?" I'm already thinking to layer with Maple or Gingerbread or Pumpkin or.....It's so soft and delicious and comforting. Yes, one of my favorites so far
  4. OMYOSHONEOFMYFAVORITESFORSURE!!!! This is such a buttery maple! Sticky, goo-ey and DELICIOUS - I could EAT my arm! I want to roll in this like catnip! Slather until I'm coated - 'til I OOOOOOOZ it from my pores... That is all.
  5. I found this very "green" to me and wasn't fond of it as far as a "me" scent - Buuuuuut my GUY loves it and has claimed it. Has even told me to order a bottle and he will wear it!
  6. Pink! Yes and VERY.I agree with Bella and think it's reminiscent of LP Pink too but the cake base is very distinct and sweet and absolutely swoon worthy!
  7. This is FANTASTIC! I love the berries and cannot pick out one over the other. To me it's like a buttery cake with ripe slightly tart berries folded all up in it. DELICIOUS - I'm SO loving all of these - even a lot of the floral fae cakes are a surprise hit! My excitement was WELL founded!
  8. YAY! When I go home tonight there will be a package in the mail waiting for me! SOOOOO excited! It's been a long day and now I at least have something really rewarding to look forward to when I get home
  9. Welcome! I wish I could offer suggestions but I not familiar with commercial scents at all and I love the foodie, sweet stuff I'm sure plenty of other ladies will be offer you ideas
  10. Welcome! I second Dark Desires! http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/DarkDesires/ I LOVE it on my guy and it's one of his favorites I'm sure you'll have LOTS of fun experimenting! ^_~
  11. I just adore this one! Hmm. I didn't realize there was mint either! I don't get/read it. All I get is CHOCOLATE, lots of yummy sugary, goo-y softly marshmallow-ed chocolate I have only had 1 item from LP scare me as far as a slightly burning sensation - not this one - but it actually had pepper and wasabi notes in it. But the second time I wore it I got zilch, which I thought was weird, but good because I DID love the fragrance
  12. Almost sure the Pumpkin, Raspberry, Strawberry, Lavender and Lilac will be must have Fairy cakes as well I'm going to TRY to hold out for the sampler to see if I may require a FB set of them...Foodie lover that I am - this is going to be sure to make my credit card whimper I'm dying to snuffle the Fairy Floss....
  13. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Totem Bunny was one of my favorites! The Goat grabbing center stage for me...But this is so soft and pretty and clean, not lie the floral clean some others have. I really like the cotton blossom I think It makes me happy when I smell it, a great comfort scent to me - like you mentioned - snuggly
  14. We're sure you'll love it here! Great picks! And so....it begins...
  15. NuTrix

    shelf life

    I, too, have a stash to last a short lifetime. If there's ever a shortage you'll be good for a good loooong time.... ETA: Oh yes! And - Welcome!
  16. I only have it in the Bosom Bows now, but it's probably about 2-3 drops worth. Tyvey - awesome review! This one is really under the radar for a lot of people - especially for work! I credit Halo for my first love and exploration as it works so well around my mom and MIL
  17. WOW! What a great review! This should be a staple LOL I LOVE the label for the Un too - The pink corset and hair LUUUURV!
  18. Ditto! I limited myself to only 5 full bottles until I've snuffled everything... Maple Gingerbread Oatmeal Berry & Fairy Floss I may end up with at least 1 set though - these sound absolutely delicious!!!
  19. I couldn't get away for a free moment until 7 - and then immediately made my order! I hope I made it into the list of 40 takers I could resist full bottles though, but limited myself to only 5 until I get my piddies on those samples I think I may have accidently tromped on QG's foot as I was dashing by - I didn't see him in the shadows until it was too late...
  20. Only Lemon, Lilac and Orchid...but we were all having a fantastic time... ^_~ I keep refreshing, but they are still illusive - I don't even want to go to work because I never know when I can get away to check!
  21. OHTHANKGOODNESS! I haven't missed it yet! I went to bed around 1...and then was awake at 5 something...6...7... A true sign of "the hobbiest" as so many of us here are So many visions of dancing faries in my dreams last night!
  22. Poised. Over keyboard. Waiting for clock to turn. It's going to be a long day.
  23. Welcome! It's a wonderful and fragrant adventure ahead for you
  24. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! OMG!OMG!OMG!!!!!! We have to wait until the first to order? That's - like - FOREVER from now! They're aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall gorgeous! *SWOONS*
  25. I got bottles of this - for BOTH of us. I can't decide who I like it on more. It melds deliciously on man beast but I love to wear it too! He's been wearing it often enough that it's been making me think of him when I wear it now. I've also gotten MANY compliments from women at work on it. It is well liked and received and not just by me I love it! I'm not familiar with any mainstream anything, all I know is it's unique and earthy and delicious all at the same time. The woody notes are mazing and I wouldn't call it a feminine fragrance but I'm absolutely DRAWN to it. SO many LPs, so few days in the year to rotate them all!
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