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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Yes I've already talked myself into it - fully fragranced with Pure Sugar for absolute perfection of layering Now I just need to decide on which NRs so I can make my order. I have 2 more to test drive to be sure.... edited for missing letters...and I did make my order, holding off for now on June's NRs....VERY difficult....must test more....but couldn't wait to order this one
  2. D'oh! I have just decanted the last of my SC spray into a 5ml to go spritzer TIME TO ORDER MORE! Now Miss Rose has me thinking...x3? It would be my first SUPER phero
  3. I use my oils in my oil warmer all the time - like almost daily. I add a few drops and then add some water..I just have to keep and eye on the water level because sometimes the water burns off before the candle is out. Hmm. You know, I've never had anything bad happen when all the water did burn off. Clean up is always easy. The little extra water just helps the scent last a little longer. I use it before drifting off to sleep almost every night and have other warmers for the rest of the house...one of these days will buy the wax melts - I'm just afraid that will begin ANOTHER obsession!
  4. Well, I have it in the oil. And. I slather. Two 5" stripes EACH, on wrists and backs of hands up for arms (because I "talk" with my hands, lol). 1 long stripe from one side of collarbone to other and a line down between the girls. One 4 " stripe to each side of neck from behind the ear and down. All smooshed with wrists upon application completion
  5. It's not a heavy resin, but I think it is the combo of the red musk, black amber and patch that are more dominant after dry down. Not in the thick resin sense of S&V or OCCO Black Much lighter and more serine. Light and perfect for the season
  6. It's not sharp so much as it just takes over. It drowns out all other scents. I gave up LP Red because of it. I gave up a couple others because the allspice in them did the same thing I can wear Unreasonable Pumpkin though and even got a back up. Latte somewhat did the same thing, but the coffe note kept up with the cinnamon so that cinnamon wasn't the only note left and they compliment one another deliciously! Rogue started out very fruity and sweet on me today. The apricot was very forward and there's something decidedly lighter (brighter) about this one than LP Red. The honey? Verbena is mentioned in the description but not the noes...not sure if that is something I'm registering? The powdery aspect is definitely the honey on me This isn't a "for me" scent, but it isn't because of the cinnamon. The cinnamon is playing very nicely with me in this fragrance. I really like the addition of the honey, very pretty!
  7. NuTrix


    RB> I was hoping the concentration of the oil would keep lingering longer. My thought is that the delicious orange would wing away all the more quickly with a spray - but I bet it would be GLORIOUS while it was there - a fluffy orange cloud of deliciousness!
  8. Wanted to LOVE this one but it just isn't going to be a me scent. It starts out fruity, actually, and then chills to a fragrance that I would love for the house but wouldn't necessarily want to smell like. It's definitely not head shop incense, but it is on the resin side for me. I actually like it more after the sweet notes back off and the resins are at the fore.
  9. I'm testing this one again today because I was thinking FB yesterday right out of the post, but much later, couple-few hours, most of the creamy caramel latte was gone and the cinnamon was all that was left So now I'm retrying - in a slather! OHMYGOSH! I LOVE this straight out of the vial! Like Katz said above - would totally bathe in this! Caramel lattes and cappuccinos are my absolute favorite coffees. I like espresso too - but really - caramel? Need I ask?! But...yes, the dreaded BUT. My skin is eating up that creamy caramel quickly, as it too must love it greedily just like my taste buds! I DO like the cinnamon sprinkled latte that is left behind, but I don't think I like it enough to go fb...buuuut I'm also really liking that roasted coffee bean vibe. OK! It wins! FB it s! Damn my weakness for coffee scents!
  10. PULL THE TRIGGER! I've always considered CB "COPS" so if that one plays nicely then TG should too! Since CB is 1/3 the strength in the fragrance and TG would be diluted as 1/3 in 2/3 alcohol that sounds like a WINNER!!!! Hehe...I think I can hold off ordering more too thanks to the NRs, unless I get one in a spray... Yeah, I don't know how much is in there either, but it smells SO good and I've gotten it on clothes just from contact to app. points on my skin and all that I get the next day in the laundry is REALLY good smelling clothing! I've worn it behind my ears and the back of my neck and no one's told me I smell anything but delicious I don't think she meant they were alike fragrance wise, just that she's got a variant of CB in spray? But since VK is 1/3 the strength of Un CB it's got my wheels turning or TG.... Wonder if it was BAM!? That can be a stinker, or an OCCO????!!!! YIKES! I will be the guinea pig for TG, but no guarantees on anything else! EDITED TO ADD: HEY! I just remembered! Back when LP released Sexpionage in the fragrance, Balls!, I had gotten that on a scarf and days later smelled it in my closet - the beautiful scent of the fragrance only! (which while leaning in for a better huff caused me to FALL THOUGH MY WARDROBE! No harm no foul, only minor bruising, the power of LP... ) And that IS a COP bomb! I'm SO ordering this in a spray!
  11. ObW - The rose isn't in your face. I was kind of like - I think I almost smell roses....OH! Rose stems are a note! More of the hint of roses and the whole is VERY pretty - an unexpected love
  12. Sorry BC! I'm wearing this one again today so it's "rested". All the ones from yesterday were straight from the post so I have to see if first impressionswere true... I was doing the same thing and then I would read reviews and be all like - "Shoulda ordered THAT one too!" I've been doing this for a couple years now and ONLY finally made the choice to stop ordering bottles and get the sampler first (of course for the month I decide to go al samplers I get the flu and couldn't smell a DARN thing when they got here ) Wearing this one again for you LV - On me, first on, the lime is fighting with another note (I believe the patch) for dominance and it's a bit odd smelling. The lime isn't pointy or stabby, just bright. Once the lime chills - like 5 minutes - the patch is really coming through on me today but it's not a bad thing (as I once believed patchouli meant the end of all things - with Mara, that just isn't always so!) I think the amber, vanilla and sugar do give it a cake-y feel, but not as pound cake like as the Faise Cirton, more like white cake. The patch gives it this chewy and (kind of spicy?) character and the lime and raspberry are like a sweet icing - OHMYGOSH! - just like the description! Pink icing! How the HECK does she DO that????
  13. No Lemon Pledge to me, and yes, I first thought of the zippy lemon of MSC only this is more intense and over a very cake-y blanket
  14. NuTrix

    Ambrosial Summer

    A got a sample of this unexpectedly - thank you QG! Hehe, as he had sent some samples for my husband to try, I din't realize this was a woman's fragrance and had him try it. Um, needless to say, he said it was definately NOT for him - so OBVIOUSLY I claimed it...only to find it was a surprise for me and I just didn't know it It's fruiity and light and, like mentioned above, PERFECT for summer! I smell like a delicious tropical desert!
  15. Halo - I got the maple, but had to hunt for it a bit. It really is a bright lemon and deliciously decadant, dense cake! The patch grounds it I think the in the same way it compliments in Compromising Positions Not very forward or overbearing, just adds a bit of chewiness to it -YUM! Katz! Yes! Just like the picture!!!!
  16. NuTrix


    The almond and orange burn off quickly for me too - I LOVE that first burst out of the vile - SO YUM! And although it settles down to my nose, others seem to just love it when they notice it on me, so that "adoration of others" factor is sufficient for my pleasure
  17. YES! ^^^ That! I wear Lace for me! I do notice reactions in others though...maybe you were just having too much fun yourself to notice
  18. That's why I hesitate - but I keep thinking - how "Baaaaad" could it be? Some people get CB in spray, and BANG! so maybe I'll just go ahead and give it a whirl!
  19. UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, there is something in here that I not agreeing with my nose Now, my lovelies have not had the chance to rest from their travels so I refuse to pass judgment until I've properly tested. On: This is truly unique. I can pick out...leather, mostly I think because I've discovered I LOVE that note. This is blooming into something very exotic an lovely on me. It's at once earthy, foreign, familiar AND compelling all at the same time. In the vial I was thinking "not for me" but I am loving this with my chemistry. Like Katz mentioned above, I wonder if I could compel man beast to test it too.
  20. I think my nose is registering the green tea and apricot as "citrusy" in some fashion. It's very light/sheer and slightly sweet. Though I don't thin it will be a FB for me, it is a very pretty scent indeed! I like the sweetness it has without being sticky. Very nice indeed
  21. Just out of the mail! In the vial, Yum! Yes, it's fruity and sweet. On: loving the melons, apricot, coconut and vanilla. The magnolia is there underneath and the amber and patch are giving, what would clearly be an incredibly light scent, some depth. It's really pretty. I'm not crazy on the tropical fruit thing - like eating them more so than smelling like them - but this one is VERY nice.
  22. Just out of the mail! In the vial, really nice! Light, green, earthy (not dirt), like a day or walk in a garden. Totally get he rose stems, SO pretty and not pointy. Surprise like here! It's super light and fresh! Perfect for spring and summer - WOW. Could totally see getting this in a spray...
  23. Just out of the mail! In the vial, earthy comes to mind. Not like dirt or anything, I suppose it's the incense quality it's supposed to have that I'm getting? I think i's the red musk, black amber and patch all coming together. Will have to test more once it chills from it's journey
  24. I am fearing the cinnamon, but still eager to try - I just never know with LPs until I wear them! So I HAVE to try EVERYTHING! UPDATE! Just out of the mail! Apricot in the vial, fruity, sweet and light...will test more over the next couple days once it's settled. Cinnamon not front and center while in the vial at least...
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